---------and leave the rest. That's the method I use when reading/learning about anything. I was reading some differing opinions about Dave Ramsey's money makeover program (which I just listened to) and dug deeper as to why I liked.......loved it.
I loved the humor first of all. And, he did seem to practice what he preached.
But, I'm not doing everything exactly like he says. I can see the big picture, so I don't need the immeadiate gratification of paying of the smallest balances. The snowball method makes more sense to me, (especially after my burn pile visual this past week) as does getting all the bills on zero interest.
I still love getting my brain working by listening to others points of view, and that certainly doesn't mean I swallow all they have to say. Sometimes, it is just a tiny morsel that sticks in my brain to remind me at a later date.....
Bottom line, I still loved the book. The attitude he had is what I took from listening to it.
On another note, I had a negative experience at a chain restaurant last month. It was just a minor deal, but I came home, found the website & let them know of my experience. Got a nice phone call last night from the district mgr, apologizing, asking for more details so he could follow up and 2 VIP comp breakfast vouchers. Pretty nice, considering I hadn't eaten when we went, I had just purchased breakfast for my autistic young man.
I confess, I'm thinking about the negative these days........, not so much that it colors my world, but I AM going to be more diligent about mentioning both the bad and the exceptional when I do pay for something. (not spending really cuts down these opportunities!!)
Off to a No Spend day here.........enjoying the beginnings of spring.
Take what you like--------
March 14th, 2006 at 03:20 pm
March 15th, 2006 at 02:09 am 1142388549