Viewing the 'no $pending day' Category
July 23rd, 2006 at 06:15 pm
That's right. 88 degrees is being touted as a cooling off period here in WA state. Who thought getting down to 80 would feel GOOD??
I have become an expert at climate control here at our place. I had a huge bolt of white drapery weight fabric, which I have cut, ripped and installed at ALL windows with a high tech system of thumb tacks. Not pretty, but it works!
Windows open during the night and closed up tight as soon as the sun comes up. Watch the temp in the evening and open things up as soon as the outside temp is lower than the inside.
As soon as the windows are open at night, I've been setting sprinklers outside the bedroom windows, and then putting a fan in the window closest to the sprinkler. Lovely cool breezes...........and sleep! As soon as I know everyone has cooled off, I can walk the dog and turn off the water.
Without A/C, our house could get to be an oven. With our gypsy camp curtains and being diligent about windows & fans, we're managing to keep our cool.
Other than running fans.........it's another NO Spend Day here.
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no $pending day
July 23rd, 2006 at 05:46 am
The rent got paid today from the Navy man and he paid more than we had agreed upon. I had heard him say he had rented space for his boat that he brought up from CA with him and I asked him if he thought we didn't have room for a boat??? Heavens. There is probably an acre of space just leveled, clear and covered in gravel, specifically for parking.... I offered for him to bring his boat and keep it right here, so he could use it anytime he was free. So, that is the new plan, but he felt he needed to pay for that....... I didn't even argue! 
No money out today. Felt like I was spending money as I've had 3 fans running most of this evening, trying to keep the house from hitting 80 inside. Pretty sure we won't notice an increase in useage, there are enough other areas I have cut to the bone, so it should even out.
Fortunately, we had some cloud cover today, so it didn't get as hot as expected, but all true Seattleites are looking pretty droopy with this heat. We need to do a collective rain dance or something before this gets serious!
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no $pending day,
$ IN
July 21st, 2006 at 04:42 pm
Watered my plants this AM and I was uncomfortably hot outside at 7AM! Didn't get to everything so I'll have to head out again. Trying to muster up courage to go outside...........
Who has our Pacific NW weather and when are you going to give it back? We're just not used to these kinds of conditions! No one out here as A/C, so the best we can do is plug in a fan, move the hot air around a bit and pay through the nose for the power to do that!
At least I don't HAVE to do anything today. I've got a stack of new books from the library as well as the DVD of The Education of Little Tree. (thanks to everyone who reccomended this) I'll alternate between the shower and sitting in front of the fan with a book; that won't get much done but who cares!
Another no spend day here; I should add them up for this month, as I'm pretty sure I'll be hitting a new record for me. Since I'm not spending anything but the have-to bills for housing and utilities I have mostly no spend days.
I am grateful I don't have a long list of payments to be made, as I've switched from an ample paycheck to this new method of scraping together monies from my plethora of part time efforts. No car payments (only did that once in my life and I knew then I wouldn't do that again. I sold the car right away, and divorced the husband person who bought the car with the excuse it was a Gift to me......just to make sure!!)
Again, if you've got Seattles rainy, drippy weather.........send it back, please. (heading to the shower again to cool off)
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no $pending day,
July 21st, 2006 at 07:01 am
Yes, it seems we're headed for a few more days of really hot weather here. Anything over 75 and I have to live in my shower! Some of the weather reports have been saying the nasty 100 number even.....gads, to a native Seattle person that number makes us all a bit cranky.
Went to the Navy persons change of command ceremony on board the USS Ford today. What a deal that was! Fun, interesting and I found out just what a high ranking guy our Navy man is. I also found out the pair of shoes I ended up wearing of mine, need to move on to someone else with smaller feet. I've gone barefoot for so long, any shoes feel awful, but todays pair were torture. I waited til I got in the van to take them off and switch to my birkenstoks....as there were Navy people lining the walkways, escorting us everywhere. I'm NOT wearing shoes like that again, blast the dress code. I'm old enough to get some sort of waiver I think! 
Didn't spend a cent today, even tho I was out all day long from 8AM til after 9PM. Took snacks in case I needed them, and went to a late lunch with my mom with a G/C.
Planning ahead for the hot weather, I'll take something out to thaw tonight and pop it in the crock pot at the crack of dawn tomorrow.........keeping the house cool, only cooking once and getting many meals from whatever I grab from the freezer and not spending anything on food. Just 2 boys this weekend, but they will expect to eat & neither will be affected with the heat. Me........a salad and raw veggies from my garden & I'll be happy. And, ducking into the shower periodically to cool off........
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no $pending day
July 20th, 2006 at 03:35 am
Fairly easy to rack up the no spend days when I work at home. Easy too, when I know there is no extra money coming in yet. The dollars are all numbered and accounted for these days.........and there certainly aren't a surplus yet.
I've got a big cushion and several financial 'safety nets' in place in case I get in a pickle. (like my other place not being rented or something) But, I'm not spending a dime at this point until I can assess how much money comes in each month.
Good thing I'm used to not spending. Shopping of any kind isn't a vice of mine. Comes natural to be on the deep end of frugal!
Veggie dinner out of the garden again tonight. What a treat. Free & better than any store or restaurant food. Just can't beat this.
I've met all of the Naval contingent now....which is nice, as I'll know some people at the ceremony tomorrow. The RV is moved in, parked and leveled. Mr Navy won't be living here until after his family all returns to CA in 10 days, but we managed to get the back forty all cleaned up & ready for him, just in time too, I was still picking up when he drove in.
He wants to build himself a work bench in the garage, so he can have all his tools out & have a place to work on his projects during the year. I'm just getting way too excited about the prospect of all the things he points to and says he's going to handle! He must REALLY not want to live on base, if working here is a better deal. 
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
July 19th, 2006 at 03:39 am
Wow, when the good things start happening.......it is amazing. Our Navy commander drove in today, will be bringing his RV tomorrow. So, rent from him starts this week.......
Met with the 2 that will be moving in this week with their 5th wheel unit....they are prepared to pay $225 rent. Yikes, I wasn't thinking they were going to be able to scrape together any money!!!
Our little man with the VW bus is here this week "camping" and getting a break from living in his low income housing downtown Seattle. He is just too cute. And, paying rent!!
Still advertising the room/house share bit.....and had another bite on that ad today. Supposedly, a woman is coming tomorrow to check us out. Perhaps we can meet her and not scare her off? Keeping my fingers crossed & the prayers going up!
Got a call from dtr & new grand baby is now 10 lbs!!! Doubled in weight already, she says he looks like a real baby now! Grateful he is OK, even born so early & tiny.
Had enough snap peas from the garden to saute in butter & garlic for my dinner. Totally enjoyed them....absolutely yummy.
Going to lash myself to the sewing machine this evening.......Might even work on the dreaded black sparkly blazer... 
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all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
July 18th, 2006 at 02:42 pm
Again, this room mate person of mine is pushing the limits here. She had a huge garage type sale in the barn (think BIG barn, full of junk) and now there are assorted items scattered throughout the back here.
I had reminded her that this week was the all cleaned up deadline, due to the renter arriving today. But, no........I can see an assortment of junk from the house, and apparently there is a pile of 'good stuff' behind the barn too. So, my morning will be spent tidying up. I'm going to freecycle anything I have to move myself. The things I can't move..........I have no idea how to handle.
Frustrating to say the least. Fixable, yes. And, NO, she can't move out. She is a fixture here, isn't able to live on her own, so thanks, but that solution is out of the question. Having her here does have benefits, I just need to remind myself of those while I'm out back today!
My coffees finished here.........time to get to work for the day. It's cool here this AM (52!!!) so I'll get the outside chores done right away....then, it is sewing room time for me again. I've got many jobs from new customers yesterday. Judging from the responses I've been getting, I don't think there is anyone else that sews in this county!!!
A no spend day........ making money as I sit & sew! My kind of day!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
July 16th, 2006 at 09:06 pm
I had a great time at my moms, it feels like I'm really Out of Town somewhere.......when in reality, I'm only 40 something miles away. But, her house is right on Puget Sound, and when the weather is sunny, it is a pretty place to be.
Home looked good, and it felt good to sleep in my own bed after a week. Also found a nice suprise from mom, she had tucked $100 in my bag when I left, as a thank you for the work. Nice!
All sorts of chores had piled up here (while I was away doing moms chores) Funny how this works in life..... I don't mind it, but you never think of this when charting out your life. At least I didn't consciously anyway. I always knew I would be the dtr taking care of parents, it's why I have never moved away from WA state.
Hung laundry, ran the dishwasher, mowed lawns and cooked a bit ahead. Almost caught up with day to day stuff.
Spent a couple hours yesterday with my part time job here on the computer, getting the hang of their data base I think. My first paycheck from this job was here when I arrived back, nice!
We're adding in another couple folks in the back forty this month. A brother & sister that have an RV, no job due to a disability. I've met the guy whose property they are on currently, he swears they are perfect tenants. He has his property up for sale, so they need a new place to 'camp'. We're it until their name comes up for Section 8.
Had a builder make me an offer on a lot I have locally. Unfortunately, he is offering less than the county appraised it for. So, as attractive as the monthly monies would be on a real estate contract, I'm going to pass.
Heading to the sewing room this afternoon.....I have 5 orders for customers to finish up for this week (not including the dreaded black sparkly blazer)
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no $pending day,
$ IN
July 11th, 2006 at 06:42 am
Yes, I brought the nasty black blazer with me for my week at my moms. Got it ripped open, ready for another fitting. This time, I'm taking note of what the woman is wearing when she tries it on, that has to be the explanation for why it is so HUGE on her now. (jeans, sweat pants, her uniform pants???)
Have been busy all day, got the spraying done at moms apt. building....haven't fired up the chain saw yet, needed to save a project for tomorrow.
Did get all the plants I brought her for her Birthday in the ground today....her yard is looking so much better; almost like someone lives here! 
We went out for dinner........without a coupon (horrors!!) She always pays, I think I would have to fight her for the bill. But we enjoyed ourselves, despite a call from my kiddo in crisis. Wonder how long this is going to continue?? The mom had my cell number for emergencies, & she gave it to him tonight. I've since turned it off... I'll call about my van at the shop, rather than leave the phone on so I can get a break this week.
The next few days will be spent doing everything I can find that my mom needs done, or wants to do, or whatever. Her birthday is Wed & she deserves everything she can think up! I've been making mental notes for a few months, just little things that she has mentioned about where she would like to go, etc. I don't have to be home til Saturday......so we should be able to fit lots in!
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no $pending day
July 9th, 2006 at 10:27 pm
As ridiculous as it sounds, I found my shoes. I was looking for my walking shoes to hit the road with as soon as I was free this week.........and I couldn't find them anywhere. Well, this morning, while loading up the tools in my van to take to my moms (heading over to her place for the week, celebrating her Birthday and continuing the work in her yard)..........there were my walking shoes, along with my good pair of garden clogs.
I guess I stuck them in the pump house since it was winter, I couldn't garden, and I sure couldn't get out of here to go walking. It is funny how excited some tiny little thing can make me!!
So, I'm packing the shoes, hoping to get a walk in with mom while I'm there this week. Money saved here too, as I was thinking I would be buying a replacement pair.
Dropping the van off at the shop in the AM for the electrical difficulties, praying it is a simple (cheap) fix. Mom is picking me up, and then we head to her place. I'm taking the chain saw, as she has some saplings coming up where they really shouldn't be and they are WAY too big to transplant. Also taking my big sprayer to take care of her fruit trees this time.
I've worked like crazy today here at my place, getting caught up and trying to get my chores done before I'm gone for a week. Watering and mowing and more watering!!! With luck it will rain while I'm gone and my garden won't wilt.
Taking the dreaded black sparkly blazer to my moms, will work on the tedious part of taking it apart while we sit & visit (and watch her beloved baseball games!!!)
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 9th, 2006 at 05:36 am
No spending and money in!! Gotta love days like this.
Got paid for one of my week end guys, and got a check in the mail for the new gentleman that is parking a van in my carport. Only $50 a month, but heck, it pays another bill! (I'm going to cover the monthly bills one way or another!)
Finished a sewing customers order this evening, had a fitting this AM on another order..... Both will pick up this coming week which means Money In again!
I'm able to use up all the leftovers with this combo of kids. Didn't have to cook yet this week end, just took meals out of the freezer! And, I'm picking salads out of the garden for every meal now,which is so great. Not very exciting salads just yet, but for my crew.......if it's green, it's salad.
Spent a few hours working at my 'new' job, entering clients info onto a data base. New stuff for me. I fought with Yahoo mail to set up a mailing list, but ended up back in my familiar gmail account sending them manually. Yahoo wouldn't let me send the whole list at once anyway, but wouldn't tell me anywhere what the magic number WAS! I'm going to have to speed things up to keep within the 10 hours a week I'm getting paid for! Hopefully, once I get going at this I'll be a tad more streamlined at the process.
Enjoying my what seems like Free Time, without the full time kiddo. A full week under my belt and I've been able to do SO much here. Started tearing my bedroom apart, laying out new window coverings, getting ready to remove the popcorn ceiling and prep for painting. Too fun!
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 5th, 2006 at 11:57 pm
Well, the antique booth has turned into a great way to spend (waste) money, IMO. I'm going to give it July & Aug. and then I believe I'll be pulling out. It is fun, but not enough I want to pay for the priviledge.
Took more items in this AM, the booth looks great, but just not enough moving to pay the rent, let alone make any money.
Good thing the other items in my Making Money Column are working out! 2 sewing customers this afternoon........and the check is in the mail from the foster parent recruiter position.
I do have 2 LONG trainings to attend tomorrow & Friday, with some long drives too. But, as I understand it, they don't happen often.
Since it is July, wonder of wonders, the housemate person has begun to pay rent. She is planning on splitting the expenses for this home exactly in half......and pay me in 2 payments during the month. I have the first installment already in the bank today! We'll see how long this lasts! She also paid the last payment on her truck loan (that was in my name) today. Now, she owes me $3,000 and will start paying that back next month which will also help my balance here. Didn't even factor that payment in as income.....
This is the month for my vans tabs & emission test. First, I have to take it in for some electrical work. The lights on the dash always show "service engine now" and I can't get it tested with that on. It would be an automatic disqualification. So, money out for the van, times 3 this month. Crossing my fingers the electrical can be an easy fix!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
July 3rd, 2006 at 08:40 pm
Well, did I ever make out like a bandit. My housemate brought home sacks and sacks of shoes and 6 of them fit perfectly. I've got all sorts of new footwear now....and I think one pair will work for my event I've got to dress up for. Will have to check this out when I try on the outfit....I may need something a tad more summery, but I'm motivated to make this pair work.
I love deals like this! I even got shoes I wouldn't normally look twice at. And, a couple pair to use for walking shoes at least to begin with. I may want to invest in this area......but for now, I'm off, and hmmmm walking (not running)
The day is looking like a no spend day here, doing all the now normal things to keep costs down to the bare minimum here.
I've learned our water heaters are so well insulated I can even leave them off for a whole day & still have enough hot water for us. Usually I remember to turn them on an hour or so every AM.
Sent in a form to be considered for a test panel. If accepted, it says you receive samples and thank you gifts. I could live with that.
Also completed the survey on the freebie list today, for the $10.00 G/C to Amazon. This puts me up to $73.00 just for Amazon now; and I can get that number to go a loooong ways.
I am a tad cranky with my sewing customer of the black sequined blazer fame. She called to say she can't wear it. Too big. Well, yes......it is a bit on the large side (could have something to do with the fact she is at least a 4X) but I made a mock up & she approved that.........now the exact copy isn't right. Drat. And, Darn. It will be just like starting over; except I need to take it all apart first.
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting,
July 2nd, 2006 at 02:06 am
I'm so excited today. Every little thing I do seems so simple & I've made it through my TO DO list that was as long as my arm...
Without the autistic kiddo, I'm just roaring through projects. I even asked for some things on Freecycle & got them.......and I can go get them without having to figure out some sort of magical method to get the kid in the car.
I'm copying a planter birdbath combo I saw in one of my free magazines last month, & tonight I'm supposed to be getting 2 of the major pieces to this event. Plus, I got an email from one of last months new gardener friends, saying she had more plants for me. I could tell her I'll be over this evening and not give it a 2nd thought!! Too fun. This is what my life used to be like!
I'm off......... going to stop on the way home & park at a trail head.......and take a bit of a walk. Hoping it is cooler then.
I want to be able to blog that I walked at least a couple times a week this month. Let's see how I do!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
July 1st, 2006 at 01:59 am
Wow, after a long afternoon, my last placement has moved out. His mother was an hour & a half late to pick him up, and naturally that left me seeing sewing customers with my guy here. (not as easy as it may sound)
Finally squeezed all his most important things into her little tiny car and off they drove. What a huge relief.
First thing on the agenda this evening was a shower. After loading that car, it was definately necessary, plus, showering is something I've had to do almost by appointment the last 15 years or so. All of my kids were in line of sight supervision when they were awake, so showering just didn't fit with that plan. It was absolute heaven not to have to fit it in a 30 second time frame~~
Passed along reams of paperwork too, which took a huge work load along with it. I won't miss working with Social Security one bit.
I can't wait to notice all the little things that I get to incorporate back into my life.........lots of things that I probably don't even notice any longer. One thing I can see just from sitting here at my desk, which is truly in what should be a dining room........is I have nothing...I mean nothing sitting around. When all the kids throw things, there really isn't anything here to pick up. A few pieces of furniture, but our house always looks like the people in it have not quite moved in yet. It does make cleaning easy, but it will be nice to bring a few of my things out of hiding and have them around me!!!
Such simple things are going to float my boat.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
keeping track,
June 27th, 2006 at 04:04 am
I've been paying on the 2 CC's from the closing the business/icky sister situation now since Jan. and I can see some progress.
I started out with a tad over $10,000 and todays total is $8,472. Just paying the amount due on both, as they are both in zero int. accounts now. (until Mar next year) I don't use either account, so there will be no new charges on them. (grateful I have never been one to charge things if I didn't have the cash)
The 3rd account has been paid off and left open, so I can continue using it for the monthly regular charges and occasional online purchases. It is paid off each month at this point.
Just before there is interest charged on the first 2, I'll pay them off with money from savings and truly call that chapter of my life closed.
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
June 25th, 2006 at 08:26 pm
For a native Washingtonian, this heatwave we're having in the Pacific NW is just nuts.
My desktop weather thingy from Google, says it is 75 here, but my outdoor thermometer (which is in the shade) says it is 85 already. And, it's just now noon.
I watered the gardens at 6AM and will get them again this evening. Beyond that, I'm laying low, doing as close to nothing as I can. Only one kiddo here today and he's the super easy one. He is wanting to do some "work", but I can't send him outside in this, he would melt. So, cartoons for him and a book for me!
I've got another little bitty income source as of today too. I've been emailing a gentleman about RV parking here now for about a month and today he made it out here to pay his first months rent. What a cutie. He's tailor made for us. A tad on the slow side, or some sort of injury, but he will work out fine here. So, adding another $50.00 a month to the pot............for doing absolutely nothing but sharing space.
No money spent today, will use up leftovers for dinner. Found money hidden from mom when I did her hair yesterday. I'm also dog sitting her best friends little dog...too cute! Makes me almost want another dog. Both dogs are so wrapped up in each other neither of them is eating.
I'm getting glimmers of what life is going to be like next month, without the autistic wonder boy here. Very easy & uncomplicated. I can go places or have people over to the house without fearing a meltdown. Can't wait to start up some of the things I've had to drop since he moved in 4 1/2 years ago.....
Off to brew more iced tea........wishing I had some fresh mint! (one more thing to remember to stick in the garden one of these days!)
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no $pending day,
$ IN
June 24th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
Yes, there is an end to my foster parenting. I now have the schedule for the week....not a good schedule but I have something to work with.
Monday, he will be back with helpers & a moving truck..........need to have him almost packed. He will leave with the truck Monday night.... Returning by bus on Tues and staying with me til Friday night. I'm holding back a cars worth of his stuff, so he will be comfortable here during the week......... this is a kid that has to save all the bread tabs, pop tabs, bottle caps, empty water bottles.....and surround himself with them. So, I'm not looking forward to a week without his own bed, his own TV, and on and on.......... but, he will be moving out by Friday night!! Thank you Jesus!!
Somehow, I need to finish the customers sewing orders I have this week too....My machines are back from their overnight in the shop & run so smooth now... Waiting til tomorrow before I get to work on projects. Most important is a sequined blazer for the horse show woman this coming week end.
One kiddo this week end, my super easy guy too. Feels like a vacation already.
Just did my moms hair, so she can go to the ocean a week......and am dog sitting her best friends dog so she can go too. So far, her dog & mine are doing just fine.
A no spend day.........other than personal energy. I've been up since 5, and busy the entire time. Can't wait til I can go to bed!
Just got a notice I "won" something on Freecycle today........a planter of some sort, so I'm off later this evening to pick that up. Thinking it might work well for one of my moms free plants for her birthday next month.
We're having a bit of hot for us weather here in WA........supposed to hit 90 the news said, but we're only 73 here at my place so far. Heading out to water the gardens and walk the new dog.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 23rd, 2006 at 09:55 pm
Supposedly, I have one week left til I can retire from this foster care business. My last day is next Friday, but there are no plans of where this kiddo is moving so I'm beginning to get just a tad nervous.
I have set it up to be gone as of Sat the 1st, so the bio mom will have to step in and at least take her son. I have told her I don't have room for his things after the 30th either, but I'm guessing she will just leave them here.
Sent an email to the state worker, asking what the plan is? I know she doesn't have one either, but at least I am following the chain of command here. What a broken down system we have in WA state. No one knows where these kids are I don't think.
(and now I'm in a position to recruit others into the same broken system.....I'm going to have to curb some of my opinions)
No money spent today......love these kinds of days. Tiny deposit into my bank account today from half.com and another into my paypal acct. Won't be able to support myself on those, but nice anyway.
Joined a seed exchange group today, was invited by one of my new freecycle gardening friends. Free seeds forever she says!!!
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no $pending day
June 22nd, 2006 at 03:33 am
I got to spend a couple hours today, learning about the new part time job here. What fun it seems......at least at this point. Not many guidelines, and it doesn't seem like people have thought things through very well. I got more questions, when I asked a question..... No one really knows much, and I'm pretty much on my own. The only real rule is to stay inside my county.
Did my normal frugal stay at home stuff today:
remembered to turn water heater off
didn't even run the dishwasher
spun laundry twice & hung outside
served fruit and a salad from the garden
I am beginning to feel like an advertisment.
Each person I talk to, I'm trying to work a few little things into the conversations all the time. First......the room for rent here at my house, then the Frugal Gardening website I'm assisting with here at SavingAdvice, and then the new speaking engagement bit for the Foster Parent deal. Oh, and let's not forget I'm trying to let everyone I talk to know about my sewing business too. People are going to start heading the other way or not answering their phones when they see it's me!
Good thing I'm comfortable multi-tasking!
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no $pending day,
keeping track
June 21st, 2006 at 01:21 am
Wow, what an amazing day here. First & foremost, my kiddo is out of the house, not to return til after dinner. Very relaxing.
2nd: I've just put another van's worth of freecycle plants in the gound. Pooped, but I can't wait to see these take hold and transform a flat, plain space into a jungle of plants.
And.........I just got an email from the person I'll be working with on the new part time job... Nope, switch the words there...the person I'm already working with. They are paying me since June 10th, they said. What?? I didn't even know I was working! I just got my confirmation to the website, so I can access the data base and get going. Got a schedule of meetings I will need to pick & choose....getting myself to at least 2 a month. Woo-hoo. I'm off and running here. Now, I just need to locate, schedule and speak at a meeting a month touting my dog & pony show of Foster Parenting to one and all throughout the county.
If that weren't enough; I did have a new sewing customer today too.....and he will be a regular. I can always tell when someone HAS to use me. This man is so tiny, all his clothes will need to be adjusted to fit. Too bad for him, but regular $$ for me. Thank goodness he told me to call him when his order was finished. My plate is getting a little full this week.
Can't decide what job to do tonight! 
Better get busy with something however, my free time is almost over for the day; and then I'll be back to work at my full time job.
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
June 20th, 2006 at 02:03 am
What a day. Should qualify for two days, it seems like it has been forever since I got up and tackled the morning shift here.
Just 2 boys today, but still cooked like a short order cook for the morning shift.
Exchanged my fabric for bulbs early on today (have those in the ground and half potted to share with my mom next month for her birthday!)
Then, shovels and boxes loaded I headed for my freecycle plant share lady....and WOW, I came back with every container I had; just stuffed with plants. I don't use the back seat in my van, so there is only the middle seat in........and the rest of the room was totally filled with plants. Some I know what they are, others are mysteries still. Her gardens were amazing for only being 10 years old.
I have spent the afternoon digging, planting and watering in a vans worth of plants here. I did pot up a couple more hunks of things to use with the fresia bulbs for my moms birthday the 2nd week in July. By then, they should look pretty nice & have recovered from being moved.
That's a good tip for any of you gardeners.......be thinking of what you can divide & pot up all the time. Have a couple things potted & set out in your gardens, so you can bring them in and get ready for gifting if necessary.
Contrary1, editor
Posted in
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 19th, 2006 at 03:13 pm
Yes, it's another Freecycle morning here at my place. I advertised for plants again on Sat (the only day we can post WANTED's in our little group) and I've got several responses.
The first one also said they would like my extra sewing room stuff I had posted, so we're trading.........(not usually the way freecycle works) She gets fabric, thread and notions that were extras for me and I get fresia bulbs that she didn't need.
I can't wait. I've never had fresia in my gardens before. Have to do some research to see where they need to be planted.
As soon as the trade off happens, I'm off to another garden with my shovel in hand. This person offered to share whatever she had!! Too fun. I get to meet another local gardener, she gets to thin her things out and my garden grows!
I'll post pictures of the treasures & see if I get another mystery picture like I did yesterday. (still hoping someone recognizes the photo that showed up in my entry. Japanese gardens?? Anyone???)
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 17th, 2006 at 02:32 am
I hate to be the person putting a log jam in someone elses' life, but I'm sure doing it these days. My kiddos mom just called & she is pretty sure the possible move to place is not going to work. That leaves her just 15 days to get her act together & get a spot for this guy to move to. Again, she said she was going to honor my date to quit, being 6.30 but for the life of me, I can't see how this is going to work. She said as she hung up, she just needs to have faith, as God would provide. I have a pretty strong faith too, but I think God expects me to do some work too.......not just sit back and wait on him.
I'm just ticked. All the work I do with this guy to get him prepared for schedule changes, let alone a life change that is upcoming......and now, it's all out the window. He has been to dinner at this possible place, met the 2 other guys & liked "his" room. I'm not sure there is a way to explain the situation as it is currently.......he wouldn't get it.
He & his mom are scheduled to go on a river rafting trip Sun of next week, I'm faxing permission slips to her, gathering up his stuff for the supply list and she is now talking about driving over, skipping the transportation piece; which would change the day they were leaving. She said...."It's a whole week away, lots can happen in a week." I don't consider myself a detail freak, but a week away, I NEED to know how this trip is looking, so I can plan here on our end. Drat and Darn her anyway.
I am counting the minutes til bedtime here.......meds for one at 7:30, then I just have to hang on til about 9PM. My full timer was up at 4-something this AM, so I'm more than beat! (he, on the other hand is going full steam!) Maybe I'll be less mad tomorrow. Maybe I'll get at least 8 hours of sleep and wake up a brand new me. One can only hope.
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no $pending day,
June 15th, 2006 at 03:51 pm
We are having an impossible time renting out our bedroom that will be vacated July 1st. I've had some great possibilities, then they call to let me know they have found something else. We must be just too weird.
I know we're further out than most people can handle....but I'm advertising it that way in the first place, you would think they wouldn't respond unless The Country was appealing to them.
Worked on the resume project yesterday; what a challenge this is turning into. I am only guessing at the dates, as I'm too old to remember them! I'm thinking now, I might be able to just write up a simple page of experiences & see if this qualifies?? They have already hired me, they said they just need the resume for the file. It is a good example of one of the difficulties with the whole foster care system.........we're asked to do things that most people wouldn't find difficult. But, factor in one of the tough kiddos here all the time and the task becomes impossible. No wonder they are hiring people to recruit foster parents!! It is an impossible job!
Received the HUGE coupon train yesterday. Will start going through the catagories today. Not sure when I can get it to the post office.....one more little detail to figure out with my kiddo home.
Sewing customer coming this AM, her jacket is ready for a fitting. She is aware of the autistic kiddo home here, and said she was OK with him. We'll see. Good thing I haven't got tons of people yet, as any change in the day here could make for an unpleasant event.
Not sure what else I can do on the room mate situation. Have pondered this one to death here.
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
June 15th, 2006 at 01:29 am
I've never held a 5 lb baby until today. Little E. is just over 5lbs now and sooooo tiny. No clothes fit, they just flop around with his whole little self in where the body of the outfit is. Too cute....but oh, so tiny. Thankfully, he's doing just fine. The kids need to rent a baby bed for the car, as a car seat won't work for him at this weight. He slumps down in a car seat and then quits breathing! They've had some unexpected expenses with him being so small........as well as some things they had to buy without looking for the best deals, as the baby was already here!
The rest of the day has just been filled with work here at home. A no spend day again. Mowed some of the yard, am holding back on mowing all the outer areas, as we're still planning on moving horse fencing and letting the critters take care of more of the yard.
Cleaned out the fridge, as it has become a nasty place....with me gone so much, there is no one else taking on that chore. Housekeeper today, so everything is spotless.......nice.
I need to spend some time creating a resume to put on file at my new job. My last one was done in the early 80's, so this will be a task! Can't come up with more than 10 minutes to work on it in a row.......as the kiddo is home now, non stop. Found a resume wizard thing on line, but I can't get through more than a section of it before an interruption here.
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no $pending day,
June 14th, 2006 at 03:07 pm
We have a visit scheduled with the new grandbaby boy today........also get to see my foster dtr. She lived with me since she was 11, so she's pretty much mine! Looking forward to seeing her & the baby......even if I'm not really a baby crazy person.
We're going to have to squeeze the visit in here, as it is Happy Houskeeper Wednesday here at our house...........and school is out, so the autistic wonder boy is home too.
Fortunately, this young lady of mine is very familiar with the craziness of our house....in fact, hers looks pretty much like this now!! (I find that facinating, but I feel honored she is using my life as a map of sorts. )
No spending today............I do need to head to the sewing room when it calms down here, as I've got a fitting tomorrow to get ready for. So, there is money 'in the bank' so to speak. Will get paid for this job before the end of the month, as she needs to wear it on July 1st.
Still no Move Out Day on the calendar for the autistic kiddo. I'm soooooo tired of the constant drain here. He's only been back from his camping trip since yesterday & I'm already feeling like I have no reserves. Not Good. Tried to get a date yesterday when I talked to his mother, but no, there is nothing concrete yet. I was hopeful & thought a real number on my calendar would help. Not to be yet.
Better get a move on here..........I've got more than a days worth of work to do & just one day to do it in!!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
June 13th, 2006 at 02:45 pm
Excited here.......... I just got an email saying "You're Hired". Woo Hoo..
I had received an email from a list I'm on locally, read it at moms over the week end, about a job opportunity. I quickly responded, as it was almost the same thing I've been doing for an organization here, but I've been volunteering. They had just had a staffing change, so in the shuffle, I had not been a top priority, but they are now sending me my application, etc so I can get paid. Not much, social services isn't ever a big money deal..........but it will be $400. additional a month and I'll be doing most of it from home.
I haven't seen the official job description yet, but it will be 10 hours a week, as a recruiter for foster parents here in my county. Attending local meetings, groups, etc.........speaking about foster care.... Using the computer to guide potential foster parents through the licensing process, and answering questions until they are on their own. Too easy! And fun!
I'm going to paste together an income here one way or another!!
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no $pending day,
June 12th, 2006 at 12:47 am
I've been enjoying the afternoon here at moms. We've been sitting outside on her patio, surrounded by the fruits of our labors........her great little garden space that's shaping up.
Feet up.......a good book.......and dinners simmering on the stove, so we don't have to rush in to cook. Delightful, absolutely delightful.
I've got one of my kids (term used loosely, he's 26, but pretty much a pre schooler....) Although this guy knows how to entertain himself and isn't hanging around ~or on~ me like the other one. And, this one really has great manners & behaves like a grown up, as he reminds me sometimes! 
So, relaxation is the name of the day here. We've finished all the work we are going to do......Feels good. The only demand is the chihauhau wants to be fed!
To top off the week end, it is a totally NO spend sort of week end. The best kind!
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no $pending day
June 11th, 2006 at 05:48 am
Yes, I'm at my moms' again, helping in her gardens while mine are busily getting ahead of me.
I have a good time here, since every little thing seems to make a BIG difference in the yard. The property has been rented out for 2 years, and has sort of gone back to the wild... Plenty of room for improvement!
I dug around in the back 40 and found a couple stepping stones my dad had made with extra cement from projects (ever the frugal guy he was). I set them into the gardens so mom can use them and think of dad. Looks good too.
Tomorrows plan, weather permitting.....more gardening. Working my way around the front of the house, trimming back about 7 years of neglect. Not sure I'm going to be able to keep up here as well as my place.... I'm trying to put things in that require absolutely NO care, so I'm not making more work for myself.
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening