Home > spending to save??

spending to save??

March 2nd, 2006 at 06:21 pm

I can see the bulk of any spending I do these days is in the catagory of saving..........if I look at the big picture and long term gains. I got my lightbulbs exchanged today (hopefully, they will fit the fixture) and I ended up buying 3 more bulbs for the rest of the fixtures. Small expense in the scope of things, but money any case. But, now I have completed one of my goals (granted it was Jan, then Feb and now it's done......speed isn't my problem here) and have all the outdoor lighting on low energy bulbs. TA DA!!

I started off my morning, joining all commuters as I headed to a meeting for interested folks in my county; Topic: affordable housing for all. Had to pay $10.00 for a mediocre breakfast, but enjoyed the speaker more than $10.00 worth. Much "food" for thought this AM, left me pondering many things including need vs want, Americans need to be the best, have the most and convince everyone else in the world our way is THE WAY.

I've got some uninterrupted hours today, planning on spending them getting another load of items ready for the antique challenge of mine. Since I haven't been in this mall before, it is going to take a few months before I know what sells. The top seller in my previous space was run of the mill little pieces of furniture, painted a neutral beige/pink. Couldn't keep them in fast as the paint dried, I was hauling a van full to town. Hope that is still the rage, as I've got a little line up of odd tables, etc to paint.

I might try tracking my spending this month, that comes from cash in my pocket. I've not paid much attention to this, but I can keep a pocket full of money longer than most people I think! So, spending isn't the issue, it's a remembering thing, will I take the receipts & record them?? Since I'm only on the 2nd, I might be able to get this going.........Seeing peoples listing of expenses here has triggered an interest in my own day to day out of pocket expenditures. Thanks to those of you who post monthly/daily or weekly totals. You inspire me.

Two more samples to add to my Care Box project. It's actually beginning to take shape! Again, thanks to all of you who post the free offers, I don't understand exactly how this works here, but I see several of you posting regularly.

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