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barn sale, drama, antiques & me

May 5th, 2006 at 03:12 pm

Going to be a busy day here at our little ranch. There is a huge one day sale planned here, (the attempt my 'room mate' is making at coming up with money to pay here way here). So, the place will be full of cars & extra folks all day.

I had to give my homeless gentleman notice to move out last night. He didn't take it well........started being almost nasty. Hopefully, this morning will cause him to look at my letter differently. I don't know if the sale today will diffuse his attitude or cause him to have an audience. Hoping for the former.

And, if all goes smoothly with #1 & #2, I have my van packed to head to my antique booth. Time to pay rent and see if anything actually sold last month.

So, I won't be making any money today, WILL be spending some for my booth rental and it will be a crazy day here no matter what. My occasional week end kiddo comes this week end too, so I'll have all 3 boys home the whole week end. Gads! This is definately my Monday!!

If I can scrape up any spare time today..........I need to head to the garage, where I have attempted to set up half of it as my sewing room. Funny thing with empty space.......Stuff multiplies, things crawl in on their own accord, and all sorts of odd items are now cozying up to my sewing area. I won't want to work out there if it isn't all cleaned up......

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