Home > assets & liabilities

assets & liabilities

March 20th, 2006 at 03:49 pm

I'm still stuck on assets & liabilities after hearing whoever the author is of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.... His point about a home being a liability has really put me on a different track here, although that wasn't the point of his PBS program. I do see the basic problem, houses TAKE money. Seems like all the time!
I'm trying to come up with ways to make this one even out the equation, if just a little bit. I have always used my home as my job in a way, taking clients into my home and getting paid for it. Couldn't do it without the I'm probably not as far off the mark as it feels. Will continue to keep this idea in mind however; and try to come up with more ideas to MAKE $$$ with the house & property.

A no spend day today......staying home, eating off that same roast from Friday. (not to worry, I stuck chunks of it in the freezer) Soft tacos tonight with shredded beef, home canned salsa....even have a touch of sour cream left. Yum.

Trying to justify my house cleaner in my attempt to shave the expenses in preparation to quitting my job in June. I've still got this expense in the KEEP column........not much justification yet, other than I love having someone else clean my house ..........and hmmmm...he brings all his own supplies, so I don't need to purchase cleaning equipment or supplies??? I could switch to 2X a month, since the house won't be getting such a workout without the full time client here. Possible.

Love that it's Spring! Even looks like spring here, although it is 28 degrees this AM......supposed to be 55 today. Daffodils from the garden here on the desk, trees blooming......delightful.

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