That's right. 88 degrees is being touted as a cooling off period here in WA state. Who thought getting down to 80 would feel GOOD??
I have become an expert at climate control here at our place. I had a huge bolt of white drapery weight fabric, which I have cut, ripped and installed at ALL windows with a high tech system of thumb tacks. Not pretty, but it works!
Windows open during the night and closed up tight as soon as the sun comes up. Watch the temp in the evening and open things up as soon as the outside temp is lower than the inside.
As soon as the windows are open at night, I've been setting sprinklers outside the bedroom windows, and then putting a fan in the window closest to the sprinkler. Lovely cool breezes...........and sleep! As soon as I know everyone has cooled off, I can walk the dog and turn off the water.
Without A/C, our house could get to be an oven. With our gypsy camp curtains and being diligent about windows & fans, we're managing to keep our cool.
Other than running's another NO Spend Day here.
Cooling Off to a Cool ...........88?????
July 23rd, 2006 at 05:15 pm
July 23rd, 2006 at 06:10 pm 1153678203