Home > WA State Bakes Again

WA State Bakes Again

July 21st, 2006 at 06:01 am

Yes, it seems we're headed for a few more days of really hot weather here. Anything over 75 and I have to live in my shower! Some of the weather reports have been saying the nasty 100 number even.....gads, to a native Seattle person that number makes us all a bit cranky.

Went to the Navy persons change of command ceremony on board the USS Ford today. What a deal that was! Fun, interesting and I found out just what a high ranking guy our Navy man is. I also found out the pair of shoes I ended up wearing of mine, need to move on to someone else with smaller feet. I've gone barefoot for so long, any shoes feel awful, but todays pair were torture. I waited til I got in the van to take them off and switch to my there were Navy people lining the walkways, escorting us everywhere. I'm NOT wearing shoes like that again, blast the dress code. I'm old enough to get some sort of waiver I think! Smile

Didn't spend a cent today, even tho I was out all day long from 8AM til after 9PM. Took snacks in case I needed them, and went to a late lunch with my mom with a G/C.

Planning ahead for the hot weather, I'll take something out to thaw tonight and pop it in the crock pot at the crack of dawn tomorrow.........keeping the house cool, only cooking once and getting many meals from whatever I grab from the freezer and not spending anything on food. Just 2 boys this weekend, but they will expect to eat & neither will be affected with the heat. Me........a salad and raw veggies from my garden & I'll be happy. And, ducking into the shower periodically to cool off........

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