Home > Some Pretty Hot Water.............

Some Pretty Hot Water.............

March 14th, 2006 at 02:04 am

The #2 hot water tank feeds supplies the 2 bathrooms in the bedroom end of the house........#1 tank takes care of the laundry, kitchen & another bath.... In preparation for my annual license inspection here; I was testing the temp of the water from #2 & found it registers a tad over 150 degrees! Yikes. I had no idea it was that hot. Talk about a waste of money. Now, I can't seem to get it regulated any cooler. Even after showers today, it remains at 150 or above. The thermostat on the heater says 110. Have a couple more days to mess with it, but I need it to read 120 on Friday for the inspection.

I should be getting another small paycheck this evening.....but I paid out 50% of the labor for the carpenter putting up the coop & clothesline, still money to the plus side however.

Spent the day fine tuning the house for the inspection. Cleaned places that haven't been touched since we moved in, packed some things away so they could be locked up, and generally looked at the place through a strangers eyes. We have a dog and cats & it looked like we were covered in fur. I just get used to it, some gets cleaned up each week......but I love my animals more than a spotless house. We'll see how we fair at the exit interview. My job depends on this license, so we need to pass with flying colors.

Getting a glass of wine & putting my feet up for the evening.

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