Wow, what an amazing day here. First & foremost, my kiddo is out of the house, not to return til after dinner. Very relaxing.
2nd: I've just put another van's worth of freecycle plants in the gound. Pooped, but I can't wait to see these take hold and transform a flat, plain space into a jungle of plants.
And.........I just got an email from the person I'll be working with on the new part time job... Nope, switch the words there...the person I'm already working with. They are paying me since June 10th, they said. What?? I didn't even know I was working! I just got my confirmation to the website, so I can access the data base and get going. Got a schedule of meetings I will need to pick & choose....getting myself to at least 2 a month. Woo-hoo. I'm off and running here. Now, I just need to locate, schedule and speak at a meeting a month touting my dog & pony show of Foster Parenting to one and all throughout the county.
If that weren't enough; I did have a new sewing customer today too.....and he will be a regular. I can always tell when someone HAS to use me. This man is so tiny, all his clothes will need to be adjusted to fit. Too bad for him, but regular $$ for me. Thank goodness he told me to call him when his order was finished. My plate is getting a little full this week.
Can't decide what job to do tonight!
Better get busy with something however, my free time is almost over for the day; and then I'll be back to work at my full time job.
I'm Already Working; Huh???
June 21st, 2006 at 01:21 am
June 21st, 2006 at 02:06 am 1150851987
How is the antique booth going?
June 21st, 2006 at 02:12 pm 1150895559