Home > Back Home & Back To Work Here

Back Home & Back To Work Here

July 16th, 2006 at 08:06 pm

I had a great time at my moms, it feels like I'm really Out of Town somewhere.......when in reality, I'm only 40 something miles away. But, her house is right on Puget Sound, and when the weather is sunny, it is a pretty place to be.

Home looked good, and it felt good to sleep in my own bed after a week. Also found a nice suprise from mom, she had tucked $100 in my bag when I left, as a thank you for the work. Nice!

All sorts of chores had piled up here (while I was away doing moms chores) Funny how this works in life..... I don't mind it, but you never think of this when charting out your life. At least I didn't consciously anyway. I always knew I would be the dtr taking care of parents, it's why I have never moved away from WA state.

Hung laundry, ran the dishwasher, mowed lawns and cooked a bit ahead. Almost caught up with day to day stuff.

Spent a couple hours yesterday with my part time job here on the computer, getting the hang of their data base I think. My first paycheck from this job was here when I arrived back, nice!

We're adding in another couple folks in the back forty this month. A brother & sister that have an RV, no job due to a disability. I've met the guy whose property they are on currently, he swears they are perfect tenants. He has his property up for sale, so they need a new place to 'camp'. We're it until their name comes up for Section 8.

Had a builder make me an offer on a lot I have locally. Unfortunately, he is offering less than the county appraised it for. So, as attractive as the monthly monies would be on a real estate contract, I'm going to pass.

Heading to the sewing room this afternoon.....I have 5 orders for customers to finish up for this week (not including the dreaded black sparkly blazer)

3 Responses to “Back Home & Back To Work Here”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sounds like you are falling into this new life pretty easily!! It must have felt so wonderful to visit with you mom without the thoughts of impending chaos to come home to!!

    Have a nice relaxing evening!

  2. ima saver Says:

    My mom always use to call our land, the back forty, so that tickles me when you say it. Can I ask, how much land do you have?

  3. baselle Says:

    I'm a bit like your mom - I've tucked in a few bucks in someone's shirt pocket, too.

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