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March 18th, 2006 at 04:15 pm

No, not the Better Business Bureau.......but the Bare Bones Bills. I just recalculated the expenses for me, to see what life will be like after June.

I come to $2,269. as the monthly bare bones, no frills total. This doesn't cover the 500. a month I've got coming out in auto deposits to savings/investments. Hmmmm... I'll aim for making 2800 monthly & see how that stacks up.

Income after June for me will be sparse to say the least. I will have 1125. that will remain the same. So, I need to aim for 1675 additional monthly income. Possible.

Sending out some emails today, making advance cuts to the expenses here, in preparation for the changes. Also sent emails last night re; placing commercial ads in local papers, which won't be finalized til Monday. If I can start up my other ventures now, and still have the other income from the current contract, things should be rather smooth.

Anxious for my meeting Wed with my tax preparer. I'm hoping to find out I don't owe more than I have set aside for this bill. I sold some real estate, bought another house, leased a house, switched jobs and closed out a business.......all in I can't imagine how complicated this is going to be. I had asked the woman for an approx $$ amount to set aside & have it in a short term CD, just waiting to send off... Will miss seeing that total in my asset column here! But, the filing of this years taxes will signify the real end to the business so I can move on.

A no spend day, think I'm on my 5th now for March. THAT number will be going up with this new B.B.B. program!!!

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