Home > Cutting Expenses; Part 649.5

Cutting Expenses; Part 649.5

June 16th, 2006 at 05:03 pm

Seriously cutting expenses here. I thought we had done that already, then some more.....and again and again. But, here we go again, cutting out the unnecessary.

Today's change......Netflix bites the dust. We haven't even noticed not watching. Forgot there were 3 movies here. So, off they go, along with an email to cancel membership.

Did just pay for annual AAA membership for myself (housemate person paid her half this time for the first time!) This is one I won't cut ......hopefully, won't have to. I've saved the cost of membership each year, and since we drive older vehicles and don't do any of the maint. ourselves......this is a good value IMO.

Checked Paypal account, should be a deposit soon from a product testing event that I just finished. Think this one is $15.00
Also finished up a product test this AM on email, another $6.00. Love me something to do and think about other than caring for the kiddo here. And, I get paid for it. And, someone out there thinks I can still think! That's the amazing part!

The influx of boys starts again this afternoon.........all 3 here this week end. I'll be lashing myself to the kitchen and cooking/cleaning/cooking/cleaning for the next 3 days. I'm looking forward to this after the full time kiddo leaves, he is just way too complicated to then add the other 2 in to the mix and hope I have brain cells by Monday. This should be the last time I have all 3 at once. Praise God!

Time to go get busy in the kitchen....with a quick detour to the freezer to haul out supplies. Thank goodness for well stocked freezers & pantries!!!

2 Responses to “Cutting Expenses; Part 649.5”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    As long as you're keeping AAA, check out their website when you get a chance. They offer so many other benefits that you may not have been aware of, including local discounts, auto insurance, life insurance and cell phone packages, of course the trip planners, and hotel/car discounts, the defensive driving courses (which = a mandatory reduction in auto insurance in NJ), etc. It's really worth a look.

    Good luck with this weekend.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    We'll know by your post if you've lost it or not!
    You are the poster child of cutting costs. You are doing a great job!

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