March 21st, 2006 at 10:23 pm
OK, so I don't have any stairs to climb here.........can't possibly make any headway on the one step into the house at the front door! So, I'm going to start tracking my treadmill minutes here.... (I'm definately at minutes, not miles or half hours.....)
Today: 20 minutes!!! Yeah me! I got this treadmill on freecycle, so no money spent (wasted, if not used). But, I haven't started using it to hang clothes on yet.
Went to antique booth, still can't see any obvious holes where anything sizeable sold. Deposited money at the bank, found a branch of my bank just blocks from the antique mall. From now on, will group these two trips & walk between them instead of drive.
Used up a "found" sack of weed & feed from the previous owner ......on what could loosely be described as my front lawn. Some day it will be a lawn....
Took another handful of cuttings from the trimmings dumped in my front yard from the landscaping company; got them planted.....free shrubs!
Oh, so quiet here this week without my autistic young man. I'm getting to actually think about things; impossible to do with him here.
Turning off my water heaters when not in use has almost become a habit. Each time I add something like this to my day, I can almost see the money start to add up...........or not add up as the case may be.
Here's hoping I can make this treadmill deal with myself & actually get on the thing daily!!! Can't be that much harder than remembering to turn my water heaters off & on.
Posted in
March 21st, 2006 at 03:06 pm
Over the years, I've had my own little ministry, helping homeless men get back on their feet. I didn't start out trying to do this, but a phone call here, someone introduces me to someone.......conversations shed light on things; and next thing I know, there is someone either sleeping on my couch (only did that once) or there is an old trailer, camper or RV parked on the property. (have done this lots)
This morning, we've got a new "resident" .....the trailer came in after dark as I'm sure it isn't licensed or insured, sorta has that "look". It won't do anything for my property values, but I absolutely love doing this.
I'm again struck by how quickly lives can go sour and how small details become insurmountable. I watched the Oprah show yesterday, all about this same thing....poverty & homelessness in the US. Hopefully, "john" as I'll call him, will be able to catch up while staying here. I have so much that really doesn't cost a thing to share, and I get such a kick out of seeing someone head out on their own again. Not sure what all this gentleman can use/or needs, but we'll find that out as we go here. The thing that seems to be the biggest help is just the ability to use an address. That's an easy one. Next is the phone, although he has one........but minutes seem to be a problem. Food's always easy to share, we have plenty (and AH-HA.....he can help get the veggie garden planted!) I've also been peoples' banks, not in the loan business, but writing and mailing checks off for them, when they give me the cash. I forget how handy a checking account is and how difficult it might be to get a stamp, envelope and the money all in the same place. Little things, really simple things become huge hurdles and then just don't get done.....
Grateful here for all I have........and appreciating the ability I have to share it today!
Close to a no spend day, just using gas to get to my antique booth to add more treasures. I have no kids here til Friday, so this week will be the closest thing to a vacation I'm going to get for awhile. Enjoying the freedom of doing what I want, when I want and how I want.
Posted in
March 20th, 2006 at 03:49 pm
I'm still stuck on assets & liabilities after hearing whoever the author is of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.... His point about a home being a liability has really put me on a different track here, although that wasn't the point of his PBS program. I do see the basic problem, houses TAKE money. Seems like all the time!
I'm trying to come up with ways to make this one even out the equation, if just a little bit. I have always used my home as my job in a way, taking clients into my home and getting paid for it. Couldn't do it without the house.......so I'm probably not as far off the mark as it feels. Will continue to keep this idea in mind however; and try to come up with more ideas to MAKE $$$ with the house & property.
A no spend day today......staying home, eating off that same roast from Friday. (not to worry, I stuck chunks of it in the freezer) Soft tacos tonight with shredded beef, home canned salsa....even have a touch of sour cream left. Yum.
Trying to justify my house cleaner in my attempt to shave the expenses in preparation to quitting my job in June. I've still got this expense in the KEEP column........not much justification yet, other than I love having someone else clean my house ..........and hmmmm...he brings all his own supplies, so I don't need to purchase cleaning equipment or supplies??? I could switch to 2X a month, since the house won't be getting such a workout without the full time client here. Possible.
Love that it's Spring! Even looks like spring here, although it is 28 degrees this AM......supposed to be 55 today. Daffodils from the garden here on the desk, trees blooming......delightful.
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day
March 19th, 2006 at 03:01 pm
If change is truly good, I ought to be in great shape here. I have changed so many things in the past 48 hours and I can see God meeting me more than half way here.
I made a decision, started doing what I could do..........and voila, things are beginning to fall into place. Love it when that happens!!
One more call to make, cancelling the chicken coop project, the chickens were mostly entertainment & chores for the boys here. I never did consider them a money saver..........maybe we broke even. Eggs will be cheaper in the store. With the bird flu scare, my usual source to order the chicks has started having difficulties already with regulations, etc. Perhaps this is the right time to put this project on hold anyway. Will have the contractor finish the clothesline however, since that will save money for the rest of my stay here at this place.
The other adult that stays here (this is really a convoluted deal......she hasn't paid rent, let's call it subsidized housing) has given me cash towards expenses now, twice this week. Totals almost 1000. Nice........very nice. Now, to keep this regular, that will be the trick. Her income is rather hit and miss.
Also planning on speaking to one of the parents of my part time clients, letting him know I'm available for more hours, a different, creative plan for his son..... This is a private pay client, and money is truly no barrier to them. An area I plan to tap into. Better care for their son, less hassle for them and increased income for me. Win, win and win.
A no spend day here, up to 6 now for the month if I remember right. And, I did manage to get a picture posted on Craigs list, advertising the refrigerator in my living room. Posting pictures was a goal of mine, since I've got this unending supply of stuff I could sell....but pictures are imperative. So, did it once........TA DA!!
Listed 17 books online last night. Sure wish I had a crystal ball to know what other people are wanting to buy. Again, I have books that cross my path on a regular basis, no charge to me. Last night was an odd combo, some poetry, history, mystery and a couple coffee table type books. (the shipping on those might kill me, but I thought I'd see if there was an interest)
Very frugal couple of days food wise here. The roast, rice, gravy and brocolli from Friday has been transformed into a great meal of fried rice, another of stuffed acorn squash, a kettle of beef barley soup and for tonight, beef for soft tacos. Cooking a roast is like having someone fix the meals for the next couple days!! Comes out to pennies per serving too.......if I was any good at math, I'd figure it out!
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day
March 18th, 2006 at 04:15 pm
No, not the Better Business Bureau.......but the Bare Bones Bills. I just recalculated the expenses for me, to see what life will be like after June.
I come to $2,269. as the monthly bare bones, no frills total. This doesn't cover the 500. a month I've got coming out in auto deposits to savings/investments. Hmmmm... I'll aim for making 2800 monthly & see how that stacks up.
Income after June for me will be sparse to say the least. I will have 1125. that will remain the same. So, I need to aim for 1675 additional monthly income. Possible.
Sending out some emails today, making advance cuts to the expenses here, in preparation for the changes. Also sent emails last night re; placing commercial ads in local papers, which won't be finalized til Monday. If I can start up my other ventures now, and still have the other income from the current contract, things should be rather smooth.
Anxious for my meeting Wed with my tax preparer. I'm hoping to find out I don't owe more than I have set aside for this bill. I sold some real estate, bought another house, leased a house, switched jobs and closed out a business.......all in 2005...so I can't imagine how complicated this is going to be. I had asked the woman for an approx $$ amount to set aside & have it in a short term CD, just waiting to send off... Will miss seeing that total in my asset column here! But, the filing of this years taxes will signify the real end to the business so I can move on.
A no spend day, think I'm on my 5th now for March. THAT number will be going up with this new B.B.B. program!!!
Posted in
no $pending day
March 18th, 2006 at 05:26 am
I'm so angry after the inspection meeting here this AM. I am being written up for not adhering to policies I have never seen. When asked for the policy, the inspector couldn't give it to me, couldn't tell me where to get it.... One regulation is not even from the agency I work for, it's an L & I situation she said. Labor & Industries...now, why would I know I needed to comply with their rules....and which ones, pray tell?? Gads, this is going to make me a crazy person pretty darned quick. I have to wait now, for Wed & the exit interview.........which sounds dreadful.
Nothing about this morning was about the care given to this client of mine.... I will never understand busy work requirements in a social service field.
Anyway............my finances are uppermost on my mind. I had all I could do to restrain myself during the inspection. I wanted to get my keys & just leave. Call my bank, transfer money to some other country & never look back. (seriously, did think about it!!!)
I will be spending much of this week looking into other options re; a real job. Ack..........haven't had one of those for decades. Probably not even employable any longer. Creativity has been my middle name.......I'm changing it to my first name as of NOW. Thinking outside the box, going to brainstorm until I come up with an alternative. I will not do this inspection bit again.....plus, I can't envision how awful life will be after my little guy is out of school in June. Since he will be 21, he will be here 24/7 and I will be a certified crazy woman by July. Can't keep this up.
I have my list of all the bills that can be cut after my client is moved out. That will cut the amount of money I need to clear by hundreds. I am capable of living a bare bones lifestyle, prefer that actually....I'll come up with the new figures this coming week.
Driven to find a new path, it's amazing how much energy anger creates.
Posted in
March 17th, 2006 at 03:37 pm
I've got everything done that can be done for this inspection. All my records, bank statements, checkbook are laid out & waiting. The house is clean, the wood stove is lit, dinner is in the crockpot and dessert is baking. Time to sit down with a cup of tea and try to grab a bit of quiet. (hard to do with it being a no school day for us)
It's a no spend day here, my 4th for March. Usually, it would be the other way around.......4 days of spending! This inspection required some expenditures, the regulations didn't come until the 3rd so I didn't get a chance to spread them out or watch for a better deal. I can take them off my taxes next year however.
Still messing with my hot water tanks. I think tank #2 is in need of thermostats, but there was no way to get that accomplished before the meeting today. So, the circuit breakers are off and I'm running hot water for anything I can think of prior to 9AM.
After rounding up the savings accounts, sharebuilder and my mutual funds....I've moved up to depositing $400 a month in the combination. Each month I get a little more confident about raising that number...hoping to get back to my $650 where I was prior to the move in Oct. I've also worked out the monthly amount needed for real estate taxes needed in Oct...........think perhaps I'll use the ING account for that, since it is SO simple to transfer the funds from checking.
Time's up, cakes done.........and there wasn't any "quiet" here. Back to work, company coming for dinner and two young men staying overnight. I think I can find something to do. It's my Monday.......better get to work.
Posted in
no $pending day
March 17th, 2006 at 04:57 am
I finally received my first paid survey! A whopping $2.00 too. Good thing I can see the big picture here & am not counting on my survey income to support the household! (I did mention, just yesterday, that I was thinking of other ways to pay the bills here, come June!! Maybe surveys' are the answer??)
Listed 8 more books on half.com. Have approx 12 on now, have sold 1. Not a get rich quick deal either, better not count on this for June either??
Did get the first cash handed over re; the new rental payment plan I worked out here at the house. Pretty nice to see it so soon after we talked. This person has been staying here rent free for decades. Used to help instead of paying rent, but since Oct, no help AND no rent. Feels so much better to me with her paying her way, this could be something to offset the expenses now......and in June.
Rent for pasture late: Due on the 12th, tenant is out of town now til Monday....so payment will be a week late at least. This one is going to continue, these folks are HAPPY with the property & where their horses are, so I can feel OK about counting on their $$ each month, even if it isn't on time.
A no $pend day. Only my 3rd for the month. I did sign up for a Sharebuilder account, but the money won't come out of my bank until next week. I scheduled it to be withdrawn after all my checks come in for the month.
Posted in
March 16th, 2006 at 03:06 pm
OK, here's another life lesson for me. I had my visual last week about the snowball theory & paying down cc debt.......and just in case I wasn't a true believer about the emergency fund idea.......I've got a mysterious difficulty that involves plumbing AND electricity!!!! (which translates to $$$ and more $$$)
I've been trying to get our hot water tank #2 to give us 120 degree water for our inspection tomorrow, and I've got it down to 140 now. Still not passing. I have a plumber called, we're "on his list", not sure what that means, but I'm assuming he won't be here in time for all to be fixed for the inspection. I tried his suggestion of flipping the circuit breaker to the tank, but we've still got 140 at the faucets. Obviously, the thermostats on the tank are KaFlooie!
Last night, I discovered the power is out to a corner of the house. Flipped the switch on the elec. panel, thinking the water tank was wired with the bedroom/bathroom........but no. So, we are fine in the daytime, (thank goodness the inspector is coming at 9AM) but night time is "just like camping" according to my autistic kiddo.
Have an electrician called too. I'm just waiting for the preverbial 3rd thing to go wrong here! I'm grateful I've subscribed to the emergency fund for years, and have money stashed to get both of these pesky problems handled. Was even thinking about getting one of the new water heaters, the on demand deals. I've heard they are more spendy at first, but save down the road..........will look into that. But, if i'm just needing a thermostat, will just replace and put the money towards whatever re wiring or re do the circuit breakers....no idea what is wrong there. Just terribly coincidental that I was flipping switches yesterday and then poof, out the power goes to that same corner of the house.
Another thank you this AM......I appreciate the tips, thoughts and experiences of the rest of the list here. I have happy feet this morning; I took a tip from someone & bought boys socks. I've been buying mens socks for years so they last longer, but the fit was terrible. Duh! Boys socks!! My feet are thrilled! Thanks to those of you who mentioned this tip. During my days this week, I'm trying to be mindful of the things I do differently, habits that have changed, as well as things I do without. Just since joining in January of this year, I can really see/feel a difference in my daily routines here. Thanks much!!
Posted in
keeping track
March 15th, 2006 at 09:49 pm
Can't believe March is half over already.
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. Really drives home the need to save/invest early on.
Errand day for this week, spending what seemed like lots for me. Total was 90 something, but I did remember to use the 2 gift cards, so it was 80, and 20 of that was for someone else.......So my total wasn't as bad as it felt at the cash register. I truly am allergic to spending money I think. I took a list and was very good, got only items I had planned for. Couldn't even find one thing on my list, so saved some $$ there.
Made a bank deposit, had a small check as well as the cash that had been paid back, the bank balance was looking good enough I finally paid for the horse boarding policy. Who knew one needed a special policy for this?? It's only an annual thing, and the tenants monthly rent is covering the insurance, but it was a sizeable chunk out of my account today.
Doing some deep soul searching after a long talk with my mom yesterday. I have a change coming up in June, my autistic young man will no longer be in school.... This will mean no free time, or down time for me AT ALL. I can tell by the way I'm longing for respite time now, that by June I'm not going to be able to cope with this as a full time deal. So......that means finding a job....e-gads! Or, making this place make money somehow, or as my mom suggested, investing some money of hers that will be coming my direction when she dies (awful thought) so there is a monthly income. Deep thought needed. Creative thinking needed. Good thing I have a few days off next week, going to spend it with mom, visiting, helping out at her new place .........and brainstorming about how to move on to something new & different in June.
Posted in
March 15th, 2006 at 04:28 am
I did it. Had the conversation I had been putting off since the move in Oct. I have an adult that lives in my home & the agreement was always she would help with expenses. It has got so loose, there was no help at all lately.
I now have the opposite problem, she is giving me her money to manage. Truly, she isn't good at this, is on a govt. disability, so there isn't much to manage anyway. But, I'm going to take the offer as it stands. It will make me less resentful, she might understand it takes money for her to stay here.........and the money will help pay the household expenses. During our conversation, she handed me $300. & said it was the 2nd half of her car insurance. (We have ours together, as it makes me qualify for a multiple vehicle discount.)With me handling her money, I can budget the payment & hold it, so she doesn't fritter it away on fast food; her major expense in life.
I also challenged her to come up with some creative ways to use the property & buildings here to turn this into an asset, instead of the liability it is.
So, my tough money subjects I have committed to dealing with are slowly getting handled. Only one more to go!
Feels good to be making progress on this catagory, Money Owed Me! I spend so much energy working up the guts to have these conversations........I wonder if any of these people think twice about the outstanding amounts & the agreements we have?
Did a new thing for me today; I bid (& won) on some yarn on Ebay. Nice price, including shipping. I think this will be my new way to shop for yarn, cheaper even than online or catalogs.
I'm also trying to figure out how to get pictures posted on line; I've got some items to list, but they really need a picture. So far, all I can do is email the picture to anyone that is interested. I've had this on my TO DO list now for as long as I've had my new camera!!! Feeling old & behind the times tonight!!!
Posted in
$ IN
March 14th, 2006 at 03:20 pm
---------and leave the rest. That's the method I use when reading/learning about anything. I was reading some differing opinions about Dave Ramsey's money makeover program (which I just listened to) and dug deeper as to why I liked.......loved it.
I loved the humor first of all. And, he did seem to practice what he preached.
But, I'm not doing everything exactly like he says. I can see the big picture, so I don't need the immeadiate gratification of paying of the smallest balances. The snowball method makes more sense to me, (especially after my burn pile visual this past week) as does getting all the bills on zero interest.
I still love getting my brain working by listening to others points of view, and that certainly doesn't mean I swallow all they have to say. Sometimes, it is just a tiny morsel that sticks in my brain to remind me at a later date.....
Bottom line, I still loved the book. The attitude he had is what I took from listening to it.
On another note, I had a negative experience at a chain restaurant last month. It was just a minor deal, but I came home, found the website & let them know of my experience. Got a nice phone call last night from the district mgr, apologizing, asking for more details so he could follow up and 2 VIP comp breakfast vouchers. Pretty nice, considering I hadn't eaten when we went, I had just purchased breakfast for my autistic young man.
I confess, I'm thinking about the negative these days........ , not so much that it colors my world, but I AM going to be more diligent about mentioning both the bad and the exceptional when I do pay for something. (not spending really cuts down these opportunities!!)
Off to a No Spend day here.........enjoying the beginnings of spring.
Posted in
no $pending day
March 14th, 2006 at 02:04 am
The #2 hot water tank feeds supplies the 2 bathrooms in the bedroom end of the house........#1 tank takes care of the laundry, kitchen & another bath.... In preparation for my annual license inspection here; I was testing the temp of the water from #2 & found it registers a tad over 150 degrees! Yikes. I had no idea it was that hot. Talk about a waste of money. Now, I can't seem to get it regulated any cooler. Even after showers today, it remains at 150 or above. The thermostat on the heater says 110. Have a couple more days to mess with it, but I need it to read 120 on Friday for the inspection.
I should be getting another small paycheck this evening.....but I paid out 50% of the labor for the carpenter putting up the coop & clothesline, still money to the plus side however.
Spent the day fine tuning the house for the inspection. Cleaned places that haven't been touched since we moved in, packed some things away so they could be locked up, and generally looked at the place through a strangers eyes. We have a dog and cats & it looked like we were covered in fur. I just get used to it, some gets cleaned up each week......but I love my animals more than a spotless house. We'll see how we fair at the exit interview. My job depends on this license, so we need to pass with flying colors.
Getting a glass of wine & putting my feet up for the evening.
Posted in
$ OUT,
$ IN
March 12th, 2006 at 11:43 pm
As if I needed a visual to really "get" the snowball theory to pay down debt........ The kids & I were outside at the burn pile & leaning on my pitchfork, I could visualize the credit cards as the big piles of stuff that needed to be burned. We were all working on our own at first, then throwing caution to the wind, I asked for the boys to work on one pile with me. We finished that in short order. Moved on to the next, etc. We're almost through 3 huge piles of branches that weren't showing any progress with all of us working on different piles at the same time. The kids weren't the least impressed, but it was a pretty neat visual for me. (I have been doing this method on the cc's but this was just fun to ponder while out baby sitting the fire)
Posted in
March 12th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
I've been spending more than saving this month, here it is the 12th and I'm only on Day #2. Yikes. Have to buckle down on the second half of the month!
I listened to the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover CD's yesterday & got myself so jazzed up, I can hardly wait to cross his steps off. What a motivation! I need to reserve it from the library on a regular basis, just to keep the excitement up.
The highest CC has now been paid off, and actually closed. I thought to leave it open, but realized it had an annual fee, so closed it is. I paid the total monthly charges on my cc I use for online purchases yesterday.......that felt good to have it in order too. I also sent in for a trial offer, $10.00 credited to my account for 30 days of some anti theft program.......Promptly logged that into my To Be Cancelled list!
Yesterdays mail included 3 more samples.....even with sharing these with my sons' care box, we are benefiting from the free items. My dishwasher is running with free soap, the washer is on, again- free soap, I've got 3 free magazines to read today and I've used the free treatment to "prevent damage that causes aging". All for free! I'll be clean, wrinkle free & well read by this evening!
Heading outside to get some free exercise, otherwise known as yard work here. Free is definately my favorite 4 letter word......followed closely by-
Posted in
March 11th, 2006 at 03:27 pm
I love details.........and organization.........but I'm overwhelmed with the paperwork this week. I've got my annual state inspection for my license this Fri and then Tue & Wed of next week....in addition to my appt on Wed for my taxes. I'm working on the license bit first, since after the first meeting on Friday, the rest are more like exit interviews....so, I'll work on collecting the paperwork/documentation for the tax meeting over the week end.
I didn't get to choose the scheduling for these, which is probably making me a tad more negative.
The tax meeting will be one more hurdle to cross re; the closure of the business last year. Can't wait til all the hurdles are in my past.
Success yesterday.......the largest rent check was in my mailbox.....on the day it was due! My reminder emails/FAX and voice mails worked; I think it was the bcc to the exec dir that actually made the system work. Either way, the money was on time. Nice, finally. I was getting tired of the excuse that they didn't get paid on time, so then their check was late. Too bad, figure out a different system.....
Deposited the 2 checks I had yesterday & did get my haircut. Also forgot to use the Target gift cards, just not a shopping person.....plus I had my autistic young man with me; so I should be glad I got home with the items on my list....(and absolutely nothing else!)
Just forgot to use the free money......I need to remember to write FREE MONEY on the list next time, maybe that would help?
Spending just $15.00 today.....It's helper day here......the young man I've hired to spend 3 hours with my autistic kiddo comes this morning, so I get a little reprieve. Enjoying this, the boys are still pretty shy, there isn't much interaction, but I get a break and that is what the goal was in the first place. Now, I just need to clone this kid and pull someone in a couple days after school too.
Home made clam chowder for dinner tonight.....it's freezing here, so that should be a good choice. We've got everything it takes, (but I never start out to cook something that I am missing parts for....) I'm not one to know how much a recipe costs, but this has got to be pretty darned cheap. I buy the bacon in bulk, use dried milk, have the clams in the freezer and using up potatoes that are at the bottom of my bin..... I'll make a huge pot too, so it will cover us for lunches tomorrow too. Aiming for a soup meal at least weekly here.
Got 2 samples in the mail yesterday; each time I say thank you to those of you who kindly post the addresses here.
Each offer individually, doesn't seem like much, but I've begun to see that I can run my dishwasher this week for free, wash clothes for a couple weeks also free in addition to the benefits that add up from each days new goodies in the mail. ( I should be looking years younger soon too......due to all the creams/lotions I've received ) 
Enough here, back to collecting documents and organizing paperwork. I'll put on my CD I got from the library yesterday (Dave Ramseys, Total Money Makeover) & maybe it will make the job less of a job.
Posted in
all things food,
$ OUT,
March 10th, 2006 at 05:23 pm
For someone who isn't a "shopper" by nature, I'm sure racking up the days where the money is flowing OUT rather than IN. Off to run errands today, so using gas and getting my hair cut. (I cut everyone elses hair, but can't do my own....drat)
Decided not to make a bank deposit, since I'll need the cash to pay the guy putting up the chicken coop & clothesline.......lumber delivered today & the job starts on Monday. He will want half that day, so I might as well save out the money & not have to run to town on Monday too.
I am going to use my gift cards at Target(insider pages), to get blank tapes for the VCR. My autistic young man doesn't watch much TV, but what he is hooked on, I tape for him if he is not here. Saves meltdowns, so the tapes are a GREAT investment. I had finally run out of tapes to tape over.....and he isn't willing to let me tape over any of his collection.
The largest rent check is due today, but these tenants have never paid on time, nor have they included the late fees. I did call & email a reminder to them this week, to see if I could get this on track. It's such an odd house, I would have difficulty renting it to normal people.......and I like that the house is being used for autistic kids. But, I would still love to be able to count on the income by a certain day each month. I only have one check that I can really count on, and that isn't a specific date either, but it does arrive the first couple days of the month.
I watched a PBS program by the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Great ideas......has caused me to really think about my home. He puts homes in the liability category, since they TAKE money, not MAKE money. Makes sense to me. I have tried to turn my homes into money makers, and they do add some......but they are also my biggest expense. He advocates making money, not saving money........at least that was my simplistic take on it.
Posted in
$ OUT,
March 9th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
I'm certainly re thinking my negative reaction to all these items. Today I received my gift cards to Target for completing the reviews at InsiderPages. Very nice, quick and uncomplicated enough even for me!
I've continued to sign up for others, as well as checking the free offers daily.
I did sign up for the survey sites, but haven't been contacted yet.....and I can't win that Coke contest either! I don't even drink Coke & this is bothering me........go figure!
I called BOA to request the credit on my CC be sent to me. I actually had to laugh at the guy, he had such a surprised response, said something like "send it to you??" His tone was priceless........ Obviously, not something that comes up frequently for him. Anyway, the checks in the mail.
Also got a rent check today, so adding the bank to my errand list for tomorrow. (anyone else run out of deposit slips way before using up all the checks in a book??........I love that!!)
Posted in
March 9th, 2006 at 06:29 pm
I've got the van packed full and I'm going to head to the antique booth. With luck, there will be big gaping holes where stuff has sold...... Wishful thinking for the first week I'll bet.
Taking cash from yesterdays funds I was re paid & putting it in the bank. Checked accounts on line this AM, need to stay on top of that. With everything on line, this old dog needs to remember things aren't going to be in actual piles on my desk.
I got a statement from the cc acct. I had paid off last month. Now, there is a credit of $29.50 on it! Does anyone else think this isn't an accident? If I wasn't pig headed and want that money......I'd probably start using the card again for something approx that amount. I'll call today & see about getting that refunded. I'm not going to use the account again (interest way too high, set up by sister for the old business........nasty situation), but as I've learned here, it isn't always best to close the account.
Just the gas used for spending today.......all meals here, per usual habits. Steak, roasted potatoes, green salad & steamed brocolli this evening.
I'm grateful for my organizational skills, as I gather necessary items for the state inspection next Friday. Most everything has been easy to locate, my stacks of things for review are growing here. I should be able to drown these inspectors in paper!! I am grateful this is only an annual deal...I can't wait til it is over. Stuff like this makes me a tad crazy, I'm not happy unless I get a clear inspection. Getting called on something makes me cranky! I've got the eval. form, so there is no good reason I will have anything out of line......unless the state sticks something new in. (they did that last year, requiring barriers for CPR....I've got one now!!)
Posted in
March 8th, 2006 at 05:31 pm
I just found a small stash of PC games (one new even) that we don't use at all........so started to list them on half.com. Came to a halt, when I keep getting a note to enter the proper UPC code? I'm doing just that........ the number is now etched in my brain, but not coming up as a valid UPC. Anyone have pointers for me on this??
I followed up with my CC company & found out the nasty co. that has been calling for payment had already charged my account. I am going to save their FAX from yesterday demanding the same payment again, by check. I have the record now of closing the account, but I'm paranoid re; things like this. I haven't had anything even close to this in my life for decades. Gave up the husband person and magically, the money difficulties never returned.
Spending like crazy today; it's cleaning day here, so I'll pay for my month of that service, in addition to paying him for cleaning my moms house this month too. The building supplies get delivered today for the chicken coop and clothesline projects ....Yeah! Finally!
So, will need to write checks for that too.
My state inspection has been moved up to the 17th, so I'm working hard on getting all the little details finished up here. There will be expenses for this too; I plan to get one more fire extinguisher prior to the 17th. I will wait & just take notes on what the state needs me to change/add........rather than going overboard on things I might not have to do. First time being licensed as an adult facility, I hear it is different than foster care licensing......so I'll be learning new regs & requirements. The only fun part to this will be watching the 3 inspectors try to get any info from the autistic young man that lives here! I know he won't talk to them, nor will he understand their questions.
Expecting snow here today & tomorrow, so I'm holding off on taking my new load of goodies to the antique booth. Anxious to get more in the space, as well as see if anything sold. I'm hoping people just won't be able to live without the things I'm selling!
Baking a couple loaves of my Friendship Bread this afternoon, first time for this starter. I decided to get better at providing home made snacks here......so it's apple cinnamon and a choc chip for this afternoon. Should smell yummy right about school bus time!
Posted in
all things food,
$ OUT,
March 7th, 2006 at 02:08 pm
Here it is the 7th already and I'm racking up my first No Spend Day. I usually have a couple in a row, regularly......but not this month. Staying home today, entertaining a string of contractors re; the bids for the remodel. Still only 1 bid in hand.
Added another item to my own TO DO list here; learn how to post pictures onto the web. I've done it a couple times, but so infrequently, it still baffles me. I've got things to sell, all would benefit from a photo.
Got the stack of new books posted on Half. Also shipped my first sold book yesterday. Had to buy a mailer, but found a case of free ones for future sales.
Can't wait til March & April are over.......I seem to have a grouping of large, negative type things on the calendar; annual licensing inspection of the home & all my paperwork, income tax meeting in March, and property taxes due in april. ICK to all of them.
Looking forward to having all these behind me and being able to work on the outside of this house as well as get the garden going.
Painting small pieces of furniture, shelves, etc for the antique booth, my tool to increase the $$$ in the $20.00 Challenge. Hoping to have a van full before the end of the week to make another trip to fill up the booth.
Collected $300. from my tenant. I had forgotten she owed me. We have our car insurance together & I paid the full premium (to get the cheaper price). The payment was a surprise to me, one that I now have cash and two, she remembered she owes for her insurance. I will do this differently for next year.
I also called, faxed and emailed the 3 different people with the company that is leasing a house from me. They have not been on time with the rent since they moved in there in Oct. Rent is due this week, let's see if my reminders help get it paid on time. I bcc'd the email to the exec. dir. She has been the only person who seems to communicate honestly with me. I hate being a landlord....need to find another way to handle this property long term. This way makes me crazy.
The bill I charged to my credit card yesterday............apparently didn't happen. The nasty company that is owed, faxed me today, asking that I sign their form & return it with my check. I checked the account, it is one of my new ones with zero interest.......and since I have been paying huge extra payments on it, there is no reason the charge shouldn't have gone through. Even when I thought I could make this just GO AWAY, I can't. I will call in the AM. I want this solved, so I can start to forget the entire experience. YUK.
So, there was good & bad today........hate it when it feels like the bad is winning!
Posted in
March 6th, 2006 at 10:00 pm
I have just assumed some more debt on my cc. Can't think of another way to handle this situation. But, I'm screaming mad; at my sister, at my stupidity, name it, I'm just mad.
I had a business that I stepped out of, leaving it for my sister. She has not been paying her bills. One of them has gone to collection, and she didn't change the name. So, they have been phoning me non stop for a few weeks now. I wrote to them, asking for all communication to be in writing, they didn't honor that. I'm just ticked. It got so I didn't answer the phone, just let the calls go to voice mail.
Anyway, I just put the balance of the bill on my cc, $1300.87 further in the red.
One bit that makes it feel less negative, is the total of the bills I'm paying that are truly hers are coming out of the money that would be hers after our mom dies. Maudlin, but fact. Mom is just as ticked at dtr #2 for this & has changed the will, ammended the trust and has begun to make decisions about properties she was going to have my sister & I divide.
Feeling better having just unloaded here, told mom too, so the total owed by dtr #2 has been adjusted........again.
Also just had finance talk #3 here with tenant. Reminded her of loan, discussed paying me back. Positive outcome. Listing some huge things for her on Craigs list that would more than cover my amount.
Ranting over. Back to normal day here, and looking forward to being able to answer my phone!
Posted in
March 6th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
By a couple of my kids schedule changes, I ended up with the afternoon & evening off yesterday! This doesn't happen unless all the planets are aligned & I've been living right! I called my mom & headed to her place to check out all the work she has done on her new place. Then, we headed out to dinner, she paid!! Visited until I had to leave to pick up one of the kids at the train station..........but it was great to see her. Since I moved a bit further away, we just haven't connected as much. Talk on the phone more than daily however!
I have all day free today too, the young man that is usually here wasn't able to come this week, so I've actually got alone time! My list of what to do is getting longer, not sure I can accomplish it all today!
One paycheck came in, so banking is on the list........as well as getting my first book that sold mailed off.
Would love some advice from those of you that sell books on Half.com.....how best to package these?? Ideas? Suggestions?
I am inspired by all the posts here re; weight loss.........I'm throwing my hat in the ring and going to begin making some changes in this regard. I picked up a treadmill on freecycle, it's time I began to use it daily. It would definately be cheaper to be able to wear the clothing I have, rather than needing to buy a bigger size.........which is the crossroad I'm at right now.
Gardened this week end, the huge box of strawberry plants are now an organized patch....and I know more plants are coming. (need to clear another patch of ground) Got at least half the trees in the ground, (approx 70) we look like a nursery in some areas outside. One more bucket of little trees to get in the ground.........
Keeping to my plan of sending for at least 2 freebies a day...it is sure starting to pay off. Got a very nice clock on Sat, added it to my care box for my son.
Off to tackle my TO DO list here, as well as get another stack of books listed at half.com. As everyone else is off to their Mondays.........I'm enjoying what is my version of a week end!
Posted in
$ IN
March 5th, 2006 at 05:52 pm
Yes, I have had to cross one item off my Feb goals list........I can't do it. The outdoor light fixtures won't take a new energy efficient light bulb. Tried several kinds, they are just too big at the base. I will look for new fixtures; but not soon. This would be a good item to use the Lowes gift card for, when it comes! This has also reminded me to think of these bulbs when picking out fixtures for the upcoming remodel. Again........planning.......the key to saving money I think.
My freecycle fabric I got yesterday is fantastic. Worth at least $20.00 per yard & I've got 2 bolts of it!! Enough to do some sort of decorating project here at the house. Plus another bolt that isn't really fantastic at all; but I don't have a current stash of what I call my ugly fabric. I've got 100+ yards of this, so I can afford to whip something up in this, to see if it works, make changes and then move on to good fabric. Definately worth the trip to pick up~ Freecycle beats a store, any day!
Mail Call: I've noticed a big difference in the mail here lately. We get a free something or other almost every day, as well as an offer of some sort too. Before S/A, I would have tossed them, unread. I've pulled the 2 out and have them on the desk, one for free address labels from the Welcome Wagon Co, since we've moved......and the other for a $10.00 credit to my CC for a trial memb in Privacy Source Service. I wonder how much money I've tossed in the trash??
Plan to list another stack of books on Half.com today. I think they're good, now, let's see if someone else thinks so.
I made a "starter" for Amish friendship bread this week end. I used to have one going all the time so I could whip up a couple loaves of quick bread for desserts/ snacks/ breakfasts as well as gifts. Got out of the habit, but in another couple days, this will be ready to go. An easy way to make cheap goodies, much better than buying muffins, snacks, etc.
Off to my day, looking forward to tomorrow, which is my Friday!!
Posted in
March 4th, 2006 at 03:21 pm
Exciting little things are beginning to happen from the work I've put in already as well as just being WAY more attentive to my money in general.
I received my first notice a book I listed on half.com SOLD! Too fun. I have an unlimited source of free to me books, although not all are in great shape. The ones I've listed are New!
I applied for another gift card, thinking I have got this canceling thing down pat now.....I hope.
I thought I should update my Paypal account, with the new address, etc.......& was surprised to find $150. in the account. I had forgotten about getting paid for an auction item!!! Requested they put the money in the interest acct, and just left it there.
I will be spending a tad today, I pay a 14yo boy to help with my autistic kiddo on Saturdays........ My guy is on a weekend with his mom, so the 14yo & I are going to plant trees. A good $15.00 spent, since I've got over 100 seedlings to get in the ground.
Also using gas, but I'm picking up a van load of free fabric (freecycle), so it should even itself out eventually.
I got blessed with a huge box of strawberry plants today.... Free things are so exciting! That will make the berries taste even better!!
Paychecks start coming in tomorrow, I'm anxious to get another round of payments on the CC's, being mindful of saving out enough for the property taxes in April....2 months to go to round up enough for this bill. I had thought it was going to come out of the money set aside for the remodel, but with that bid so high........I'm going to need to save more &/or get a lower bid.
Advertised on Craigs list for bids, got one guy to answer & he actually came the same day! Let's hope he gets back to me.
I got my utility bill yesterday, & figured out I'm paying $3.36 per day for electricity. Covers lights & the pump, we don't have elec heat. They won't lower my average payment until I've been here a year & can prove I won't have spikes in my use. Wait til they see the bill next month........I've been hyper careful here.
Posted in
$ OUT,
$ IN
March 2nd, 2006 at 09:29 pm
Finally totalled up the costs here at the new house;
mortgage: 1449.
taxes: 170.
insurance; 62.
electricity: 150.
cleaning; 300.
cable/phone/net 166.
netflix 20.
For a total of 2,317.
I've taken the huge bills (taxes especially) and divided them up so I can be putting money aside monthly.
The income is a tad variable, so I'm using the lowest number I've received since starting this new position in Oct 05
Income monthly: 6,565.
Even with my poor math skills, I can see my way clear to fund the IRA, as well as the other financial goals here. In addition, I will be able to continue making improvements on this place, increasing its' value during my stint as owner.
As I was writing this, the FAX came in with the first bid for the bedroom remodel. Just the labor is 29,000. Yikes. Numbers are funny to me, I can't ever get a good "read" on them. I have this much put away for the project, but I was blown away to see the actual number on the bid. And, since this is labor only, the cost of the fixtures, windows, etc are going to put the number quite a bit higher. I'm insanely jealous of those of you who can do this work on your own. I'm doing as much of this as I can, handling most of the demo and then doing all the painting and making my own window coverings, bedding, etc. I am waiting on another bid, but I expect it to be much higher than this one. Having trouble getting companies to bid this, remodel, small, don't know what the difficulty is. Makes me go off on another tangent; I can't stand to hear of people not being able to work, and I can't find someone TO work. Doesn't seem to make sense.
I did round up my receipts from the last couple days & have a simple filing system here set up. Hoping to keep track of monthly cash expenses.......the uncategorized stuff that I've never tracked.
Returning socks I bought.........not the right kind. I will be getting others, so the dollars should stay even. Then, off to pick up my plants from the annual county conservation plant sale. A great cheap way to add to my yard. Also getting the rain barrel "kit" to hook up to a downspout so I've got water in case the pump is out. All these have been paid for months ago, so no added money out today.
Enough rambling.......I can really tell I have no adults to talk with here at my house. The autistic ramblings around me tend to make me use this journal to get my thoughts collected. Congratulations to any of you who made it all the way to the end!!!
Posted in
keeping track
March 2nd, 2006 at 06:21 pm
I can see the bulk of any spending I do these days is in the catagory of saving..........if I look at the big picture and long term gains. I got my lightbulbs exchanged today (hopefully, they will fit the fixture) and I ended up buying 3 more bulbs for the rest of the fixtures. Small expense in the scope of things, but money OUT...in any case. But, now I have completed one of my goals (granted it was Jan, then Feb and now it's done......speed isn't my problem here) and have all the outdoor lighting on low energy bulbs. TA DA!!
I started off my morning, joining all commuters as I headed to a meeting for interested folks in my county; Topic: affordable housing for all. Had to pay $10.00 for a mediocre breakfast, but enjoyed the speaker more than $10.00 worth. Much "food" for thought this AM, left me pondering many things including need vs want, Americans need to be the best, have the most and convince everyone else in the world our way is THE WAY.
I've got some uninterrupted hours today, planning on spending them getting another load of items ready for the antique challenge of mine. Since I haven't been in this mall before, it is going to take a few months before I know what sells. The top seller in my previous space was run of the mill little pieces of furniture, painted a neutral beige/pink. Couldn't keep them in there..........as fast as the paint dried, I was hauling a van full to town. Hope that is still the rage, as I've got a little line up of odd tables, etc to paint.
I might try tracking my spending this month, that comes from cash in my pocket. I've not paid much attention to this, but I can keep a pocket full of money longer than most people I think! So, spending isn't the issue, it's a remembering thing, will I take the receipts & record them?? Since I'm only on the 2nd, I might be able to get this going.........Seeing peoples listing of expenses here has triggered an interest in my own day to day out of pocket expenditures. Thanks to those of you who post monthly/daily or weekly totals. You inspire me.
Two more samples to add to my Care Box project. It's actually beginning to take shape! Again, thanks to all of you who post the free offers, I don't understand exactly how this works here, but I see several of you posting regularly.
Posted in
no $pending day
March 1st, 2006 at 09:05 pm
Hauled a van full of treasures to the antique mall & set my wares up today! I forget how big the spaces are & how much it takes to make it look full. When I've got the things here, cleaning, pricing and packing them, they seem to fill the house! My poor little booth; I spread things out and it is still sparse. I'll work at getting another van load ready at least weekly, hopefully 2X a week for this first month. This mall is smaller than the one I was in a few years ago & further off the highway; so I've not set my hopes too high. I would love to make rent & not be paying for this experience.
I've been here at the new place long enough now, I am going to figure out the monthly expenses so I have a frame of reference. I can see the costs here are definately less than the other home, so I will have extra each month to save & invest. It felt like it, but I'm now getting it in black & white.
I received 2 of the free samples I've begun to send for. One is perishable, so will add to the snack bin, the other will work great in my care box I'm assembling for my son. Since I'm no longer giving money to this young man, the freebies are going to be it. Hopefully, by summer I'll have an interesting collection of things that really will be helpful to someone starting out from scratch with nothing. My mom is now participating in this project with me; she isn't doing the money thing either.........we've both learned our lesson the hard way.
The horses were all out again this AM.....the fencing had been unhooked, obviously by a 2 legged "animal" again. Frustrating since I can't think of anything else to do so this doesn't keep happening. I'm cured, my chihuahua is about all the animal I can handle right now!
Bought stamps and mailed a package to a starving student friend of mine, plus paid the first months rent on the mall space, so it was a spending kind of day. Plus the gas it took to get around today.....
It's Wed, so my house is sparkling clean. While I was gone this AM, my cleaner guy was here & worked his magic with my very dirty house. (getting ready for the antique booth is messy business) I have hired him to clean my moms house too, starting next week. I'm not able to help her as much as I'd like, so this will be good. It truly was a Christmas present, but her move in took longer than expected. Now she can have a sparkling clean house too! It's one of my favorite things these days!
Just got an email from Insider pages, my reviews had all been approved, so 2 $5.00 gift cards are in the mail they said. Too easy! Too fun!! If there are no exp dates, I can add these to my care box for my son! Thanks to all of you that post the freebie section, I would never have known about this offer otherwise.
Posted in
February 28th, 2006 at 05:28 pm
I have been working hard to come up with some things I've finished towards my Feb goals.........I don't know what I did the first 3 weeks of the month! Sit around I guess. 
Feb Goals:
Order seeds for this years garden on line Did it (just yesterday)
Set up the IRA: Not done
I finally got the 3 outdoor light fixtures off, so I can replace the bulbs, again, just yesterday! I'm about 2 days away from completing the outdoor lighting goal, to have it all energy efficient.
I've contacted 2 of the 4 people that owe me money. Hard for me to do & yes, did it just yesterday
Begin advertising my sewing/knitting business; Did this, however, not swamped with new clients yet.
I did sell the wood stove but I'm still the proud owner of an extra fridge, currently in the living room.
I did complete the 3 online bank accounts for the Daily Challenge, seemed like this took forever, but it's all finished.
I have paid off one CC, and the other 2 are now 0% interest.
I know none of these things are going to make an overnight difference in my finances...........But, the switch in my attitude has been nothing short of amazing. I believe the biggest tool is the daily blogging and the reading I do here about other peoples struggles and achievements with their funds. I feel so accountable to both.......writing and reading on a daily basis, much more so than if I was just journaling on my own.
So, in the name of progress.........I will try to round up some of the details that I've still got here & call them my March Goals:
-Meet with contractors & decide what to do with the apparent dead duck furnace here
-Start seeds indoors for the garden project
-Pay for laborers to meet me at the other house to dig up plants. The labor costs will be less than purchasing new plants for this place & the renters aren't going to know a perinneal from a weed!
-Open up my booth at the antique mall (starts tomorrow), commit to actively working this angle to make money for the $20.00 challenge.
I found a free pizza coupon in my daytimer, expires today, so it's pizza for dinner tonight. Another thing I need to do, is file these coupons so I don't waste them! Will be buying fabric this trip to town, to finish up a childs rocker for the antique booth. All the bills are up to date, although I've mentioned how close I cut things this month. I realized it was not just because I paid extra on the CC's but that I paid cash for the new wood stove, the kitchen floor and the 2 new doors. I filed my receipts from this last month and it became clear the money didn't just disappear! I made some solid improvements to this new to me place!
On to March.........anxious to read everyone's steps towards being in control of our finances.
Posted in
February 27th, 2006 at 06:05 pm
Trying to fit in a banking run between interviewing contractors again. I've got the rental check (finally) that needs to go in along with the cash for the stove. (the fridge appt. didn't happen yesterday, she said it would be today for sure----crossing fingers).
Made one call to the tenant, couldn't reach her, will try emailing the exec dir of the program, she is more responsive, but not involved in the finances. But, it is a step for me.
Haven't done any of the other contacts either re; monies owed me. Horrible on this. The most I did is locate the blog of one person, he is working now, so that is a good sign. Have 2 others to still deal with too. March goals perhaps? If the money all came in, it would be just a little over $7000, so it is worth me getting the lead out here.
The rental bit is not an increase, other than the agreement we signed included a daily late fee, which they have never paid. And, they have never paid on time. I am a lousy landlord. If I really didn't need all the monies from the rental to cover costs of the other house, I would turn this account over to a mgmt firm.
It's a no spend day here, meals are all done, thanks to the bulk cooking session yesterday. I still have some packaging to do today too; "banked" 6 meals for the freezer, in addition to the meal for tonight. Easy way to get ahead on my cooking chores..........prep while I'm already cooking one meal, if I have to be in the kitchen, I want to make my time count!
After closely monitoring my spending since joining here; I've discovered my largest expense in the loosely labeled Misc catagory is gifts for others. I really enjoy this, so don't plan to quit. I am extremely frugal with this too, shopping for best deals, etc.. And, I rarely give a Thing......but a service or experience. I have no other vices or expensive habits, so plan to continue this as it is too fun to surprise someone, or better yet, gift them anonomously.
Found out the horses that are boarding here, were let out by someone messing with my fencing. We couldn't find a break in the fence anywhere, but did find all 3 hot wires unhooked at the insulators & laid back so the horses could just walk out. I have no plan or ideas for a plan as to how to counteract this sort of nastiness. We're going to wire the spot closed, so they will need wire cutters to do the same deed again. The horses are moved to the back of the property for a week or so.......but who in the world would do this?? And, it has messed with my naive little view of my corner of the world here.... which I am totally ticked off about. I'm on a dead end street, no teenagers, 6 other homes, all but one retired couples or singles. Makes me want to move further out in the bushes!
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day