Can't believe March is half over already.
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. Really drives home the need to save/invest early on.
Errand day for this week, spending what seemed like lots for me. Total was 90 something, but I did remember to use the 2 gift cards, so it was 80, and 20 of that was for someone else.......So my total wasn't as bad as it felt at the cash register. I truly am allergic to spending money I think. I took a list and was very good, got only items I had planned for. Couldn't even find one thing on my list, so saved some $$ there.
Made a bank deposit, had a small check as well as the cash that had been paid back, the bank balance was looking good enough I finally paid for the horse boarding policy. Who knew one needed a special policy for this?? It's only an annual thing, and the tenants monthly rent is covering the insurance, but it was a sizeable chunk out of my account today.
Doing some deep soul searching after a long talk with my mom yesterday. I have a change coming up in June, my autistic young man will no longer be in school.... This will mean no free time, or down time for me AT ALL. I can tell by the way I'm longing for respite time now, that by June I'm not going to be able to cope with this as a full time deal. So......that means finding a job....e-gads! Or, making this place make money somehow, or as my mom suggested, investing some money of hers that will be coming my direction when she dies (awful thought) so there is a monthly income. Deep thought needed. Creative thinking needed. Good thing I have a few days off next week, going to spend it with mom, visiting, helping out at her new place .........and brainstorming about how to move on to something new & different in June.
March; halfway point
March 15th, 2006 at 09:49 pm