Home > Time off

Time off

March 6th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

By a couple of my kids schedule changes, I ended up with the afternoon & evening off yesterday! This doesn't happen unless all the planets are aligned & I've been living right! Smile I called my mom & headed to her place to check out all the work she has done on her new place. Then, we headed out to dinner, she paid!! Visited until I had to leave to pick up one of the kids at the train station..........but it was great to see her. Since I moved a bit further away, we just haven't connected as much. Talk on the phone more than daily however!

I have all day free today too, the young man that is usually here wasn't able to come this week, so I've actually got alone time! My list of what to do is getting longer, not sure I can accomplish it all today!

One paycheck came in, so banking is on the well as getting my first book that sold mailed off.
Would love some advice from those of you that sell books on best to package these?? Ideas? Suggestions?

I am inspired by all the posts here re; weight loss.........I'm throwing my hat in the ring and going to begin making some changes in this regard. I picked up a treadmill on freecycle, it's time I began to use it daily. It would definately be cheaper to be able to wear the clothing I have, rather than needing to buy a bigger size.........which is the crossroad I'm at right now.

Gardened this week end, the huge box of strawberry plants are now an organized patch....and I know more plants are coming. (need to clear another patch of ground) Got at least half the trees in the ground, (approx 70) we look like a nursery in some areas outside. One more bucket of little trees to get in the ground.........

Keeping to my plan of sending for at least 2 freebies a is sure starting to pay off. Got a very nice clock on Sat, added it to my care box for my son.

Off to tackle my TO DO list here, as well as get another stack of books listed at As everyone else is off to their Mondays.........I'm enjoying what is my version of a week end!

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