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Realize Your Dreams!

April 1st, 2006 at 03:29 pm

That's what was on the back of my deposit slip from yesterday. I normally don't pay much attention to them, honestly........I usually toss them. But, the back was facing me as it fluttered out of my bag & onto the desk and it said "Realize Your Dreams!" I was hooked and read on..........

*Home Equity Loans
*Personal Line of Credit
*Personal Loans
*Credit Cards
*Education Loans

That was it. No mention of saving in any form. Disappointing. I need to remember banks aren't about saving $$, like my mind says they are supposed to be........but they are about making $$.

A good reminder, my money shouldn't get too comfortable at the bank. I'll start thinking of it as a holding area prior to putting it to work!

I wonder what would happen if the bank started printing off a Daily Money Saving Tip on the backs of the receipts? Would people notice? Is it possible if enough people paid off CC debt and got themselves in the black that banks could no longer stay in business as we now know them?

spending $15 today for the young man I pay to hang out with my autistic kiddo. I get 3 hours of relative quiet this AM, I still supervise, but from afar, getting some much needed respite from interruptions every 5 min.
I get my moneys worth from this $15.00!

3 Responses to “Realize Your Dreams!”

  1. baselle Says:

    re, the bank: You figured it out. Note the %rate of their loan (about 6.5% - 7%) vs. the interest they pay (2.5%- 4%). The spread is their profit, so a saver doesn't make them money. Smile Now if you bought bank stock w/dividend, you'd make a profit off of their profit.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Me, figuring out a bank, that is funny. I get glassy eyed, when dealing with numbers. If there was some sort of dyslexia for numbers, not words, I've got it.
    But, I had an AH HA moment when I saw the advertising on the back of my deposit slip. Clear as a bell to me. They weren't going to promote saving no matter what.

  3. lrjohnson Says:

    For some reason, I can't post to Change is ______, but:
    I think the "trying for three months at a time" idea is very smart: not open ended like "let's see how it goes" but not so limited that one bad month throws you. Good luck.

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