What a day. Should qualify for two days, it seems like it has been forever since I got up and tackled the morning shift here.
Just 2 boys today, but still cooked like a short order cook for the morning shift.
Exchanged my fabric for bulbs early on today (have those in the ground and half potted to share with my mom next month for her birthday!)
Then, shovels and boxes loaded I headed for my freecycle plant share lady....and WOW, I came back with every container I had; just stuffed with plants. I don't use the back seat in my van, so there is only the middle seat in........and the rest of the room was totally filled with plants. Some I know what they are, others are mysteries still. Her gardens were amazing for only being 10 years old.
I have spent the afternoon digging, planting and watering in a vans worth of plants here. I did pot up a couple more hunks of things to use with the fresia bulbs for my moms birthday the 2nd week in July. By then, they should look pretty nice & have recovered from being moved.
That's a good tip for any of you gardeners.......be thinking of what you can divide & pot up all the time. Have a couple things potted & set out in your gardens, so you can bring them in and get ready for gifting if necessary.
Contrary1, editor
A Free, Free Day
June 20th, 2006 at 02:03 am