Home > loosing my touch

loosing my touch

March 7th, 2006 at 02:08 pm

Here it is the 7th already and I'm racking up my first No Spend Day. I usually have a couple in a row, regularly......but not this month. Staying home today, entertaining a string of contractors re; the bids for the remodel. Still only 1 bid in hand.

Added another item to my own TO DO list here; learn how to post pictures onto the web. I've done it a couple times, but so infrequently, it still baffles me. I've got things to sell, all would benefit from a photo.

Got the stack of new books posted on Half. Also shipped my first sold book yesterday. Had to buy a mailer, but found a case of free ones for future sales.

Can't wait til March & April are over.......I seem to have a grouping of large, negative type things on the calendar; annual licensing inspection of the home & all my paperwork, income tax meeting in March, and property taxes due in april. ICK to all of them.
Looking forward to having all these behind me and being able to work on the outside of this house as well as get the garden going.

Painting small pieces of furniture, shelves, etc for the antique booth, my tool to increase the $$$ in the $20.00 Challenge. Hoping to have a van full before the end of the week to make another trip to fill up the booth.
Collected $300. from my tenant. I had forgotten she owed me. We have our car insurance together & I paid the full premium (to get the cheaper price). The payment was a surprise to me, one that I now have cash and two, she remembered she owes for her insurance. I will do this differently for next year.
I also called, faxed and emailed the 3 different people with the company that is leasing a house from me. They have not been on time with the rent since they moved in there in Oct. Rent is due this week, let's see if my reminders help get it paid on time. I bcc'd the email to the exec. dir. She has been the only person who seems to communicate honestly with me. I hate being a landlord....need to find another way to handle this property long term. This way makes me crazy.
The bill I charged to my credit card yesterday............apparently didn't happen. The nasty company that is owed, faxed me today, asking that I sign their form & return it with my check. I checked the account, it is one of my new ones with zero interest.......and since I have been paying huge extra payments on it, there is no reason the charge shouldn't have gone through. Even when I thought I could make this just GO AWAY, I can't. I will call in the AM. I want this solved, so I can start to forget the entire experience. YUK.

So, there was good & bad today........hate it when it feels like the bad is winning!

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