Home > Wilting in WA

Wilting in WA

July 21st, 2006 at 04:42 pm

Watered my plants this AM and I was uncomfortably hot outside at 7AM! Didn't get to everything so I'll have to head out again. Trying to muster up courage to go outside...........

Who has our Pacific NW weather and when are you going to give it back? Smile We're just not used to these kinds of conditions! No one out here as A/C, so the best we can do is plug in a fan, move the hot air around a bit and pay through the nose for the power to do that!

At least I don't HAVE to do anything today. I've got a stack of new books from the library as well as the DVD of The Education of Little Tree. (thanks to everyone who reccomended this) I'll alternate between the shower and sitting in front of the fan with a book; that won't get much done but who cares!

Another no spend day here; I should add them up for this month, as I'm pretty sure I'll be hitting a new record for me. Since I'm not spending anything but the have-to bills for housing and utilities I have mostly no spend days.

I am grateful I don't have a long list of payments to be made, as I've switched from an ample paycheck to this new method of scraping together monies from my plethora of part time efforts. No car payments (only did that once in my life and I knew then I wouldn't do that again. I sold the car right away, and divorced the husband person who bought the car with the excuse it was a Gift to me......just to make sure!!)

Again, if you've got Seattles rainy, drippy weather.........send it back, please. (heading to the shower again to cool off)

2 Responses to “Wilting in WA”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Look at the bright side...think of how much more difficult it would be to bear this weather with your autistic kids. My guess is that it would be alot tougher than usual...Always seeing the glass half-full!

  2. LdyFaile Says:

    I hear you! Down in Portland it's 80 right now. And I just realized that I left a window open. Shoot. And with the car in the shop I can't run home and close it. I'm praying no one notices (it's not something a passerby would notice anyway) and that nothing gets taken.

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