Home > Deal busters & gift cards

Deal busters & gift cards

April 5th, 2006 at 02:53 pm

OK, I'm not doing a bunch of things right here. I've been giving this gift card deal a try, with a couple that were noted here on the site and they just don't seem to be working like everyone else says they do.

I have found a better way for me to track these deals (before getting charged for any of them too!), but when I call to cancel, I get yet another "offer" and on some, the trial period extended. Those I get. Those I have taken.

The ones that are confusing to me are the ones that get close to the 30 day period and I call to cancel, (without having received the GC) and then they tell me they will send me my gift card if I want to keep the account active. Anyone else having this little hiccup in the process?? I thought the offers arrived in the 30 day period??

I admit I am pretty confused on these, when I started, I thought I could keep track of who was sending what. Duh! Not a chance. So, I have no notes as to what is supposed to be coming. (I have changed my ways here and now note it in my Deal Busting Notebook!) I've only got 2 now in limbo land, the rest is all sorted out, offers coming and nothing but the $1 charges on my account. I even got the $10.00 credit to my CC account for trying some sort of bank offer. I didn't see that this month, so I called to check on it, it snuck in just after the billing cycle. Free money.......I don't care how it got into my account, as long as it got there. Will call & cancel that offer now that I confirmed the money.

spending today for housekeeper for my house & my moms. It is Wed & he will be here.........we'll be sparkling by this afternoon, but it is a big chunk of $$.
No other expenses, a stay at home day. Spring break here so I'm really working!
Dried clothes outdoors yesterday for the first time this season, saved $$ finally.

3 Responses to “Deal busters & gift cards”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    That's happened to me, too. As long as I've already received them, I tell them no thanks, that I'd like to cancel because I don't feel I'd get enough use out of it to justify paying. They try twice to get you to stay on. Just keep repeating it until they give you a cancellation number...

  2. DivaJen Says:

    I'm still waiting for $40 in gas gc's that I have a feeling I won't be seeing...

  3. Champion Cheapskate Says:

    Aah, the elusive gift card. One way to avoid getting the run-around is to carefully read the terms of the offer prior to signing up, each may differ. Also consider calling the company first. . . but there's nothing like seeing it in writing Smile

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