I've got the car running, it hasn't gone anywhere yet this week & it's 20 something outside!!! I've got a training to attend, or I wouldn't be going anywhere yet! The training will fulfill 6 of my 10 required hrs, it's free and they provide lunch. It will take up my whole day..........but, I'm taking a new knitting project (and my business cards!) so I'll feel like I'm getting something done besides just listening.
The topic is one I've already had many trainings in, so I'm not expecting any real breakthrough moments..........I can always make notes as to the "little things" I can do re; budget & finances while in class!!
Planning a grocery run to an outlet/ restaurant supply store on the way home; usually runs about $100 but lasts a couple months. I'm hoping to get better at keeping records; some of the other posts here have made me aware how lacking I am in this food & household piece of the budget.
Got my 2nd check in payment for the horses boarding here. Nice!! I'm absolutely enjoying the horses, they are so fun to watch; even if they belong to someone else. More enjoyment BECAUSE they belong to someone else!!
I am getting to know the woman who owns the animals & am seeing someone who doesn't have their finances in order. I see how much money it takes to keep the horses & have to just wonder. I'm pretty sure I would have sold my horses if I was in her position.
Hoping the car is warm & toasty.......After today, I'll only have 1.5 hours left of cont. ed to finish in 06. Not bad for it only being Feb.
Thawing out my car
February 16th, 2006 at 04:21 pm