Viewing the '$ OUT' Category
June 23rd, 2006 at 03:58 am
Exhausted. But, a good kind. I paid for the delivery of a truck load of extremely good composted soil for the gardens today. For some reason, the autistic kiddo decided spreading compost was just the ticket today. He just kept going and going. We finished a couple beds and then the horse shoe man drove up, so the dirt lost it's charm.
As we got to watch the horses get their pedicures, I got to remind myself again, It's Not My Money!!!! So glad I didn't get a horse........I can get the experiences here at no cost to me. After my kiddo moves out, I can even go riding with the 'horse lady'. Too fun!
I did put in an hour or so on the new part time job. Love it still. I can see some meetings on the horizon, things that I might not be able to get away with my 'uniform' of jeans & a shirt with my birkenstocks. If I can get busy & start walking (again, after the kiddo moves) there are plenty of appropriate clothes in my closet. Working at home & not going anywhere are a nasty recipe for me.
A trip to the local thrift store might be warranted as a back up plan.
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$ OUT,
Frugal Gardening
June 16th, 2006 at 05:03 pm
Seriously cutting expenses here. I thought we had done that already, then some more.....and again and again. But, here we go again, cutting out the unnecessary.
Today's change......Netflix bites the dust. We haven't even noticed not watching. Forgot there were 3 movies here. So, off they go, along with an email to cancel membership.
Did just pay for annual AAA membership for myself (housemate person paid her half this time for the first time!) This is one I won't cut ......hopefully, won't have to. I've saved the cost of membership each year, and since we drive older vehicles and don't do any of the maint. ourselves......this is a good value IMO.
Checked Paypal account, should be a deposit soon from a product testing event that I just finished. Think this one is $15.00
Also finished up a product test this AM on email, another $6.00. Love these.....gives me something to do and think about other than caring for the kiddo here. And, I get paid for it. And, someone out there thinks I can still think! That's the amazing part!
The influx of boys starts again this afternoon.........all 3 here this week end. I'll be lashing myself to the kitchen and cooking/cleaning/cooking/cleaning for the next 3 days. I'm looking forward to this after the full time kiddo leaves, he is just way too complicated to then add the other 2 in to the mix and hope I have brain cells by Monday. This should be the last time I have all 3 at once. Praise God!
Time to go get busy in the kitchen....with a quick detour to the freezer to haul out supplies. Thank goodness for well stocked freezers & pantries!!!
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$ OUT,
keeping track,
June 9th, 2006 at 05:22 am
Feel like my sewing business is beginning........finally. Had a fitting today & it was perfect. Good to know I haven't lost ALL my brains this last 4 years with my Autistic Wonder Child!
Another fitting next Thurs, beginning to get into a routine here with the sewing.
Worked a bit in my sewing area....can't call it a room yet, as I'm carvng out space in the double garage. I added the power strip today, which enabled me to plug in more lighting, the clock so I know what I'm billing......as well as a radio for some company when I'm out there. Have a new to me book shelf so I unpacked a few more boxes that didn't have anywhere to go before.
Made a deposit, paid a couple bills online and got the baby gifts to the new daddy. He shared a bunch of pics with me which was fun. Baby dealing with a touch of jaundice; perhaps looking at a short hospital stay for this.
Sent an email reminder to my tenants at the other house; their rent is due here in 2 days. Got a reply this time, they promised the check would be mailed tomorrow. They also confirmed they were still planning on staying at the house, even with the current licensing difficulties they are having. I had asked about the status of the outdoor spaces & they chose not to answer that question. Will send it again as soon as I receive the check.
Participate in my first real survey; have $15.00 now in that account. Need $50 for distribution. I was beginning to think I was never going to qualify for anyones' survey! Did another online and received a $10 Amazon G/C. Nice.
I find it interesting when sitting down to write here; there isn't much that goes on in a day that doesn't relate to my finances in some way. I'm positive I do a better job of managing my funds when I'm really tuned in to them....so writing daily is a good tool for me.
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$ OUT,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
May 30th, 2006 at 06:43 am
Yes, I went shopping, at a real store, not a thrift store, or garage sale. Spent actual money too, not a g/c. I had to meet my week end kiddos mom and as the schedule went, we were hours early. So, not being near my home, we headed to a store with a garden dept & I picked up some more veggie starts I didn't have.
Since shopping isn't a vice for me, I had a hard time wasting enough time in the store & we ended up almost an hour early at the pre appointed meet up site. (I had already taken said kiddo for a walk at the track)
I always have a tablet & writing utensil with me, so I spent the hour writing a couple articles and ideas for articles for www.frugalgardening.com Better use of time than staying in the store, in my opinion.
I was amazed at the stuff for sale in the store. Not sure when the last time was that I was in something that qualified as a store......definately last year. Been years, plural, since I've done anything close to a mall. Felt like I was wandering in another country.
I'm spending one more night at my moms, then heading home in the AM. Stopping on the way to pick up a load of chicken wire (thanks Freecycle) and then getting my much needed haircut. (my first new sewing customer is a hair stylist, so I'm going to her......needing to remember to thank her, she has already sent referrals my way!!)
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$ OUT,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
May 22nd, 2006 at 02:46 am
Surprised myself and actually did some on line shopping today. Thought it was a no spend day, but had time to put one of those deals together so many here have talked about.
Used My Points to get books from Barnes & Noble, also paid for the memb. bit from there.........and cashed in my g/c I had redeemed from my points for B & N. Managed to find what I needed to get shipped, went just over the total necessary for free shipping and I think it is going to work. Shipping books to an incarcerated person, I can't ever ship things that aren't new, must come from the company, etc, etc. I was determined not to spend any more than I had to, and now I've got more points to redeem another g/c........so I think it is almost going to be a wash. Amazed myself that I got this accomplished. We'll see if it all goes to where it needs to go....I haven't been too successful in the past.
Down to 2 kids this evening, feels like a vacation!
Had a drop in visitor, another person who is willing to rent space from me & live on the back 40. We're meeting again tomorrow when I don't have 3 boys milling around asking me a thousand questions.
All my little ventures might add up to enough income to make this new retirement "plan" of mine work. (thank you to all of you who have given me encouragement to just keep waiting for the windows to open here)
The "plan" as it looks from here:
-have current house mate pay more than her share for the first time in decades so I'm not really paying for housing.
-new housemate paying rent starting 7/1
-monthly rent from parking boat
-1/2 the power bill paid from "Navy" person staying on the property
-monthly income from 2 part time clients here on week ends
-monthly income from antique booth
-monthly income from boarding the 4 horses
-brand new income from sewing customers (have no recent numbers from this, but I was always able to make as much as I wanted when I did it before.)
So, with all these taken into account, I'm only using the figures I know.....I'm less than $100 off what I will be giving up in income as of July 1st. Not bad. I just need to come up with a little more sophisiticated accounting system here, so I can keep track of who has paid what!!
Feeling quite positive tonight! Grateful I have a piece of property I can MAKE money from, as well as some talents I can get paid for.
And, just to put the whole thing over the top, the whopping 1 book sale a month from Half.com!!!!
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$ OUT,
keeping track,
May 17th, 2006 at 05:52 pm
It's housekeeper day today...... Love Wednesdays! Laundrys' on the line, dinners in the crock pot, gardens watered already & it's only 9-ish. I do get more done with the plain old cleaning chores farmed out.
Spending today...........but for things for the garden & a few more supplies for the chicken coop. So, technically, food budget I guess.....in the long run. Will be taking my autistic kiddo with me, so no chance I'm over spending, or straying from the list. He is "keeper of the list" when he goes with me, so we REALLY stay on task. Hoping to bring home a van full of veggie starts, things that work better here in zone 8 to have a bit of a head start. Also going to get more salad greens, so I can continue to plant another container each week, hoping to stretch out my almost free salad makings.
Taking library books back on the same swing through town.......skipping any new ones, as I'm all out of time to read since the garden is now in. Will keep my 'wish list' going at my library's website, just not ordering any of them until things slow down a bit.
In my quest to continue lowering my monthly bills; I have 10 I pay monthly. Out of those, I pay 9 online....so it feels as thrifty as possible right now. There will be some changes made as we get to July, but for now, all of them have been critiqued, questioned, combined, zero interest-ed (like that word?) and looked at through a microscope.
There are 6 bills paid on an annual basis, or semi annual.....none of which I can cut or lower at this point. (I tried) All of these are paid on line.
Aiming to stay cool here .........supposed to hit 80 again today. Unheard of in western WA this time of year. No a/c here either, just getting very skilled at which windows to open at which time of day.
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$ OUT,
keeping track
May 13th, 2006 at 07:02 pm
This AM started off well, then the teen I hire to help me on Sat mornings, sent an email through his mother........he had forgotten he was going on a hike today. We weathered that here, the autistic one did OK with the change, said "fooey" and went on with his morning. (THAT was progress!!!)
Then, ahead of schedule, my friend with the dozer/tiller called & said he was on his way over. (wasn't supposed to be til next week during school hours). So.........that meant a quick trip to the veggie plot & taking off the stones/blocks and the 3 HUGE, really HUGE pieces of black plastic. (sure glad I had already showered...NOT) Didn't get much help with this project, it was pretty dirty & wet to get the autistic one to do more than watch me and laugh his head off.
I ran in and changed, no time for another shower until tonight and the 2nd adult is here..........
But, the up side is.....the veggie garden will be done today and the piles of fill that have been in my front yard since October are going to be smoothed out and tilled in. Yeah. A front yard, at last.
Kiddo #2 arriving for lunch & staying til Monday evening.
Horse Lady coming to groom all 4 horses & go out for a trail ride. Hoping to get my 2 kids out there & help groom. Good for my guys & I get my horsey fix.
That should just about fill up my day here. Meals are all prepped, thanks to my mom; she sent home enough food for an army. Blessings to her! I just need to pop something in the oven for desserts and I should be on auto pilot for the next couple days.
Big bill today; Paying for the dozer time here. I did tell my friend I need the budget price plan, so he isn't spending hours out there grooming us to look like a golf course. Good thing the rest of the week end is a no spender...
Can't wait for Tuesday; Back to the antique booth with more new things and off to the nurseries to get plants & more seeds for the veggie garden!!
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$ OUT,
May 12th, 2006 at 06:12 am
I am still at my moms, taking a break from my usual routine. Did things today that are really so simple, but impossible at my house.
-Enjoyed going back to bed after getting up to walk my dog......how indulgent!!
-Sat & visited with mom over & after breakfast.......in jammies......until almost 11AM Very relaxing!
-Had my son in law come over & fix a couple things on moms PC that I couldn't get to go.....definately an operator difficulty here. (me) We got to sit & visit with SIL for hours, had him stay for lunch. No kids in sight....again, very unusual
-decided on the spur of the moment mom & I would go out to dinner. Really nice, chose a great little local diner type place....cheap & good. More relaxed visiting.
Don't want to go back home and back to work tomorrow.....whining a bit here. We had a great mothers day break; early but just as nice.
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$ OUT,
May 5th, 2006 at 04:12 pm
Going to be a busy day here at our little ranch. There is a huge one day sale planned here, (the attempt my 'room mate' is making at coming up with money to pay here way here). So, the place will be full of cars & extra folks all day.
I had to give my homeless gentleman notice to move out last night. He didn't take it well........started being almost nasty. Hopefully, this morning will cause him to look at my letter differently. I don't know if the sale today will diffuse his attitude or cause him to have an audience. Hoping for the former.
And, if all goes smoothly with #1 & #2, I have my van packed to head to my antique booth. Time to pay rent and see if anything actually sold last month.
So, I won't be making any money today, WILL be spending some for my booth rental and it will be a crazy day here no matter what. My occasional week end kiddo comes this week end too, so I'll have all 3 boys home the whole week end. Gads! This is definately my Monday!!
If I can scrape up any spare time today..........I need to head to the garage, where I have attempted to set up half of it as my sewing room. Funny thing with empty space.......Stuff multiplies, things crawl in on their own accord, and all sorts of odd items are now cozying up to my sewing area. I won't want to work out there if it isn't all cleaned up......
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$ OUT,
sewing & knitting
April 28th, 2006 at 06:40 pm
I just got back from taking my autistic kiddo to his mom.....he will be gone until Monday afternoon. Even the trip back home in traffic (44 miles) was relaxing! I'm already soaking up the quiet at my house. It's hard to know how exhausted I am until he is gone and I can feel myself shutting down.
Heading to my moms again this week end. Hoping to get to many of the items on my TO DO list for her place. She had rented her house out for 2 years, so there is plenty that got ignored during that time. Lots to do. Sunshine expected here, so we should be able to make a difference to her yard. I'm also going to be fixing some gouges in her new walls.......movers (read Grand sons) weren't very careful. Then, I'll touch up the paint job.... This is the same house I lived in from 6th grade til I got out of high school......it feels odd to be the one maintaining it now. But, it is feeling great to get it in shape again too.
I spent $40.00 on gas today..but that will be it for the weekend. I can go a long time without spending money here!
Blossoms on my free strawberry plants already!! I'm planning on bringing home another van full of free plants from moms on Monday... Gardening on the Cheap!!
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$ OUT,
Frugal Gardening
April 26th, 2006 at 03:17 pm
I've got a list as long as my arm ....and need to get it accomplished before the bus returns my kiddo at 2:30. It would be so much easier if places I needed to frequent were open at the crack of dark in the AM..........instead of not opening up til 10, or worse yet, noon, like the library.
I have a box of things to add to the antique booth, which is next to my bank so I can make a deposit. Which is next to the P.O. so I can mail my half.com sale (computer game). Then I need to back track to the other town for the nearest library; they are holding 4 books for me and only give 10 days on that hold. (wonder if they will increase that due to gas prices??? I can't be the only one grouping errands) Also need to stop in at a store & pick up batteries for CD player......not usually considered an emergency, but believe me, it will save my afternoon & evening. Autistic kiddos mom loaned him her personal CD player....without extra batteries. Bad combination. Hard to explain batteries to him. Impossible even. So, batteries are definately on my list.
I do need to be back here at noon, I'm interviewing a gentleman who wants to rent RV space in the back 40. He is stationed at the Navy base here for 1 year & doesn't want to move his family just for that short amount of time. Hoping he loves it here & will "sign on" with us. (we are an odd bunch however....so I wouldn't blame him if he runs right back to San Diego)
I've got laundry washing to get out before all my places open up.....and I've got to find some sort of hunk of something to take out for dinner.
Will need to do a gas stop too.......I don't like to get below 1/4 tank since I live out a ways. Thinking I need at least $40 for this.
Better get to work, reading and writing here don't make a bit of difference to the length of my TO DO list!! (It is my favorite thing to do when enjoying my cup of coffee however!!)
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$ OUT,
April 15th, 2006 at 02:05 am
Mixed up day, my thoughts are no where near organized. Thought I was spending no money, then realized it was Friday, the day I pick up my kiddo from swimming and we, traditionally, go out for a snack. I was early, so I ran through a grocery store for snack items. Saved $$, but spent when I thought I wouldn't have to.
And, since I was out, I got a hair cut too........spent $$ again, but no more gas doing it at the same trip.
And.......(getting to be a theme here) I saw the craft store had their fabric on 20% off. I have half-heartedly looked for fabric for a vintage chair I'm re doing for the antique booth. Ran in today and found something very workable. Only spent $2 something on the piece I needed. (no excuse now, not to have something new for the booth this coming week)
Watched Oprah tonight while putting dinner together. Wasn't surprised at the stories, but I found the whole hour pretty compelling. I am feeling mighty grateful tonight, here in my home, warm-safe-fed- the list could go on and on.
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April 5th, 2006 at 03:53 pm
OK, I'm not doing a bunch of things right here. I've been giving this gift card deal a try, with a couple that were noted here on the site and they just don't seem to be working like everyone else says they do.
I have found a better way for me to track these deals (before getting charged for any of them too!), but when I call to cancel, I get yet another "offer" and on some, the trial period extended. Those I get. Those I have taken.
The ones that are confusing to me are the ones that get close to the 30 day period and I call to cancel, (without having received the GC) and then they tell me they will send me my gift card if I want to keep the account active. Anyone else having this little hiccup in the process?? I thought the offers arrived in the 30 day period??
I admit I am pretty confused on these, when I started, I thought I could keep track of who was sending what. Duh! Not a chance. So, I have no notes as to what is supposed to be coming. (I have changed my ways here and now note it in my Deal Busting Notebook!) I've only got 2 now in limbo land, the rest is all sorted out, offers coming and nothing but the $1 charges on my account. I even got the $10.00 credit to my CC account for trying some sort of bank offer. I didn't see that this month, so I called to check on it, it snuck in just after the billing cycle. Free money.......I don't care how it got into my account, as long as it got there. Will call & cancel that offer now that I confirmed the money.
spending today for housekeeper for my house & my moms. It is Wed & he will be here.........we'll be sparkling by this afternoon, but it is a big chunk of $$.
No other expenses, a stay at home day. Spring break here so I'm really working!
Dried clothes outdoors yesterday for the first time this season, saved $$ finally.
Posted in
April 1st, 2006 at 04:29 pm
That's what was on the back of my deposit slip from yesterday. I normally don't pay much attention to them, honestly........I usually toss them. But, the back was facing me as it fluttered out of my bag & onto the desk and it said "Realize Your Dreams!" I was hooked and read on..........
*Home Equity Loans
*Personal Line of Credit
*Personal Loans
*Credit Cards
*Education Loans
That was it. No mention of saving in any form. Disappointing. I need to remember banks aren't about saving $$, like my mind says they are supposed to be........but they are about making $$.
A good reminder, my money shouldn't get too comfortable at the bank. I'll start thinking of it as a holding area prior to putting it to work!
I wonder what would happen if the bank started printing off a Daily Money Saving Tip on the backs of the receipts? Would people notice? Is it possible if enough people paid off CC debt and got themselves in the black that banks could no longer stay in business as we now know them?
spending $15 today for the young man I pay to hang out with my autistic kiddo. I get 3 hours of relative quiet this AM, I still supervise, but from afar, getting some much needed respite from interruptions every 5 min.
I get my moneys worth from this $15.00!
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$ OUT,
March 29th, 2006 at 06:43 am
The best laid plans & all that.......... I had planned to take my client to the dry cleaners this evening to pick up his coat he "plays" Mr Rogers with (way long explanation I'll politely skip here)......the receipt said to pick it up this evening after 5. So, the plan was to go get it at 5:30, then come back here for dinner, which was all ready to heat up...
The cleaners had just put his jacket into the machine....and told us it would be ready in an hour. Not wanting to go home & right back, needing to feed the autistic kiddo and waiting not being his best skill.........we moved to Plan B.
(Plan B's always cost money in my life here)
I checked my entertainment book I always have in the van & there were no coupons in our little town........rush hour, there was no way I was going anywhere else for dinner, we wouldn't make it back before the cleaners closed either.
So, off to the mexican restaurant we went. Gads, I had no idea things had got so expensive. Even if we had the special for the night, both entrees were just over 10$.
As if that wasn't enough, the coat wasn't pressed yet.......so next door to the hardware store to pick up something to use for a compost bucket in the kitchen. (really did NEED this one, somehow ours got mangled in the move & we've made do since Oct.)
Finally, the coat was finished & we added another 9$ to the evenings expenses.
Even with all the changes, I had a happy kiddo by the time we headed for home. It was just interesting to me how even tho I plan, plan, plan.........I can't smooth all the bumps in the road. And, bumpy roads sure cost more money, at least for me!
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$ OUT,
March 15th, 2006 at 09:49 pm
Can't believe March is half over already.
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. Really drives home the need to save/invest early on.
Errand day for this week, spending what seemed like lots for me. Total was 90 something, but I did remember to use the 2 gift cards, so it was 80, and 20 of that was for someone else.......So my total wasn't as bad as it felt at the cash register. I truly am allergic to spending money I think. I took a list and was very good, got only items I had planned for. Couldn't even find one thing on my list, so saved some $$ there.
Made a bank deposit, had a small check as well as the cash that had been paid back, the bank balance was looking good enough I finally paid for the horse boarding policy. Who knew one needed a special policy for this?? It's only an annual thing, and the tenants monthly rent is covering the insurance, but it was a sizeable chunk out of my account today.
Doing some deep soul searching after a long talk with my mom yesterday. I have a change coming up in June, my autistic young man will no longer be in school.... This will mean no free time, or down time for me AT ALL. I can tell by the way I'm longing for respite time now, that by June I'm not going to be able to cope with this as a full time deal. So......that means finding a job....e-gads! Or, making this place make money somehow, or as my mom suggested, investing some money of hers that will be coming my direction when she dies (awful thought) so there is a monthly income. Deep thought needed. Creative thinking needed. Good thing I have a few days off next week, going to spend it with mom, visiting, helping out at her new place .........and brainstorming about how to move on to something new & different in June.
Posted in
March 14th, 2006 at 02:04 am
The #2 hot water tank feeds supplies the 2 bathrooms in the bedroom end of the house........#1 tank takes care of the laundry, kitchen & another bath.... In preparation for my annual license inspection here; I was testing the temp of the water from #2 & found it registers a tad over 150 degrees! Yikes. I had no idea it was that hot. Talk about a waste of money. Now, I can't seem to get it regulated any cooler. Even after showers today, it remains at 150 or above. The thermostat on the heater says 110. Have a couple more days to mess with it, but I need it to read 120 on Friday for the inspection.
I should be getting another small paycheck this evening.....but I paid out 50% of the labor for the carpenter putting up the coop & clothesline, still money to the plus side however.
Spent the day fine tuning the house for the inspection. Cleaned places that haven't been touched since we moved in, packed some things away so they could be locked up, and generally looked at the place through a strangers eyes. We have a dog and cats & it looked like we were covered in fur. I just get used to it, some gets cleaned up each week......but I love my animals more than a spotless house. We'll see how we fair at the exit interview. My job depends on this license, so we need to pass with flying colors.
Getting a glass of wine & putting my feet up for the evening.
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$ OUT,
$ IN
March 11th, 2006 at 03:27 pm
I love details.........and organization.........but I'm overwhelmed with the paperwork this week. I've got my annual state inspection for my license this Fri and then Tue & Wed of next week....in addition to my appt on Wed for my taxes. I'm working on the license bit first, since after the first meeting on Friday, the rest are more like exit interviews....so, I'll work on collecting the paperwork/documentation for the tax meeting over the week end.
I didn't get to choose the scheduling for these, which is probably making me a tad more negative.
The tax meeting will be one more hurdle to cross re; the closure of the business last year. Can't wait til all the hurdles are in my past.
Success yesterday.......the largest rent check was in my mailbox.....on the day it was due! My reminder emails/FAX and voice mails worked; I think it was the bcc to the exec dir that actually made the system work. Either way, the money was on time. Nice, finally. I was getting tired of the excuse that they didn't get paid on time, so then their check was late. Too bad, figure out a different system.....
Deposited the 2 checks I had yesterday & did get my haircut. Also forgot to use the Target gift cards, just not a shopping person.....plus I had my autistic young man with me; so I should be glad I got home with the items on my list....(and absolutely nothing else!)
Just forgot to use the free money......I need to remember to write FREE MONEY on the list next time, maybe that would help?
Spending just $15.00 today.....It's helper day here......the young man I've hired to spend 3 hours with my autistic kiddo comes this morning, so I get a little reprieve. Enjoying this, the boys are still pretty shy, there isn't much interaction, but I get a break and that is what the goal was in the first place. Now, I just need to clone this kid and pull someone in a couple days after school too.
Home made clam chowder for dinner tonight.....it's freezing here, so that should be a good choice. We've got everything it takes, (but I never start out to cook something that I am missing parts for....) I'm not one to know how much a recipe costs, but this has got to be pretty darned cheap. I buy the bacon in bulk, use dried milk, have the clams in the freezer and using up potatoes that are at the bottom of my bin..... I'll make a huge pot too, so it will cover us for lunches tomorrow too. Aiming for a soup meal at least weekly here.
Got 2 samples in the mail yesterday; each time I say thank you to those of you who kindly post the addresses here.
Each offer individually, doesn't seem like much, but I've begun to see that I can run my dishwasher this week for free, wash clothes for a couple weeks also free in addition to the benefits that add up from each days new goodies in the mail. ( I should be looking years younger soon too......due to all the creams/lotions I've received ) 
Enough here, back to collecting documents and organizing paperwork. I'll put on my CD I got from the library yesterday (Dave Ramseys, Total Money Makeover) & maybe it will make the job less of a job.
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all things food,
$ OUT,
March 10th, 2006 at 05:23 pm
For someone who isn't a "shopper" by nature, I'm sure racking up the days where the money is flowing OUT rather than IN. Off to run errands today, so using gas and getting my hair cut. (I cut everyone elses hair, but can't do my own....drat)
Decided not to make a bank deposit, since I'll need the cash to pay the guy putting up the chicken coop & clothesline.......lumber delivered today & the job starts on Monday. He will want half that day, so I might as well save out the money & not have to run to town on Monday too.
I am going to use my gift cards at Target(insider pages), to get blank tapes for the VCR. My autistic young man doesn't watch much TV, but what he is hooked on, I tape for him if he is not here. Saves meltdowns, so the tapes are a GREAT investment. I had finally run out of tapes to tape over.....and he isn't willing to let me tape over any of his collection.
The largest rent check is due today, but these tenants have never paid on time, nor have they included the late fees. I did call & email a reminder to them this week, to see if I could get this on track. It's such an odd house, I would have difficulty renting it to normal people.......and I like that the house is being used for autistic kids. But, I would still love to be able to count on the income by a certain day each month. I only have one check that I can really count on, and that isn't a specific date either, but it does arrive the first couple days of the month.
I watched a PBS program by the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Great ideas......has caused me to really think about my home. He puts homes in the liability category, since they TAKE money, not MAKE money. Makes sense to me. I have tried to turn my homes into money makers, and they do add some......but they are also my biggest expense. He advocates making money, not saving money........at least that was my simplistic take on it.
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$ OUT,
March 8th, 2006 at 05:31 pm
I just found a small stash of PC games (one new even) that we don't use at all........so started to list them on half.com. Came to a halt, when I keep getting a note to enter the proper UPC code? I'm doing just that........ the number is now etched in my brain, but not coming up as a valid UPC. Anyone have pointers for me on this??
I followed up with my CC company & found out the nasty co. that has been calling for payment had already charged my account. I am going to save their FAX from yesterday demanding the same payment again, by check. I have the record now of closing the account, but I'm paranoid re; things like this. I haven't had anything even close to this in my life for decades. Gave up the husband person and magically, the money difficulties never returned.
Spending like crazy today; it's cleaning day here, so I'll pay for my month of that service, in addition to paying him for cleaning my moms house this month too. The building supplies get delivered today for the chicken coop and clothesline projects ....Yeah! Finally!
So, will need to write checks for that too.
My state inspection has been moved up to the 17th, so I'm working hard on getting all the little details finished up here. There will be expenses for this too; I plan to get one more fire extinguisher prior to the 17th. I will wait & just take notes on what the state needs me to change/add........rather than going overboard on things I might not have to do. First time being licensed as an adult facility, I hear it is different than foster care licensing......so I'll be learning new regs & requirements. The only fun part to this will be watching the 3 inspectors try to get any info from the autistic young man that lives here! I know he won't talk to them, nor will he understand their questions.
Expecting snow here today & tomorrow, so I'm holding off on taking my new load of goodies to the antique booth. Anxious to get more in the space, as well as see if anything sold. I'm hoping people just won't be able to live without the things I'm selling!
Baking a couple loaves of my Friendship Bread this afternoon, first time for this starter. I decided to get better at providing home made snacks here......so it's apple cinnamon and a choc chip for this afternoon. Should smell yummy right about school bus time!
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all things food,
$ OUT,
March 4th, 2006 at 03:21 pm
Exciting little things are beginning to happen from the work I've put in already as well as just being WAY more attentive to my money in general.
I received my first notice a book I listed on half.com SOLD! Too fun. I have an unlimited source of free to me books, although not all are in great shape. The ones I've listed are New!
I applied for another gift card, thinking I have got this canceling thing down pat now.....I hope.
I thought I should update my Paypal account, with the new address, etc.......& was surprised to find $150. in the account. I had forgotten about getting paid for an auction item!!! Requested they put the money in the interest acct, and just left it there.
I will be spending a tad today, I pay a 14yo boy to help with my autistic kiddo on Saturdays........ My guy is on a weekend with his mom, so the 14yo & I are going to plant trees. A good $15.00 spent, since I've got over 100 seedlings to get in the ground.
Also using gas, but I'm picking up a van load of free fabric (freecycle), so it should even itself out eventually.
I got blessed with a huge box of strawberry plants today.... Free things are so exciting! That will make the berries taste even better!!
Paychecks start coming in tomorrow, I'm anxious to get another round of payments on the CC's, being mindful of saving out enough for the property taxes in April....2 months to go to round up enough for this bill. I had thought it was going to come out of the money set aside for the remodel, but with that bid so high........I'm going to need to save more &/or get a lower bid.
Advertised on Craigs list for bids, got one guy to answer & he actually came the same day! Let's hope he gets back to me.
I got my utility bill yesterday, & figured out I'm paying $3.36 per day for electricity. Covers lights & the pump, we don't have elec heat. They won't lower my average payment until I've been here a year & can prove I won't have spikes in my use. Wait til they see the bill next month........I've been hyper careful here.
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$ OUT,
$ IN
February 23rd, 2006 at 07:57 pm
Since I work at home, I almost have to schedule an Office Day here. Bookwork seems to multiply when I turn my back. I have made some physical changes in my office area, making it nicer here while I take care of details. I've got music on, a yummy smelling candle lit and the fire going. I also began a garden area right outside my office window. I notice my desktop is clear, the to be filed container isn't overflowing and the garbage is even emptied. All little things, but I know myself..........and they make this type of work seem like it's no work at all.
I re did a chart to record my monthly income. I get 6 different checks each month & not all at the same time...and my last effort didn't pan out, not enough room to note what came in. New system looks better. I even called my tenant, had to leave a message, but I did ask for the money to come in on the proper day this coming month. With the agreed upon late fees too. New for me, I am more comfortable just dealing with it being late.
I also set up a system to note the days & phone numbers I need to call for the trial offers I applied for yesterday. Thanks all for the suggestions......Hopefully, I'll be able to stay on top of this. Visions of multiple magazine subscriptions, shopping club memberships and such make me just a tad nervous!!!
Need to pay for the freezer & the firewood being delivered today, so it is definately a spending day! But, I've got the first really interested potential buyer for the wood stove coming this afternoon, so that will even things out for the day. Crossing my fingers & praying she will buy the stove. (hoping crossing fingers doesn't negate the prayers going up!) 
Contemplating how much of my budget & finances in general.......focus on planning. The big picture is; with enough planning, I'm able to take care of the household now, and into the future. Planning for the eventual emergencies to planning what to serve for meals tomorrow; it all saves money and eliminates any stressing on my part about the finances. Good thing I like to plan; lists, notebooks, my daytimer.........they are all helping in my quest here.
Posted in
February 21st, 2006 at 07:08 pm
Reviewed my February goals & I'm lucky there is still a week left in the month! No progress so far on much of anything.
-I haven't ordered the seeds for the garden
-I've made a feeble attempt to advertise my sewing/knitting business
-The wood stove & fridge have been advertised, a couple interested people, but no buyers
-The Roth IRA isn't set up yet........paperwork arriving today I believe.
I still have the outdoor lighting to change too........the fixture it too high up for me to be comfortable doing it with the ladder I have. Not sure how to accomplish this one.
So, as I head into the last days of Feb....I'm going to have to DO something every day, not just sit here and read & write about it. Thinking doesn't make it so.
I did read a great article this AM about new years resolutions being for the eitire year, not things you expect immediate results on. That helped a little...........realizing I have implemented so many new things and made dozens of changes associated with saving and finances; I shouldn't look at what I haven't got accomplished, but at what the bigger picture is.
Spending money today...........the first of my potential contractors is coming for an appointment, and now most all of them are charging to do a bid. I tried & just couldn't get around this. He'd better be worth it for me to end my streak of NO SPEND days for him!
Posted in
February 16th, 2006 at 04:21 pm
I've got the car running, it hasn't gone anywhere yet this week & it's 20 something outside!!! I've got a training to attend, or I wouldn't be going anywhere yet! The training will fulfill 6 of my 10 required hrs, it's free and they provide lunch. It will take up my whole day..........but, I'm taking a new knitting project (and my business cards!) so I'll feel like I'm getting something done besides just listening.
The topic is one I've already had many trainings in, so I'm not expecting any real breakthrough moments..........I can always make notes as to the "little things" I can do re; budget & finances while in class!!
Planning a grocery run to an outlet/ restaurant supply store on the way home; usually runs about $100 but lasts a couple months. I'm hoping to get better at keeping records; some of the other posts here have made me aware how lacking I am in this food & household piece of the budget.
Got my 2nd check in payment for the horses boarding here. Nice!! I'm absolutely enjoying the horses, they are so fun to watch; even if they belong to someone else. More enjoyment BECAUSE they belong to someone else!!
I am getting to know the woman who owns the animals & am seeing someone who doesn't have their finances in order. I see how much money it takes to keep the horses & have to just wonder. I'm pretty sure I would have sold my horses if I was in her position.
Hoping the car is warm & toasty.......After today, I'll only have 1.5 hours left of cont. ed to finish in 06. Not bad for it only being Feb.
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$ OUT,
$ IN
February 15th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
I feel like I have graduated to a new level..........just made the call to open a Roth IRA for the first time. I actually have earned income, so I qualify as of Oct 05. TA-DA. I don't know if I can get it funded for last year since property taxes are also due in April, we'll see.
I've been able to cross of the daily financial challenges with regularity here lately; since moving, I've done the phone, cable, internet & garbage....along with the water & power. All are as cheap as I can get. Combined the phone, cable & internet and got a good package. Almost $50.00 less per month than individual providers. We have a well, so no water bill........dropped trash pick up, since the truck was tearing up our gravel access road. I've started using the trash compactor that came with the place & concentrating on recycling all we can. I think a trip to the dump every other month is going to suffice. That will cut over $100 from the bills.
(Maybe the Roth is going to get funded!!!)
Will actually be spending money today...my autistic kiddo has an invite to go camping & it is supposed to drop to 17 degrees here.....so long underwear are a must. Not even sure if he will wear them, but I'll feel better.
I'm checking all my outdoor faucets to see that they are insulated for the next couple of really cold nights.......and I'm going to remember to let an indoor faucet go all night with a slow drip; WAY cheaper than re doing pipes after they freeze.
Off to light the wood stove & get busy, so I warm up. Snow still on the ground here.........looks pretty, but Oh, so cold.
Posted in
February 9th, 2006 at 01:15 am
Today was a hodge podge of errands & appointments. Started off meeting with a decorator I've hired to help with the master bedroom/bath remodel. I'm going to learn first hand if the rumor is true, that a decorator saves money in the long run. At this point, it seems so to me. I have done the same project myself in the last house, so it should be pretty easy to compare.
I'm more than excited to see the plans and look forward to actually getting the project started.
Spent actual cash and got my hair cut today. $16.00 is the cheapest I can get in our little town.........skipped the blow dry, as that cuts it down a bit. I will investigate the beauty schools, I used to get my haircuts there, but now......I'm thinking the gas to get to one would just about even out the price I'm at. Will check however, to make sure.
Just to finish off the afternoon......I met with a carpenter who is going to start my chicken coop & run tomorrow. Also, pouring the concrete for the clothesline posts!! I did pay him for the supplies he needs to pick up tomorrow & will pay the rest upon completion.
Looking forward to the clothesline saving me money in the long run, the coop will be a while before it saves anything.........but I do love watching my chickens!!!
Interesting day......when I look back on it, every single thing I did was just for ME. Unusual, but necessary, especially after yesterdays meltdown here. I've got an evening by myself scheduled here..........a bottle of wine is in the fridge......A very good day!
Posted in
February 5th, 2006 at 08:35 pm
I must be one of the few here in the Seattle area that aren't going to be hooked up to the TV & the Super Bowl. I'm taking 2 of the boys shopping. Yarn shopping..........I'll be able to get the things I need in order to start working on my new projects, have a couple baby blankets to do before June. So, there will be money spent today, but, in the long run, money saved too.
One of my boys is on SSI & I have to see that he keeps his money spent down. If it gets to $1700, I need to report it to his case manager. It feels so weird to be made to spend money. This particular guy doesn't have much he needs & fewer things he wants, so it is a lesson in creativity to get this spent. I've had to spend like crazy, since he got a lump sum for money owed him ........I had a friend build him a computer, I ordered one of the MIGO phones for him, signed him up for Netflix & got him his own DVD player. He has a couple people he can travel to see.........so Amtrak & Greyhound tickets are ordered too. I find that I'm still watching his money like a hawk, getting the best deal possible and wishing we could save this up! What an odd system.
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