Home > anything but football

anything but football

February 5th, 2006 at 08:35 pm

I must be one of the few here in the Seattle area that aren't going to be hooked up to the TV & the Super Bowl. I'm taking 2 of the boys shopping. Yarn shopping..........I'll be able to get the things I need in order to start working on my new projects, have a couple baby blankets to do before June. So, there will be money spent today, but, in the long run, money saved too.
One of my boys is on SSI & I have to see that he keeps his money spent down. If it gets to $1700, I need to report it to his case manager. It feels so weird to be made to spend money. This particular guy doesn't have much he needs & fewer things he wants, so it is a lesson in creativity to get this spent. I've had to spend like crazy, since he got a lump sum for money owed him ........I had a friend build him a computer, I ordered one of the MIGO phones for him, signed him up for Netflix & got him his own DVD player. He has a couple people he can travel to Amtrak & Greyhound tickets are ordered too. I find that I'm still watching his money like a hawk, getting the best deal possible and wishing we could save this up! What an odd system.

4 Responses to “anything but football”

  1. jodi_m Says:

    I am a case manager who has to watch that SSI money for some people I work with! Some of the folks on my caseload have no family, nor any ability to tell me what they want - so it does take a certain degree of creativity. I don't know how old your son is or his circumstances, but here are a few things I have arranged to spend down some cash: biweekly massage therapy sessions (not medically ordered, so they can be paid out of pocket), new furniture (bed, dresser, etc), clothes, room decorations such as curtains or wall hangings, memberships to community centers or YMCA (of course, check with his case manager if you have any questions). Good luck - it may seem like a pain, but it's not such a bad problem to have Smile

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Thanks much for the ideas! Like I said, being told to SPEND money is so foreign to me. My guy is soon to be 21, although functions at a preschool level most of the time. His social skills are up there however...... He isn't interested in clothes, decor or normal kid things. He likes Mr Rogers, guitars & camping. He's autistic & has a pretty rigid idea of what he is going to do, or not do......... He has a friend that takes him camping (year round) and we have been sending money on these expeditions for food & gas. I did just purchase the MIGO phone, which will have a monthly charge to it..........Gads, here I am aiming to spend money month after month!! Smile

  3. jodi_m Says:

    It is a foreign concept to HAVE to spend money to not risk benefits. Saying that your son likes camping reminded me that a lot of people use their money for vacations. There are several agencies by us that offer supervised camping and/or vacations for people with developmental disabilities (although some degree of independence with daily tasks is usually required). The only one that comes to mind right now is Tulip Travel, although if you have a case manager, perhaps they know of some agencies. I used to work with a gentleman who went to Florida every year with a travel company and LOVED it. it is quite expensive, but then again, it's a good way to spend money quick! Good luck!

  4. contrary1 Says:

    We've got a company in Oregon out here, called TRIPS, inc. They are great too, & you can "bank" some of the monthly money with them, in an account until the client has enough for one of the vacations. Most of their trips "do" more than my guy wants to do, like horseback riding. He is really into no frills camping & fishing. He has a 1:1 that will take him camping monthly......I'm saving up to send both of them on a big trip to Montana next summer.

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