Home > Fabric for Fresia

Fabric for Fresia

June 19th, 2006 at 03:13 pm

Yes, it's another Freecycle morning here at my place. I advertised for plants again on Sat (the only day we can post WANTED's in our little group) and I've got several responses.

The first one also said they would like my extra sewing room stuff I had posted, so we're trading.........(not usually the way freecycle works) She gets fabric, thread and notions that were extras for me and I get fresia bulbs that she didn't need.

I can't wait. I've never had fresia in my gardens before. Have to do some research to see where they need to be planted.

As soon as the trade off happens, I'm off to another garden with my shovel in hand. This person offered to share whatever she had!! Too fun. I get to meet another local gardener, she gets to thin her things out and my garden grows!

I'll post pictures of the treasures & see if I get another mystery picture like I did yesterday. (still hoping someone recognizes the photo that showed up in my entry. Japanese gardens?? Anyone???)

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