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my challenge finally begins

March 1st, 2006 at 09:05 pm

Hauled a van full of treasures to the antique mall & set my wares up today! I forget how big the spaces are & how much it takes to make it look full. When I've got the things here, cleaning, pricing and packing them, they seem to fill the house! My poor little booth; I spread things out and it is still sparse. I'll work at getting another van load ready at least weekly, hopefully 2X a week for this first month. This mall is smaller than the one I was in a few years ago & further off the highway; so I've not set my hopes too high. I would love to make rent & not be paying for this experience.

I've been here at the new place long enough now, I am going to figure out the monthly expenses so I have a frame of reference. I can see the costs here are definately less than the other home, so I will have extra each month to save & invest. It felt like it, but I'm now getting it in black & white.

I received 2 of the free samples I've begun to send for. One is perishable, so will add to the snack bin, the other will work great in my care box I'm assembling for my son. Since I'm no longer giving money to this young man, the freebies are going to be it. Hopefully, by summer I'll have an interesting collection of things that really will be helpful to someone starting out from scratch with nothing. My mom is now participating in this project with me; she isn't doing the money thing either.........we've both learned our lesson the hard way.

The horses were all out again this AM.....the fencing had been unhooked, obviously by a 2 legged "animal" again. Frustrating since I can't think of anything else to do so this doesn't keep happening. I'm cured, my chihuahua is about all the animal I can handle right now!

Bought stamps and mailed a package to a starving student friend of mine, plus paid the first months rent on the mall space, so it was a spending kind of day. Plus the gas it took to get around today.....

It's Wed, so my house is sparkling clean. While I was gone this AM, my cleaner guy was here & worked his magic with my very dirty house. (getting ready for the antique booth is messy business) I have hired him to clean my moms house too, starting next week. I'm not able to help her as much as I'd like, so this will be good. It truly was a Christmas present, but her move in took longer than expected. Now she can have a sparkling clean house too! It's one of my favorite things these days!
Just got an email from Insider pages, my reviews had all been approved, so 2 $5.00 gift cards are in the mail they said. Too easy! Too fun!! If there are no exp dates, I can add these to my care box for my son! Thanks to all of you that post the freebie section, I would never have known about this offer otherwise.

4 Responses to “my challenge finally begins”

  1. kashi Says:

    You could wrap the gate in heavy chain and add a padlock. I have no idea what to do about them snipping the fencing itself, other than putting up heavier fencing, which I doubt you want to do. You could call law enforcement and have them come out and talk to the neighbors. Or you could sit in your yard in darkness and wait for them at night...paintball gun in hand. Wink good luck.

  2. kashi Says:

    You could also put up big NO TRESPASSING signs around the property, like my parents did. They always had people messing with their horses and property too (until the sheriff came out!).

  3. contrary1 Says:

    They're not even coming in the gates. They are reaching across & undoing the cross fence from the main fence along the road. I'm in the process of seeing all the neighbors, most of whom are retired. I will pick up signs this week, that is a good idea. I've got a call in to the sherrif, but I don't expect they will be able to do anything. I mostly just wanted them to know it was happening & to see if others are having difficulties in the same area. I'm all for setting a big trap & catching whomever is doing I was stumbling around in the dark this morning, in my bathrobe, trying to get the parade of horses to follow me.........I was thinking outloud about what I wanted to do to them.... Definate not nice thoughts.........and not how I wanted to start my morning!

  4. LittleGopher Says:

    I'm excited to read how you do at the antique mall. Good for you getting it all ready - it sounded like a big job. Too bad about the horses, though - definitely not a good way to start the day!

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