Home > Glorious Light at the End of the Tunnel

Glorious Light at the End of the Tunnel

June 24th, 2006 at 10:33 pm

Yes, there is an end to my foster parenting. I now have the schedule for the week....not a good schedule but I have something to work with.

Monday, he will be back with helpers & a moving truck..........need to have him almost packed. He will leave with the truck Monday night.... Returning by bus on Tues and staying with me til Friday night. I'm holding back a cars worth of his stuff, so he will be comfortable here during the week......... this is a kid that has to save all the bread tabs, pop tabs, bottle caps, empty water bottles.....and surround himself with them. So, I'm not looking forward to a week without his own bed, his own TV, and on and on.......... but, he will be moving out by Friday night!! Thank you Jesus!!

Somehow, I need to finish the customers sewing orders I have this week too....My machines are back from their overnight in the shop & run so smooth now... Waiting til tomorrow before I get to work on projects. Most important is a sequined blazer for the horse show woman this coming week end.

One kiddo this week end, my super easy guy too. Feels like a vacation already.

Just did my moms hair, so she can go to the ocean a week......and am dog sitting her best friends dog so she can go too. So far, her dog & mine are doing just fine.

A no spend day.........other than personal energy. I've been up since 5, and busy the entire time. Can't wait til I can go to bed!

Just got a notice I "won" something on Freecycle today........a planter of some sort, so I'm off later this evening to pick that up. Thinking it might work well for one of my moms free plants for her birthday next month.

We're having a bit of hot for us weather here in WA........supposed to hit 90 the news said, but we're only 73 here at my place so far. Heading out to water the gardens and walk the new dog.

2 Responses to “Glorious Light at the End of the Tunnel”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Lucky you. We're at 84 up here in the NW corner of WA. On the bright side, the clothes are drying fast on the line!

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    Congratulations on your last week. I'm glad everything is working out for you. Good luck with these last few days.

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