Home > Another No Spend Day

Another No Spend Day

July 20th, 2006 at 02:35 am

Fairly easy to rack up the no spend days when I work at home. Easy too, when I know there is no extra money coming in yet. The dollars are all numbered and accounted for these days.........and there certainly aren't a surplus yet.

I've got a big cushion and several financial 'safety nets' in place in case I get in a pickle. (like my other place not being rented or something) But, I'm not spending a dime at this point until I can assess how much money comes in each month.

Good thing I'm used to not spending. Shopping of any kind isn't a vice of mine. Comes natural to be on the deep end of frugal!

Veggie dinner out of the garden again tonight. What a treat. Free & better than any store or restaurant food. Just can't beat this.

I've met all of the Naval contingent now....which is nice, as I'll know some people at the ceremony tomorrow. The RV is moved in, parked and leveled. Mr Navy won't be living here until after his family all returns to CA in 10 days, but we managed to get the back forty all cleaned up & ready for him, just in time too, I was still picking up when he drove in.

He wants to build himself a work bench in the garage, so he can have all his tools out & have a place to work on his projects during the year. I'm just getting way too excited about the prospect of all the things he points to and says he's going to handle! He must REALLY not want to live on base, if working here is a better deal. Smile

3 Responses to “Another No Spend Day”

  1. Lady Jennelle Says:

    Good job on the no spending day!! Smile

    Hopefully soon, I'll have one of those coming up. *lol*

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    It is going to be nice having a handyman around- especailly one who is eager and willing!

    It sure sounds like all is falling right into place for you.

    and i cant think of one more deserving!! Enjoy!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    The meal from the garden sounds soooo yummy!
    Can't wait to see what Mr. Fix it can do!!

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