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Another item to sell on line

March 8th, 2006 at 05:31 pm

I just found a small stash of PC games (one new even) that we don't use at started to list them on Came to a halt, when I keep getting a note to enter the proper UPC code? I'm doing just that........ the number is now etched in my brain, but not coming up as a valid UPC. Anyone have pointers for me on this??

I followed up with my CC company & found out the nasty co. that has been calling for payment had already charged my account. I am going to save their FAX from yesterday demanding the same payment again, by check. I have the record now of closing the account, but I'm paranoid re; things like this. I haven't had anything even close to this in my life for decades. Gave up the husband person and magically, the money difficulties never returned.

Spending like crazy today; it's cleaning day here, so I'll pay for my month of that service, in addition to paying him for cleaning my moms house this month too. The building supplies get delivered today for the chicken coop and clothesline projects ....Yeah! Finally!
So, will need to write checks for that too.

My state inspection has been moved up to the 17th, so I'm working hard on getting all the little details finished up here. There will be expenses for this too; I plan to get one more fire extinguisher prior to the 17th. I will wait & just take notes on what the state needs me to change/add........rather than going overboard on things I might not have to do. First time being licensed as an adult facility, I hear it is different than foster care I'll be learning new regs & requirements. The only fun part to this will be watching the 3 inspectors try to get any info from the autistic young man that lives here! I know he won't talk to them, nor will he understand their questions.

Expecting snow here today & tomorrow, so I'm holding off on taking my new load of goodies to the antique booth. Anxious to get more in the space, as well as see if anything sold. I'm hoping people just won't be able to live without the things I'm selling!

Baking a couple loaves of my Friendship Bread this afternoon, first time for this starter. I decided to get better at providing home made snacks it's apple cinnamon and a choc chip for this afternoon. Should smell yummy right about school bus time!

5 Responses to “Another item to sell on line”

  1. jodi_m Says:
    1141870662're making me crave some Friendship Bread. I love the stuff, but then always feel obligated to make "one more loaf" and eat the stuff for weeks! Plus I run out of people to share the starter with very quickly...

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I'm trying it a bit differently this time, as I had the same problems you did. Friends would hide when they saw me coming with my zip lock bag!!

    I learned you can stick the cups worth of starter in the freezer, then take it out & "feed" it again. Plus, this time I'm taking a cup out and using it during the stir & feed stages, not waiting til the end. And, instead of adding all the full cups of things on feeding day, just a T. sugar gives it something to stay alive, so it doesn't multiply so fast.

    We'll see if I can make it work without being overtaken with "starter". Also going to use it to make pancake batter, waffles & such this time.

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