Home > No Spend Day #2

No Spend Day #2

March 12th, 2006 at 06:06 pm

I've been spending more than saving this month, here it is the 12th and I'm only on Day #2. Yikes. Have to buckle down on the second half of the month!
I listened to the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover CD's yesterday & got myself so jazzed up, I can hardly wait to cross his steps off. What a motivation! I need to reserve it from the library on a regular basis, just to keep the excitement up.

The highest CC has now been paid off, and actually closed. I thought to leave it open, but realized it had an annual fee, so closed it is. I paid the total monthly charges on my cc I use for online purchases yesterday.......that felt good to have it in order too. I also sent in for a trial offer, $10.00 credited to my account for 30 days of some anti theft program.......Promptly logged that into my To Be Cancelled list!

Yesterdays mail included 3 more samples.....even with sharing these with my sons' care box, we are benefiting from the free items. My dishwasher is running with free soap, the washer is on, again- free soap, I've got 3 free magazines to read today and I've used the free treatment to "prevent damage that causes aging". All for free! I'll be clean, wrinkle free & well read by this evening!

Heading outside to get some free exercise, otherwise known as yard work here. Free is definately my favorite 4 letter word......followed closely by-

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