Home > Haircut & a chicken coop

Haircut & a chicken coop

February 9th, 2006 at 01:15 am

Today was a hodge podge of errands & appointments. Started off meeting with a decorator I've hired to help with the master bedroom/bath remodel. I'm going to learn first hand if the rumor is true, that a decorator saves money in the long run. At this point, it seems so to me. I have done the same project myself in the last house, so it should be pretty easy to compare.
I'm more than excited to see the plans and look forward to actually getting the project started.
Spent actual cash and got my hair cut today. $16.00 is the cheapest I can get in our little town.........skipped the blow dry, as that cuts it down a bit. I will investigate the beauty schools, I used to get my haircuts there, but now......I'm thinking the gas to get to one would just about even out the price I'm at. Will check however, to make sure.
Just to finish off the afternoon......I met with a carpenter who is going to start my chicken coop & run tomorrow. Also, pouring the concrete for the clothesline posts!! I did pay him for the supplies he needs to pick up tomorrow & will pay the rest upon completion.
Looking forward to the clothesline saving me money in the long run, the coop will be a while before it saves anything.........but I do love watching my chickens!!!
Interesting day......when I look back on it, every single thing I did was just for ME. Unusual, but necessary, especially after yesterdays meltdown here. I've got an evening by myself scheduled here..........a bottle of wine is in the fridge......A very good day!

2 Responses to “Haircut & a chicken coop”

  1. markio26 Says:

    we use clothes lines to dry our clothes too.. also, i have 2 plastic collaspable
    clothes dryers, i use inside the house.. i always spin my clothes twice and it
    really removes the excess water...
    we use 2 tblsp. of liquid detergent per load, if they are not really dirty. for
    whites clothes, we use 2 tblsp. of liquid detergent and 1 tblsp. of clorox..
    we always wash clothes in cold water..
    i use 2 tblsp of white vinegar in the rinse cycle or fabric softner..
    i use half a dryer sheet if we use the dryer..
    how do you wash your clothes?

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I'm afraid I don't do anything special. We usually get our detergent & softener sheets free, so I just use from whatever is in the cupboard. I only wash a couple loads a week, in cold, then in the timed dryer cycle (so I can take them out when not quite dry & hang them up.)
    We've been having a sunny week, with a I'm itching to get my things outside. There is no dryer sheet that can duplicate that smell. Smile

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