Home > homelessness


March 21st, 2006 at 03:06 pm

Over the years, I've had my own little ministry, helping homeless men get back on their feet. I didn't start out trying to do this, but a phone call here, someone introduces me to someone.......conversations shed light on things; and next thing I know, there is someone either sleeping on my couch (only did that once) or there is an old trailer, camper or RV parked on the property. (have done this lots)
This morning, we've got a new "resident" .....the trailer came in after dark as I'm sure it isn't licensed or insured, sorta has that "look". It won't do anything for my property values, but I absolutely love doing this.

I'm again struck by how quickly lives can go sour and how small details become insurmountable. I watched the Oprah show yesterday, all about this same thing....poverty & homelessness in the US. Hopefully, "john" as I'll call him, will be able to catch up while staying here. I have so much that really doesn't cost a thing to share, and I get such a kick out of seeing someone head out on their own again. Not sure what all this gentleman can use/or needs, but we'll find that out as we go here. The thing that seems to be the biggest help is just the ability to use an address. That's an easy one. Next is the phone, although he has one........but minutes seem to be a problem. Food's always easy to share, we have plenty (and AH-HA.....he can help get the veggie garden planted!) I've also been peoples' banks, not in the loan business, but writing and mailing checks off for them, when they give me the cash. I forget how handy a checking account is and how difficult it might be to get a stamp, envelope and the money all in the same place. Little things, really simple things become huge hurdles and then just don't get done.....

Grateful here for all I have........and appreciating the ability I have to share it today!

Close to a no spend day, just using gas to get to my antique booth to add more treasures. I have no kids here til Friday, so this week will be the closest thing to a vacation I'm going to get for awhile. Enjoying the freedom of doing what I want, when I want and how I want.

4 Responses to “homelessness”

  1. PrincessPerky Says:

    Wow, that is really cool, I often feel like I should be doing more, more than just giving money or stuff for someone else to deal with, but I wouldn't know the first thing to start on how to help anyone....not to mention I can barely get my own act together!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    That is a very nice thing you are doing.!!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    cntrary1- You have such a giving spirit. You're kindness and generosity, no doubt, change lives...and hopefully, those you help will go on and pay-it-forward someday, somehow... What an inspiring entry!

  4. flash Says:

    I have often used my home for similar things, from grad students getting by, to abused Mom's getting away. It's always a blessing.

    Thank you for your beautiful post.

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