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spending spree

March 10th, 2006 at 05:23 pm

For someone who isn't a "shopper" by nature, I'm sure racking up the days where the money is flowing OUT rather than IN. Off to run errands today, so using gas and getting my hair cut. (I cut everyone elses hair, but can't do my own....drat)
Decided not to make a bank deposit, since I'll need the cash to pay the guy putting up the chicken coop & clothesline.......lumber delivered today & the job starts on Monday. He will want half that day, so I might as well save out the money & not have to run to town on Monday too.

I am going to use my gift cards at Target(insider pages), to get blank tapes for the VCR. My autistic young man doesn't watch much TV, but what he is hooked on, I tape for him if he is not here. Saves meltdowns, so the tapes are a GREAT investment. I had finally run out of tapes to tape over.....and he isn't willing to let me tape over any of his collection.

The largest rent check is due today, but these tenants have never paid on time, nor have they included the late fees. I did call & email a reminder to them this week, to see if I could get this on track. It's such an odd house, I would have difficulty renting it to normal people.......and I like that the house is being used for autistic kids. But, I would still love to be able to count on the income by a certain day each month. I only have one check that I can really count on, and that isn't a specific date either, but it does arrive the first couple days of the month.

I watched a PBS program by the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Great ideas......has caused me to really think about my home. He puts homes in the liability category, since they TAKE money, not MAKE money. Makes sense to me. I have tried to turn my homes into money makers, and they do add some......but they are also my biggest expense. He advocates making money, not saving least that was my simplistic take on it.

2 Responses to “spending spree”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    There are days like that - money just flies out the door. Lately there's been far too many of those at my house too. Here's to having fewer, rather than more, of those sorts of days!!

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I got all the way home & realized I hadn't used the gift cards while at Target. I'm not used to shopping, let alone having gift cards!! Will save them til the next errand day.........hopefully, in 2 or 3 months. Smile

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