I did it. Had the conversation I had been putting off since the move in Oct. I have an adult that lives in my home & the agreement was always she would help with expenses. It has got so loose, there was no help at all lately.
I now have the opposite problem, she is giving me her money to manage. Truly, she isn't good at this, is on a govt. disability, so there isn't much to manage anyway. But, I'm going to take the offer as it stands. It will make me less resentful, she might understand it takes money for her to stay here.........and the money will help pay the household expenses. During our conversation, she handed me $300. & said it was the 2nd half of her car insurance. (We have ours together, as it makes me qualify for a multiple vehicle discount.)With me handling her money, I can budget the payment & hold it, so she doesn't fritter it away on fast food; her major expense in life.
I also challenged her to come up with some creative ways to use the property & buildings here to turn this into an asset, instead of the liability it is.
So, my tough money subjects I have committed to dealing with are slowly getting handled. Only one more to go!
Feels good to be making progress on this catagory, Money Owed Me! I spend so much energy working up the guts to have these conversations........I wonder if any of these people think twice about the outstanding amounts & the agreements we have?
Did a new thing for me today; I bid (& won) on some yarn on Ebay. Nice price, including shipping. I think this will be my new way to shop for yarn, cheaper even than online or catalogs.
I'm also trying to figure out how to get pictures posted on line; I've got some items to list, but they really need a picture. So far, all I can do is email the picture to anyone that is interested. I've had this on my TO DO list now for as long as I've had my new camera!!! Feeling old & behind the times tonight!!!
tough money conversation
March 15th, 2006 at 04:28 am