Exhausted. But, a good kind. I paid for the delivery of a truck load of extremely good composted soil for the gardens today. For some reason, the autistic kiddo decided spreading compost was just the ticket today. He just kept going and going. We finished a couple beds and then the horse shoe man drove up, so the dirt lost it's charm.
As we got to watch the horses get their pedicures, I got to remind myself again, It's Not My Money!!!! So glad I didn't get a horse........I can get the experiences here at no cost to me. After my kiddo moves out, I can even go riding with the 'horse lady'. Too fun!
I did put in an hour or so on the new part time job. Love it still. I can see some meetings on the horizon, things that I might not be able to get away with my 'uniform' of jeans & a shirt with my birkenstocks. If I can get busy & start walking (again, after the kiddo moves) there are plenty of appropriate clothes in my closet. Working at home & not going anywhere are a nasty recipe for me.
A trip to the local thrift store might be warranted as a back up plan.
Gardened All Day
June 23rd, 2006 at 03:58 am