Home > A Day at the Office

A Day at the Office

February 23rd, 2006 at 07:57 pm

Since I work at home, I almost have to schedule an Office Day here. Bookwork seems to multiply when I turn my back. I have made some physical changes in my office area, making it nicer here while I take care of details. I've got music on, a yummy smelling candle lit and the fire going. I also began a garden area right outside my office window. I notice my desktop is clear, the to be filed container isn't overflowing and the garbage is even emptied. All little things, but I know myself..........and they make this type of work seem like it's no work at all.
I re did a chart to record my monthly income. I get 6 different checks each month & not all at the same time...and my last effort didn't pan out, not enough room to note what came in. New system looks better. I even called my tenant, had to leave a message, but I did ask for the money to come in on the proper day this coming month. With the agreed upon late fees too. New for me, I am more comfortable just dealing with it being late.
I also set up a system to note the days & phone numbers I need to call for the trial offers I applied for yesterday. Thanks all for the suggestions......Hopefully, I'll be able to stay on top of this. Visions of multiple magazine subscriptions, shopping club memberships and such make me just a tad nervous!!!
Need to pay for the freezer & the firewood being delivered today, so it is definately a spending day! But, I've got the first really interested potential buyer for the wood stove coming this afternoon, so that will even things out for the day. Crossing my fingers & praying she will buy the stove. (hoping crossing fingers doesn't negate the prayers going up!) Smile
Contemplating how much of my budget & finances in general.......focus on planning. The big picture is; with enough planning, I'm able to take care of the household now, and into the future. Planning for the eventual emergencies to planning what to serve for meals tomorrow; it all saves money and eliminates any stressing on my part about the finances. Good thing I like to plan; lists, notebooks, my daytimer.........they are all helping in my quest here.

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