Home > Antique Booth Update & other misc musings

Antique Booth Update & other misc musings

July 5th, 2006 at 11:57 pm

Well, the antique booth has turned into a great way to spend (waste) money, IMO. I'm going to give it July & Aug. and then I believe I'll be pulling out. It is fun, but not enough I want to pay for the priviledge.

Took more items in this AM, the booth looks great, but just not enough moving to pay the rent, let alone make any money.

Good thing the other items in my Making Money Column are working out! 2 sewing customers this afternoon........and the check is in the mail from the foster parent recruiter position.

I do have 2 LONG trainings to attend tomorrow & Friday, with some long drives too. But, as I understand it, they don't happen often.

Since it is July, wonder of wonders, the housemate person has begun to pay rent. She is planning on splitting the expenses for this home exactly in half......and pay me in 2 payments during the month. I have the first installment already in the bank today! We'll see how long this lasts! She also paid the last payment on her truck loan (that was in my name) today. Now, she owes me $3,000 and will start paying that back next month which will also help my balance here. Didn't even factor that payment in as income.....

This is the month for my vans tabs & emission test. First, I have to take it in for some electrical work. The lights on the dash always show "service engine now" and I can't get it tested with that on. It would be an automatic disqualification. So, money out for the van, times 3 this month. Crossing my fingers the electrical can be an easy fix!!

3 Responses to “Antique Booth Update & other misc musings”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Good luck with the van. It will be two years on for my check engine light in September. Oddly enough, it went off the day before I was to take it for inspection, then came back on a couple hours after inspection. I give up and am convinced my car is just lying to me. It runs just fine and throws a different code each time I get it scanned. Last time I got an evap code for the fuel system and I was told I needed a new gas cap. Got one today for 8.99, but you bet if that light isn't off in a day or two back goes the gas cap! I really don't think anything was wrong with the old one...

  2. boomeyers Says:

    The light in my van has been on since the price of gas skyrocketed, about a year ago or so?? They can't figure out why either! It comes and goes. I wondered if it was from some kind of additive they were putting in to stretch the gas, but it happens when I get gas from any station.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Mine is on in both cars. The one we've had checked three times and they always manage to get it to go off without finding the reason it was on, and then halfway home, there it is, on again. They insist the car is find, just old and tempermental. Hmm, that sound like my father, not my car. It seems to have conincided with the air conditioner usage going up, but since A.C. is working fine right now, I'm not going to pay to have it looked at.

    The other one, we have an idea what's wrong with it (alternator or starter) and its going to be costly so we just aren't driving it right now.

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