Home > Off to the antique booth I go

Off to the antique booth I go

March 9th, 2006 at 06:29 pm

I've got the van packed full and I'm going to head to the antique booth. With luck, there will be big gaping holes where stuff has sold...... Wishful thinking for the first week I'll bet.

Taking cash from yesterdays funds I was re paid & putting it in the bank. Checked accounts on line this AM, need to stay on top of that. With everything on line, this old dog needs to remember things aren't going to be in actual piles on my desk.

I got a statement from the cc acct. I had paid off last month. Now, there is a credit of $29.50 on it! Does anyone else think this isn't an accident? If I wasn't pig headed and want that money......I'd probably start using the card again for something approx that amount. I'll call today & see about getting that refunded. I'm not going to use the account again (interest way too high, set up by sister for the old business........nasty situation), but as I've learned here, it isn't always best to close the account.

Just the gas used for spending today.......all meals here, per usual habits. Steak, roasted potatoes, green salad & steamed brocolli this evening.

I'm grateful for my organizational skills, as I gather necessary items for the state inspection next Friday. Most everything has been easy to locate, my stacks of things for review are growing here. I should be able to drown these inspectors in paper!! I am grateful this is only an annual deal...I can't wait til it is over. Stuff like this makes me a tad crazy, I'm not happy unless I get a clear inspection. Getting called on something makes me cranky! I've got the eval. form, so there is no good reason I will have anything out of line......unless the state sticks something new in. (they did that last year, requiring barriers for CPR....I've got one now!!)

1 Responses to “Off to the antique booth I go”

  1. kristina moffitt Says:

    wait one cycle to make sure it is going to stay there then charge exactly 29 dollars worth of gas. inerest for the month should approximate the amount. then ask them to send you a check for the .06 left over. By law they have to do that! have some fun with them since they took all your money!

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