Home > The Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer Goes On Vacation

The Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer Goes On Vacation

July 11th, 2006 at 05:42 am

Yes, I brought the nasty black blazer with me for my week at my moms. Got it ripped open, ready for another fitting. This time, I'm taking note of what the woman is wearing when she tries it on, that has to be the explanation for why it is so HUGE on her now. (jeans, sweat pants, her uniform pants???)

Have been busy all day, got the spraying done at moms apt. building....haven't fired up the chain saw yet, needed to save a project for tomorrow.

Did get all the plants I brought her for her Birthday in the ground today....her yard is looking so much better; almost like someone lives here! Smile

We went out for dinner........without a coupon (horrors!!) She always pays, I think I would have to fight her for the bill. But we enjoyed ourselves, despite a call from my kiddo in crisis. Wonder how long this is going to continue?? The mom had my cell number for emergencies, & she gave it to him tonight. I've since turned it off... I'll call about my van at the shop, rather than leave the phone on so I can get a break this week.

The next few days will be spent doing everything I can find that my mom needs done, or wants to do, or whatever. Her birthday is Wed & she deserves everything she can think up! I've been making mental notes for a few months, just little things that she has mentioned about where she would like to go, etc. I don't have to be home til we should be able to fit lots in!

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