Home > What A Great Day

What A Great Day

July 19th, 2006 at 03:39 am

Wow, when the good things start is amazing. Our Navy commander drove in today, will be bringing his RV tomorrow. So, rent from him starts this week.......

Met with the 2 that will be moving in this week with their 5th wheel unit....they are prepared to pay $225 rent. Yikes, I wasn't thinking they were going to be able to scrape together any money!!!

Our little man with the VW bus is here this week "camping" and getting a break from living in his low income housing downtown Seattle. He is just too cute. And, paying rent!!

Still advertising the room/house share bit.....and had another bite on that ad today. Supposedly, a woman is coming tomorrow to check us out. Perhaps we can meet her and not scare her off? Smile Keeping my fingers crossed & the prayers going up!

Got a call from dtr & new grand baby is now 10 lbs!!! Doubled in weight already, she says he looks like a real baby now! Grateful he is OK, even born so early & tiny.

Had enough snap peas from the garden to saute in butter & garlic for my dinner. Totally enjoyed them....absolutely yummy.

Going to lash myself to the sewing machine this evening.......Might even work on the dreaded black sparkly blazer... Smile

2 Responses to “What A Great Day”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    I am very happy about your good day. May these days continue!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Me too!!

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