Home > Freedom


July 2nd, 2006 at 01:06 am

I'm so excited today. Every little thing I do seems so simple & I've made it through my TO DO list that was as long as my arm...

Without the autistic kiddo, I'm just roaring through projects. I even asked for some things on Freecycle & got them.......and I can go get them without having to figure out some sort of magical method to get the kid in the car.

I'm copying a planter birdbath combo I saw in one of my free magazines last month, & tonight I'm supposed to be getting 2 of the major pieces to this event. Plus, I got an email from one of last months new gardener friends, saying she had more plants for me. I could tell her I'll be over this evening and not give it a 2nd thought!! Too fun. This is what my life used to be like!

I'm off......... going to stop on the way home & park at a trail head.......and take a bit of a walk. Hoping it is cooler then.

I want to be able to blog that I walked at least a couple times a week this month. Let's see how I do!

1 Responses to “Freedom”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    It's fun reading about your joy in just doing stuff with no complications.

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