Viewing the 'no $pending day' Category
April 21st, 2006 at 03:01 pm
I'm turned around with my work....this is my Monday. The first of the respite kids arrives this afternoon.
I'm also having my mom & my aunt come for brunch this morning; they will be sure to be gone by the time the school bus drops off the full time kiddo. (Not many people brave coming here when the kids are home! )
I've got a yummy sounding recipe for baked french toast, that is in the fridge, just ready to pop in the oven. The bacons been through the oven already & just needs to be warmed at the last minute. Juice chilling.....potatoes shredded & in ice water, will do those at the very last minute...
Will be cutting both mom & aunts hair; they're twins, so just one haircut 2X's. Fun couple of women, I hope I'm just like them when I get to be 83.
Raining slightly, which is great. I over seeded the repair patches in the lawn yesterday. Perfect timing.
It's a no spend day here. Love those. The chicken coop is getting a little closer to being totally framed up, there are 3 walls now up and the framework for the run is finished. "john" wants to finish now, since he has learned I won't finish paying him, until he finishes the job. (he has continued to ask almost every day now for some time.... slow learner!)
"john" update: He hasn't taken advantage of the situation here. But, he is trying to take advantage of me. The numbers aren't real good with my little program here, only 2 out of 6 have taken advantage of the offer & made enough money to move a step up on the ladder. This is the first one to try to take advantage of me. Asking for money, using supplies from here, when he said he was buying them, etc. We even have a couple things that have disappeared, with the most apparent being our extra gas. We'll see how this plays out.....
I'm always hopeful when we get a new person added to the "ranch" that they just get busy & save the money they can while living in a "no rent" district. Not this time, I'm afraid.
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all things food,
no $pending day
April 19th, 2006 at 05:34 pm
Finally able to hang laundry outdoors. The weather is cooperating today.....breezy and going to be 61. The posts have been up, but just yesterday the wires got strung......so it is now usable. I don't think I'll ever have this much laundry at once! 5 lines.........3 poles......plenty of room for our whole household at once. I feel so much more frugal with a clothesline! Now, to just re train the rest of the people here, laundry only on days it's nice outside! Plan ahead....what a concept??
Still eating out of the pantry/freezer. Coming up with some great meals and doing a fair job of not letting things go to waste. Thanks Jeffrey for todays reminder re; food waste. Doing my part here! I have to use all sorts of tricks to keep ahead of the fridge (otherwise known as the closet where we put things to spoil). If I plan to wash a shelf every time I'm doing some real cooking, that makes me have to empty it. In the process, I can use, freeze or compost it. Aiming for the first 2, but at least with a compost pile, and a garden, it isn't a total waste. (just expensive garden additives)
Housecleaner here today.....my favorite day! Paid him at the beginning of the month, so no cash outlay for the day.
Free plants from mom to get into the garden.......have some done already, then realized I've got to get the wash done first now that we have the clothesline. If the things aren't out most of the day, they will still be damp.
So, plants this afternoon.......
My funny (but fairly pathetic) happening yesterday........ The other F adult here, that I've told needs to pay into the household to cover at least her half of the expenses...brought me a job application yesterday. Her best idea is for ME to get another job!! Gads. I've supported her for decades here, it is her turn, as I have told her. Need to do the conversation again this evening. No way am I going to get just any old job, the one she thinks is perfect for me is hardly enough $ to justify leaving home each day. She doesn't understand taxes & take home pay. Going to continue to push her to pay up!!
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 19th, 2006 at 02:26 am
Met with my mom & the real estate developer this AM........and we were both disappointed. Learned a couple things, but we were both surprised to find out this gentleman had only brought one scenario to the table (his). I could see my mom moving back away from the table during the meeting......she was in no way going to sell her property outright to this guy to let him develop it.
As it stands now..........we did make some progress. Mom will ask her renter to move, we'll fix up the house & the apt & see if we can rent them to a commercial sort of tenant. At least the house. Get them both rented so she has more of an income from both. She tends to rent really low, aiming to have renters in there for decades (which she has consistantly done)
Then, we're searching for our own builder to put up a big house on the back half of her primary residence property, then listing that FSBO.
In the meantime, I do think she will be keeping her ears open for a builder that would want to work with her, developing the downtown property. We did find out she could put parking and 1 retail unit on the bottom floor, then going up 2 more floors; holding a total of 4 condo units. She wants to do this so bad, it was totally disappointing to hear the gentleman this morning telling her she would find it to be too much work. He had no idea who he was talking to. I'll bet on Mom!!!
I did bring home a van full of plants from moms.........FREE plants. My absolute favorite. I've got them in the shade here & plan to get them all in their new homes tomorrow. Planted some flower seeds, started some more veggie seeds indoors.... Going to quit for the night & put my feet up! Thinking about money all day was exhausting!!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
April 15th, 2006 at 07:48 pm
I've waited to find the perfect time for a conversation here at my house, but there hasn't been anything close to perfect. So, I crammed it all together into a sentence or two this morning and it was pretty abrupt.
I've shared my home with this other adult now for years. Shared the home, not the finances. She has not always been in a position to help out, nor did I need the assistance, so of course, the path that was easiest just happened. She lived here, for nothing, contributing her food stamps.
I told her a month ago, she needed to come to the table with a plan as to how WE were going to keep this house open & what she was going to do to make that happen. She never brought it up. So, this AM, I told her I couldn't do it myself, & was contemplating a couple scenarios. None of which included the 2 of us staying here. Abrupt yes. Truthful, yes. Can't say she was even shocked. She is not used to handling finances, so her first reaction was to start selling her auction stuff on ebay. (not exactly the answer I was hoping for)
I'm leaving for the week end, will let her think on the subject for a couple days and we will visit the finances again come Tuesday.
Looking forward to a few days without my autistic kiddo........he has been up since 4 something.. all I saw was a 4 on my clock.......wasn't too alert at that time of day (night) And, needing a break from the other person here......she has been ill, along with clinically depressed (all the time), and the only other adult here is the formerly homeless guy, who comes in to shower occasionally!!! I need to get out! Anytime you think you live in a crazy environment, think again...........come spend an hour or two here & no matter where you're living, it will seem heavenly!!
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no $pending day
April 14th, 2006 at 04:28 pm
My seeds from the holiday acorn squash are starting to peek through the surface this morning. I've got them started indoors, as they would float away outside. (way too wet here still, and cold, and this gardener is NOT going out in this weather)
I've never planted enough acorn squash for our household, no matter how many plants I put in. Maybe I'll be closer to that point this year? I don't know how many plants I'll have, but if I get more than 6, I'll be ahead of the game. Our local nurseries don't have much selection, or I'm too early, or too late....whatever the reason, I can't seem to get more than one pack of starts for any veggie and often times I have done without certain veggies. No greenhouse here.....but this year, I've got a great big window I'm taking advantage of, and have a little nursery of my own going.
This is definately a no cost experiment, if it works I might have enough squash to put in the shed for winter. Nice! Free food. My favorite kind!
DAILY TRACKING: Will be using gas for an errand day. No cash out of pocket however. Picking up a box of rose food from a freecycler in the area (inherited a rose garden with this new property, horribly ignored, but perking up) and then sitting at the high school pool to watch my kiddo swim.
I'm using my new business cards to leave a thank you message every time I pick up a freecycle item.....and I'll have a project with me at the pool; hoping to generate at least some conversation. Word of mouth is my best advertising; knitting in public is a great draw!
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 14th, 2006 at 03:57 am
I admit it. I'm helpless when it comes to my PC & blogging. Both reading and posting. I've just started a 2nd blog this week........mostly just for me; so I have a place to track the headway (If there is any headway) as I attempt to turn this piece of ground into a "yard".
After becoming involved here with the frugal gardening site, I thought it would be a good idea to rub elbows with other gardeners. I can't join a real time garden club until summer, so online I went. Found a great little site, not many others there yet, but it will give me a chance to see what others are interested in. (http://www.gardenstew.com/blog/index403.html)
Between spending time on my finances and getting out in the yard, checking on the 2 blogs and now trying to find another source of income........it is sounding more like my old life all the time. (I'm not used to having much down time)
Just because I had a minute or two of sparetime today, I joined another Yahoo group; ExtraMoneyMakers. Read about this on another blog site, all about gift card offers, etc. Just at the reading stage so far......too early to know much. Busy list however.
Great mail day: 2 $5 coupons for our local hardware store, walmart sample of some more face cream something or other, an offer for a bank card with a $10 bonus and a free good housekeeping magazine.
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 13th, 2006 at 03:44 pm
I hit 2000 points last night & plan to redeem them for gift cards today. This still seems like such an odd deal to me, I read emails and they pay me. Odd; but neat!
I did not purchase anything, this is just with the daily "read this & earn 5 points" type of emails. I remember getting an email that asked me to update my preferences, to increase the number of emails received........ I did do that & found WAY more emails per day from My Points. Helped boost the total that way.
When I signed up, I was just checking things I might be interested in, not really understanding what I was doing.......just blindly following someones directions here in a post. Now, I've got this figured out! Should be getting a gift card every couple months at the new rate the emails are being sent to me.
A No Spend Day here....... Can't garden; it's way too wet here this week. I've nothing stockpiled to price for the antique booth, all books are listed on line........I will have to search for something to do today.
Will update Craigs list for the rental, sewing business as well as a note re; the antique booths week end hours.
I have this rule, or guideline for my life.........if I want something to happen, I need to be AT LEAST meeting whatever it is half way. So, if I'm aiming to switch jobs and make up the income, I have to DO stuff towards that goal. Sitting around waiting for something to happen TO ME.......not my style. So, up and ready........let's see what I can get accomplished today!
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no $pending day,
lifes' rules
April 13th, 2006 at 05:03 am
I finally got one of the ads done, approved and ready for this coming weeks issue of our local paper. Using the same ad for another paper, different town on the other direction. While talking with the ad rep, she offered to do a human interest story to get my business up and running. Knitting is still a pretty big fad here & she has a couple ideas she wants to write about (helps that she is a knitter too!) Finally some momentum here. Stalling out , being anxious and not doing anything. She is going to push me to get moving.
Got an actual phone call too today re; someone storing a boat here on the property. No deal yet, but possible. Still working with the 2 emails re; renting out a room here. Something needs to get firmed up pretty soon, so I can paste together some regular income.
Had to call my tenant for the other house again, rent wasn't in the box on the 10th like agreed....... Nor have they paid the water bill. I did get a response, they are going to handle them tomorrow. I hate having to call like this.
Listed another pile of books on Half.com.....although it feels fruitless. Have only sold 1 out of 37 listed. Less on Amazon......0 sold there. I am only listing free to me books, so I'm not spending anything on this project....good thing too! I have no idea what sorts of things sell, so just listing blindly still. Since I don't have money out on this, I'm pricing them a bit above my shipping costs.......plus gas these days, but it seems like I'm coming in mid range, not too high. Would love to have a SOLD email a little more often!!
A no spend day, housekeeper was here today, but he was paid at the first of the month. So, we're clean and spiffed up for the week. Love Wednesdays!
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no $pending day
April 10th, 2006 at 05:31 am
Yes, the neighbors dead cow is still in the field. Still draped with the blue tarp. This is going to get gross pretty darned soon. I am so thankful it is raining here.
I did some research today, found out WA state has a law saying dead livestock must be properly disposed of within 24 hours. Gads, we're going on 48+ at this point. The difficulty is, no govt offices are open until tomorrow.
On a totally different topic........I've been thinking of mentioning this site to a couple friends, but haven't. (and keeping my mouth shut isn't one of my best skills) I'm enjoying having a confidential place to track progress, or lack of, in addition to letting my ideas form and finally gell.
I have considered myself fairly open & honest, but there is no way I would share the things I write here with any of my local friends. So, they are out of luck. I did share with my mom, absolutely sure she will never visit the site. (although, she sure wants me to ask questions for her, giving her feedback from the group)
RE; my mom, or parents in general. I'm wondering if anyone else is in a position to be inheriting from parents, and including that in your retirement plans? I've worked for years with my parents, & now my mom.......setting up a trust and working on their finances with them. Don't get me wrong, I'd trade anything to have my dad alive again......and I'm not counting the days til mom dies; but.........the thought does cross my mind about the estate they have been able to put together........
A no spend day today........staying home will do that! But, I have no trouble not spending money; it's easier for me than spending it.
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no $pending day
April 9th, 2006 at 04:36 pm
No matter what I did yesterday, I was going backwards. Didn't make progress, didn't get things off my TO DO list........
First off, the neighbors dead cow is still in their field, albiet....covered with a blue tarp now. They had someone come that I thought was going to remove the carcass but, no........they left. My autistic kiddo is on hyper alert, checking out the window, Oh, about every 5 minutes, asking "why dead?". I am getting more frustrated by the hour, I have no answers and not sure there are any.
So, with dead cow/autistic kiddo......needless to say, the jelly project never left the TO DO list stage. Fortunately we were having one of our "encore" meals, so there was no cooking needed.
I did manage to get a huge batch of bacon cooked ahead, love whoever I got this tip from. Layer a jelly roll pan with bacon and bake, (12 min in my oven) at 350. I drain, wrap in paper towel and then pop in a zip lock for the fridge. Makes for quick help at breakfast time, makes a BLT possible around here at lunch.........a good tip for me, even if I'm heating up the oven.
It's raining here, but a light spring rain, not one of our sky opens up sort of rain. My free strawberry plants are beginning to look a little more like plants and less like planted compost material! (see http://www.frugalgardening.com if you would like to get a free strawberry patch for yourself) I should take a picture now, so I can track the progress, I'm confidant I'll have a lush patch this summer! Small, but lush. Looking at the poor plants now, one has to have the imagination & vision of a true gardener, or they would bunch the project immeadiately!
I was the recipient of the coupon train yesterday. Spent the evening adding my stash and going through to pick out things that would be helpful to our household. I remember using coupons years ago, but just got out of the habit here, since I'm not the household grocery shopper. We have an "arrangement" here that I have worked out with my tenant person. She is on disability & gets food stamps. She doesn't cook however.....and shops poorly, even with a list. So, a few years ago, we came to an agreement....I'll do the cooking, she will shop for what I put on the list and we've been making this work ever since. I'm feeding the household (which is 3 adults during the week and either 4 or 5 on the week ends) for what she gets in food stamps. Usually, we don't use all the money, it gets added to the next month. She even has a "budgeted" amount of the $$ to use for her expensive snack type items. According to her, she can still use coupons with the food stamps........we ought to be doing well re; food expenses, she now has a handful of coupons, and is planning to organize them according to her favorite store. Hmmm, sounds like progress to me.
Long winded entry for not much happening. I'm off to make a few phone calls about how long one can leave dead livestock in your yard around here??
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 8th, 2006 at 07:13 pm
Nothing exceptional today, it's my Tuesday.........working for my $$ today.
I did make an exceptional batch of orange marmelade; I always feel Oh So Frugal when I can something. Since I've got everything out, and my kitchen is a sticky mess......I figured I might as well keep going. I've got berry juices canned, that will be heading to the jelly kettle this afternoon. (if all goes according to plan)
Have another load of laundry out on the line........read someone's recent post on how much energy it takes to run the dryer for an hour & I feel great each time I hang laundry outside. Rather use my own energy on this task, thank you very much.
Will be paying out $15.00 for my local teen to hang out with my autistic kiddo this morning. Still think this is money well spent........noting that it is one more expense I won't have afer June.
The rest of the day is free of expenditures......
Spending some time this AM getting a couple boxes of items cleaned up and priced for the antique booth. (my $20.00 Challenge) Nothing that is terribly valuable or collectable this time, but it's free to me, so the price was right. Can't complain.
My current roadblock to getting my taxes finished up.........finding numbers related to real estate, back to the 80's. Yuk. Have my files all organized now, but still have to get some figures from the county re; property taxes for 89. I think the real roadblock is I HATE numbers and I know I'll be paying tons this year on capitol gains re; the sale of the property.
FARM BULLETIN: The neighbors' cow did die. As we predicted. They finally came out this AM and threw a blue tarp over her.........which is causing my autistic kiddo to obsess as to what they're going to do with the cow & who is going to do whatever??? I'd really love for the neighbors to do whatever they're going to do.....Quickly!!!
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no $pending day
April 7th, 2006 at 07:29 pm
Depending on the circumstances here....and those can change minute to minute due to having an autistic kiddo here, I've filled in the blank with all sorts of words and feelings.
I can think change is a great thing, exciting new possibilities ahead
And, I can think this was a really stupid move, to retire before I had my act together (but, would I get it more together???)
The number of decisions seems to be immense, should I try to stay here, cutting expenses to close to nothing?, should I keep looking for another job?, should I bunch the whole affair and move in with my mom (who has graciously offered) Too many things to concentrate on and still deal with day to day life here.
So, the plan for today is:
1) place the new ad in the local paper TODAY, paying for it month by month
2) I asked for placement in a local church newsletter today, most likely, I'll advertise there too
3) placing ads on Craigs list daily, room for rent, RV parking available, and this dumb fridge I'm still trying to sell.
4) cutting back on things I can, although I need to keep many of the services until my kiddo moves. Then, I can cancel lots of things......
It looks to me like I'm deciding to try this here.........but I'm not willing to use up my savings to stay here, so......
We'll see how things look by the time the paychecks end the first week in July. Then, if I've got additional income I'll give this a shot for 3 months at a time..........
No matter what happens after my guy leaves here in June, I know I will heave a huge sigh of relief. Yesterday was a trial every time I turned around (spring break here, so he's home until Monday).
Not living life at the brink of a crisis will be amazing! We've been at this level now.....for 4 years!!!
DAILY $$ TRACKING: No spend day, cooked a huge turkey roast yesterday, so meals are a snap for a few days. Pantry & freezer holding up well.
For those who are tracking the daily
FARM NEWS: The neighbors' cow is still down, their vet just visited again, the calf is getting fed by it's human mommy.
I did get to talk to the neighbors over the fence.....asked for a phone number, they told me they would have to do that.
(not feeling optomistic on this one)
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no $pending day,
keeping track
April 7th, 2006 at 01:54 am
I noticed my neighbors cow going down this AM (early) and watched her struggle, trying to give birth. These are neighbors that have the gate between the properties chained & padlocked, as well as a gate with alarm and keypad at the front. I've only waved at them, they have made no effort to introduce themselves since Oct.
I had to watch this cow today without knowing what to do..........(and really not knowing much about cows) But, this cow got herself lengthwise in a drainage ditch of sorts and couldn't move. So, my take on it is.......she couldn't help with labor, and it took forever.
I noticed the female neighbor (now know her name is Carolyn) out with the cow around 3PM, helping birth the calf. I asked if she wanted help.......it was fairly obvious she could use some, even if inexperienced. She said No, she had some boys that were coming. Along came a couple boys and they tried to pull her (the cow) out of the ditch. They didn't get her out, but did get her more upright.
The calf thinks my neighbor is her mom, the cow hasn't paid any attention to the calf and the whole thing looked bad to me.
The vet is now at my neighbors, it's almost 6PM. The cow hasn't moved. I can't imagine the cost for a farm visit.......and if they had been monitoring the cow in the first place, or if I had a way I could have reached them...........Blast & darn, I will feel so bad if this cow dies. The calf should make it since there is another cow with a calf born on Sunday.....A foster calf of sorts??
Frustrating day here. I feel like a nosey neighbor, but like I said......what a waste if this cow dies just because she needed help and there was none.
Since I stayed home however........it has been a no spend day, one positive.
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no $pending day
April 4th, 2006 at 06:17 pm
My autistic kiddo will be back this afternoon; I can feel myself gearing up for the tension. The 3 days he has been gone, found myself thinking on the EEK side of what I've done in retiring without a plan. By tonight, I know I'll be fine with it, the stress will point out I just might not live through this TO retire, if I don't just jump ship.
Still have a couple huge safety nets in that several family members have approached me with offers of help. I must come across as fairly pathetic.....or, I can look at it......I've been living below my means.
I'm still attempting to give this a go here, although there have been no obvious doors.........or windows......opening to me. Staying alert to possibilities, keeping an open mind and telling everyone I come across........I'm ready to start the second half of my life.
DAILY NOTES: Off to the antique booth, have a few items ready to add to it, hoping for big, blank spaces where things have sold. No spend day, other than the gas for the 23 miles.
Eating from the freezer & pantry ( we could do this for a couple months and not even notice )
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no $pending day
April 3rd, 2006 at 07:26 pm
I've told my carpenter person (formerly the homeless man, that is now living in the back 40 here) that I just might move into the new coop he is building.
I've never seen anything so fancy for chickens! My last one was a very creative, artistic venture that had multiple helpers..........giving us a unique event for sure. The chickens didn't mind, but visitors would always ask "what is that?". Wasn't an obvious abode for chickens!
This new addition to the yard is an amazing deal, including an automatic watering system from the gutter to a rain barrel and then to the watering can. Roosts that hinge up for easy cleaning underneath, a concrete floor with a screen on the low side, so I can hose off the floor and out the screen the water goes. Eggs can be collected from outside the coop (no more chickens escaping), there is a top on the run even to foil the hawks and we've got a trench so the fencing continues under ground. HA, the critters will have to work really hard to invade this coop.
I'm getting this fancy coop built the year of the bird flu. Ironic. My usual sources for chicks are getting wet feet re; shipping birds. Not sure yet if I'm going ahead with this project when it gets done, or if I'll wait. Seems a shame to wait, I do enjoy my chickens!!
DAILY MONEY UPDATE: No spending day, and I should get the first of the checks for April this evening, so some $$ IN.
No clients here for dinner, so I can concentrate on just cleaning out the fridge, plenty in there for several meals.
Still gathering paperwork for the tax lady.
Starting to plug in numbers for the net worth project at the same time, it sort of overlaps with the tax figures.
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no $pending day,
$ IN
March 26th, 2006 at 09:46 pm
It has been a bad month for my NO $pend Days. Today is one, but they have been few and far between for March.
Still digging for paperwork for my tax preparer. (I know, should be doing those myself, but YUK, I hate numbers) I've got most of the purchase prices located, now working on collecting all the improvements to 2 separate pieces since buying them. Can't wait til I get this project done. I dislike having to do something by a deadline, and then when it involves numbers too......I can procrastinate better than most!
I've begun cancelling the first of the trial offers I signed up for & can't believe how persistant the folks are. I did have one that I got a second level offer of sorts, one more free month, they would send me 4 certificates to get my oil changed if I would not cancel yet. I did try this out........ The rest are difficult to get out of, but as long as I'm doing this while my kiddo is in school, I'm OK. Uninterrupted phone time is necessary.... I can see why they don't let you cancel on line....they want a fighting chance to convince me to give them my $14.95 a month for whatever.........
All meals out of the freezer or pantry today..........makes me feel frugal & self sufficient. Can't hardly wait til I can go out to the garden in the morning and pick the days produce!!! Fresh salads; a reason to put in a veggie garden!!!
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all things food,
no $pending day
March 25th, 2006 at 10:25 pm
Using my local freecycle group today.......trading a tree for a new to me set of dishes.
I have a tree in the front yard that is just too odd, pussy willow sorts of poofs on it, then they explode into yellow little burst events. (I have a no yellow rule in my garden) So, the tree is getting dug up.....and I'm not having to do it........it's happily going to someone elses' yard.
And, the flip side........I was getting frustrated with not enough dishes to get through a couple days here, so I advertised for Corelle dishes. Just like magic, I've got an appointment to pick up a box full of the same pattern as mine on Monday. Such a deal. Thanking whoever thought Freecycle up!
Got some positive results on my electric bill today.........I don't think I will need to wait much longer before calling to get the averaged monthly bill lowered. I'm racking up a credit every month, even during the winter here. I knew $150 was too high, but that was the best I could get it to when we moved here. Good to know this is the highest is it going to be.
A no spending day..........and the meals for the week end are all from the freezer/pantry. Only 2 clients here this weekend, pretty quiet.
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no $pending day
March 24th, 2006 at 11:55 pm
Back from a couple days off and the new goal is to compile all the paperwork needed by my tax preparer person. YUK
The only good part of this, is I will definately have a nice neat file system completed too, when I have recovered the necessary paperwork.
(note to self..........don't let helpful friends & family pack file cabinets in the future.)
I have dedicated the next couple weeks to this project, setting up a table near each of the 4 drawer file cabinets. I'm using post it notes like crazy. Piles of folders, covering all surfaces. Hoping to come up with a useable system at the same time I'm locating things like purchase price of a house from 1989, all improvements to the same house until the present and other little details. I knew 05's taxes were going to make me dig for documentation, but I had forgotten all the stuff that goes with a rental.
The new posts are in for the clothesline......I can hardly wait til it is functional. Bye-bye dryer!!! Looking forward to some LOW electric bills as we get to our spring/summer season here.
Another life decision crossed my path this week. While spending time with my mom, she was really pushing the plan for me to move into her place and us pool our resources. This would allow me to actually retire, with no job. Not sure if I'm ready for that step, but it is a nice safety net in case I want to try the other plan of sort of retiring!
Lots of great free mail type stuff when I got home. Just applying for a couple a day keeps a steady stream of very useable, necessary items coming in. Wonder why I didn't do this before??
A no spend day, other than the gas to get home this AM, & technically, the full tank of gas was from mom!
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no $pending day
March 20th, 2006 at 03:49 pm
I'm still stuck on assets & liabilities after hearing whoever the author is of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.... His point about a home being a liability has really put me on a different track here, although that wasn't the point of his PBS program. I do see the basic problem, houses TAKE money. Seems like all the time!
I'm trying to come up with ways to make this one even out the equation, if just a little bit. I have always used my home as my job in a way, taking clients into my home and getting paid for it. Couldn't do it without the house.......so I'm probably not as far off the mark as it feels. Will continue to keep this idea in mind however; and try to come up with more ideas to MAKE $$$ with the house & property.
A no spend day today......staying home, eating off that same roast from Friday. (not to worry, I stuck chunks of it in the freezer) Soft tacos tonight with shredded beef, home canned salsa....even have a touch of sour cream left. Yum.
Trying to justify my house cleaner in my attempt to shave the expenses in preparation to quitting my job in June. I've still got this expense in the KEEP column........not much justification yet, other than I love having someone else clean my house ..........and hmmmm...he brings all his own supplies, so I don't need to purchase cleaning equipment or supplies??? I could switch to 2X a month, since the house won't be getting such a workout without the full time client here. Possible.
Love that it's Spring! Even looks like spring here, although it is 28 degrees this AM......supposed to be 55 today. Daffodils from the garden here on the desk, trees blooming......delightful.
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day
March 19th, 2006 at 03:01 pm
If change is truly good, I ought to be in great shape here. I have changed so many things in the past 48 hours and I can see God meeting me more than half way here.
I made a decision, started doing what I could do..........and voila, things are beginning to fall into place. Love it when that happens!!
One more call to make, cancelling the chicken coop project, the chickens were mostly entertainment & chores for the boys here. I never did consider them a money saver..........maybe we broke even. Eggs will be cheaper in the store. With the bird flu scare, my usual source to order the chicks has started having difficulties already with regulations, etc. Perhaps this is the right time to put this project on hold anyway. Will have the contractor finish the clothesline however, since that will save money for the rest of my stay here at this place.
The other adult that stays here (this is really a convoluted deal......she hasn't paid rent, let's call it subsidized housing) has given me cash towards expenses now, twice this week. Totals almost 1000. Nice........very nice. Now, to keep this regular, that will be the trick. Her income is rather hit and miss.
Also planning on speaking to one of the parents of my part time clients, letting him know I'm available for more hours, a different, creative plan for his son..... This is a private pay client, and money is truly no barrier to them. An area I plan to tap into. Better care for their son, less hassle for them and increased income for me. Win, win and win.
A no spend day here, up to 6 now for the month if I remember right. And, I did manage to get a picture posted on Craigs list, advertising the refrigerator in my living room. Posting pictures was a goal of mine, since I've got this unending supply of stuff I could sell....but pictures are imperative. So, did it once........TA DA!!
Listed 17 books online last night. Sure wish I had a crystal ball to know what other people are wanting to buy. Again, I have books that cross my path on a regular basis, no charge to me. Last night was an odd combo, some poetry, history, mystery and a couple coffee table type books. (the shipping on those might kill me, but I thought I'd see if there was an interest)
Very frugal couple of days food wise here. The roast, rice, gravy and brocolli from Friday has been transformed into a great meal of fried rice, another of stuffed acorn squash, a kettle of beef barley soup and for tonight, beef for soft tacos. Cooking a roast is like having someone fix the meals for the next couple days!! Comes out to pennies per serving too.......if I was any good at math, I'd figure it out!
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day
March 18th, 2006 at 04:15 pm
No, not the Better Business Bureau.......but the Bare Bones Bills. I just recalculated the expenses for me, to see what life will be like after June.
I come to $2,269. as the monthly bare bones, no frills total. This doesn't cover the 500. a month I've got coming out in auto deposits to savings/investments. Hmmmm... I'll aim for making 2800 monthly & see how that stacks up.
Income after June for me will be sparse to say the least. I will have 1125. that will remain the same. So, I need to aim for 1675 additional monthly income. Possible.
Sending out some emails today, making advance cuts to the expenses here, in preparation for the changes. Also sent emails last night re; placing commercial ads in local papers, which won't be finalized til Monday. If I can start up my other ventures now, and still have the other income from the current contract, things should be rather smooth.
Anxious for my meeting Wed with my tax preparer. I'm hoping to find out I don't owe more than I have set aside for this bill. I sold some real estate, bought another house, leased a house, switched jobs and closed out a business.......all in 2005...so I can't imagine how complicated this is going to be. I had asked the woman for an approx $$ amount to set aside & have it in a short term CD, just waiting to send off... Will miss seeing that total in my asset column here! But, the filing of this years taxes will signify the real end to the business so I can move on.
A no spend day, think I'm on my 5th now for March. THAT number will be going up with this new B.B.B. program!!!
Posted in
no $pending day
March 17th, 2006 at 03:37 pm
I've got everything done that can be done for this inspection. All my records, bank statements, checkbook are laid out & waiting. The house is clean, the wood stove is lit, dinner is in the crockpot and dessert is baking. Time to sit down with a cup of tea and try to grab a bit of quiet. (hard to do with it being a no school day for us)
It's a no spend day here, my 4th for March. Usually, it would be the other way around.......4 days of spending! This inspection required some expenditures, the regulations didn't come until the 3rd so I didn't get a chance to spread them out or watch for a better deal. I can take them off my taxes next year however.
Still messing with my hot water tanks. I think tank #2 is in need of thermostats, but there was no way to get that accomplished before the meeting today. So, the circuit breakers are off and I'm running hot water for anything I can think of prior to 9AM.
After rounding up the savings accounts, sharebuilder and my mutual funds....I've moved up to depositing $400 a month in the combination. Each month I get a little more confident about raising that number...hoping to get back to my $650 where I was prior to the move in Oct. I've also worked out the monthly amount needed for real estate taxes needed in Oct...........think perhaps I'll use the ING account for that, since it is SO simple to transfer the funds from checking.
Time's up, cakes done.........and there wasn't any "quiet" here. Back to work, company coming for dinner and two young men staying overnight. I think I can find something to do. It's my Monday.......better get to work.
Posted in
no $pending day
March 14th, 2006 at 03:20 pm
---------and leave the rest. That's the method I use when reading/learning about anything. I was reading some differing opinions about Dave Ramsey's money makeover program (which I just listened to) and dug deeper as to why I liked.......loved it.
I loved the humor first of all. And, he did seem to practice what he preached.
But, I'm not doing everything exactly like he says. I can see the big picture, so I don't need the immeadiate gratification of paying of the smallest balances. The snowball method makes more sense to me, (especially after my burn pile visual this past week) as does getting all the bills on zero interest.
I still love getting my brain working by listening to others points of view, and that certainly doesn't mean I swallow all they have to say. Sometimes, it is just a tiny morsel that sticks in my brain to remind me at a later date.....
Bottom line, I still loved the book. The attitude he had is what I took from listening to it.
On another note, I had a negative experience at a chain restaurant last month. It was just a minor deal, but I came home, found the website & let them know of my experience. Got a nice phone call last night from the district mgr, apologizing, asking for more details so he could follow up and 2 VIP comp breakfast vouchers. Pretty nice, considering I hadn't eaten when we went, I had just purchased breakfast for my autistic young man.
I confess, I'm thinking about the negative these days........ , not so much that it colors my world, but I AM going to be more diligent about mentioning both the bad and the exceptional when I do pay for something. (not spending really cuts down these opportunities!!)
Off to a No Spend day here.........enjoying the beginnings of spring.
Posted in
no $pending day
March 2nd, 2006 at 06:21 pm
I can see the bulk of any spending I do these days is in the catagory of saving..........if I look at the big picture and long term gains. I got my lightbulbs exchanged today (hopefully, they will fit the fixture) and I ended up buying 3 more bulbs for the rest of the fixtures. Small expense in the scope of things, but money OUT...in any case. But, now I have completed one of my goals (granted it was Jan, then Feb and now it's done......speed isn't my problem here) and have all the outdoor lighting on low energy bulbs. TA DA!!
I started off my morning, joining all commuters as I headed to a meeting for interested folks in my county; Topic: affordable housing for all. Had to pay $10.00 for a mediocre breakfast, but enjoyed the speaker more than $10.00 worth. Much "food" for thought this AM, left me pondering many things including need vs want, Americans need to be the best, have the most and convince everyone else in the world our way is THE WAY.
I've got some uninterrupted hours today, planning on spending them getting another load of items ready for the antique challenge of mine. Since I haven't been in this mall before, it is going to take a few months before I know what sells. The top seller in my previous space was run of the mill little pieces of furniture, painted a neutral beige/pink. Couldn't keep them in there..........as fast as the paint dried, I was hauling a van full to town. Hope that is still the rage, as I've got a little line up of odd tables, etc to paint.
I might try tracking my spending this month, that comes from cash in my pocket. I've not paid much attention to this, but I can keep a pocket full of money longer than most people I think! So, spending isn't the issue, it's a remembering thing, will I take the receipts & record them?? Since I'm only on the 2nd, I might be able to get this going.........Seeing peoples listing of expenses here has triggered an interest in my own day to day out of pocket expenditures. Thanks to those of you who post monthly/daily or weekly totals. You inspire me.
Two more samples to add to my Care Box project. It's actually beginning to take shape! Again, thanks to all of you who post the free offers, I don't understand exactly how this works here, but I see several of you posting regularly.
Posted in
no $pending day
February 27th, 2006 at 06:05 pm
Trying to fit in a banking run between interviewing contractors again. I've got the rental check (finally) that needs to go in along with the cash for the stove. (the fridge appt. didn't happen yesterday, she said it would be today for sure----crossing fingers).
Made one call to the tenant, couldn't reach her, will try emailing the exec dir of the program, she is more responsive, but not involved in the finances. But, it is a step for me.
Haven't done any of the other contacts either re; monies owed me. Horrible on this. The most I did is locate the blog of one person, he is working now, so that is a good sign. Have 2 others to still deal with too. March goals perhaps? If the money all came in, it would be just a little over $7000, so it is worth me getting the lead out here.
The rental bit is not an increase, other than the agreement we signed included a daily late fee, which they have never paid. And, they have never paid on time. I am a lousy landlord. If I really didn't need all the monies from the rental to cover costs of the other house, I would turn this account over to a mgmt firm.
It's a no spend day here, meals are all done, thanks to the bulk cooking session yesterday. I still have some packaging to do today too; "banked" 6 meals for the freezer, in addition to the meal for tonight. Easy way to get ahead on my cooking chores..........prep while I'm already cooking one meal, if I have to be in the kitchen, I want to make my time count!
After closely monitoring my spending since joining here; I've discovered my largest expense in the loosely labeled Misc catagory is gifts for others. I really enjoy this, so don't plan to quit. I am extremely frugal with this too, shopping for best deals, etc.. And, I rarely give a Thing......but a service or experience. I have no other vices or expensive habits, so plan to continue this as it is too fun to surprise someone, or better yet, gift them anonomously.
Found out the horses that are boarding here, were let out by someone messing with my fencing. We couldn't find a break in the fence anywhere, but did find all 3 hot wires unhooked at the insulators & laid back so the horses could just walk out. I have no plan or ideas for a plan as to how to counteract this sort of nastiness. We're going to wire the spot closed, so they will need wire cutters to do the same deed again. The horses are moved to the back of the property for a week or so.......but who in the world would do this?? And, it has messed with my naive little view of my corner of the world here.... which I am totally ticked off about. I'm on a dead end street, no teenagers, 6 other homes, all but one retired couples or singles. Makes me want to move further out in the bushes!
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day
February 20th, 2006 at 07:13 pm
Feel like a contestant in a game show. Spend less, save more!!! I'll bet it would never be a prime time success.........no one would believe it!!
I'm continuing to add the tiny little hints, as well as implement some of the bigger changes as well..........everything from not using my blow dryer in the mornings to sending in the paperwork for my Roth IRA.
I have been thinking about a comment I read about budgets being all about sacrifices & I'm not feeling like that is relevant here at all. I haven't felt a bit deprived; in fact........it feels better to me than not paying close attention to my money. Back to the game idea I guess........I'm just a sucker for competition, solo, or with others.
A no spend day, other than some gas to go get a freecycle item. Dinners in the crock pot, a roast which will provide the basis for many meals this week. Washer running on cold, wood stove is heating the house and I can spend much of the day knitting. Just found out this AM that the baby coming this July in our family is a boy.....Too much fun!!
Posted in
no $pending day
February 19th, 2006 at 05:23 pm
These no spend days are sort of enforced here. With the extra kids on the week end, there's no way I'm going anywhere with them. But, I'm so in the habit of not aimlessly shopping, I doubt I'd go spend money anyway!
I too, applied for the shell phone card & received it. I'm attempting to spend at least some of my usual goofing off time here at the computer, applying for the free offers. I had an AH HA moment last night re; the free offers.........and will be stockpiling them for my son who will be approaching me this coming summer for some help (he's expecting financial) I'll have a stash of items he can take from if he so desires. Works for me!! I'm done helping financially, or with housing.
I don't know how all the freebie items get found....but, to all who are spending time searching & sharing, a BIG thank you!
I can't wait til our cold blast is over here. I've had to keep lights on in our pump house, to keep the temp up.....and I have to say; it is really bugging me!! I know turning the lights off would equal more expense in the long run, but darned if I'm not just ticked every time I see the lights on out there!!! Too funny.
Posted in
no $pending day
February 18th, 2006 at 07:48 pm
I've been watching more TV this past week, than usual.....with the Olympics on, I've either been watching or listening to almost all the broadcasts both on Canadian and US stations. I don't know if it's because I don't find the games as interesting this year or what; but I'm more caught up in the advertising than the competitions.
Maybe it's because having a daily dose of the posts here has made me notice all the referances to money/finances/lifestyle??? I'm not usually a heavy TV watcher & when I do, I'm knitting too..........but this week has been eye opening. I'm so grateful I've got whatever it takes......willpower.......goals........a really cheap gene........ that the ads don't suck me in. But, wow.......what promises they come up with. According to the ads, life just isn't good without CC's, new vehicles & goodness knows what else. The ads come right out and say things about life is about choices, use VISA to choose life.
I'm grateful I feel no pressure to join in with the herds of people buying into this mindset...........but also feel angry & wish I could think of some way to counteract all this.
Better stop....too much deep thought will make my head hurt. Banked a couple checks today, now will move them over to the ING acct. Going to make a phone call re; money owed me. Got the loan info re; the other loan owed me........so am ready for that conversation tonight. Can't work on the other 2 until Tues due to the holiday. It really does change my attitude when I'm being proactive re; my finances. I think I've passed proactive however....I would have to say I'm headed straight into aggressively attending to my finances.
Another no spend day. Just used a tad of gas on the way to the bank.
Posted in
no $pending day
February 17th, 2006 at 06:47 pm
That's right.....I'm on Monday for my work week. I've got myself organized for this weekend, so feeling pretty good. Also, the toughest client is going camping with his 1:1 starting this afternoon & not returning til Mon night.... So, I'm down one for the whole holiday weekend. (that makes it almost a vacation!!)
I went over my prediction yesterday at the outlet store. $125 instead of $100. But, I believe I can make these items last 2 months instead of just one, so........perhaps I will be below budgeted amount?? I felt very frugal yesterday, coming right home and re packaging the huge sacks of things into manageable sizes here. Sealing them up, or freezing them........so nothing will be wasted.
Today is a no spend day........still looking for the last 2 checks to come in for the month. One is getting later & later it seems. Definately need a banking day next week, to get all these in the account. Bills are all paid up for Feb........I just love that feeling!
In the process of all this intense focus on my finances, I have got a couple personal loans out that I really need to make some move to collect. I'm not good at this, but I've decided I'll do something instead of nothing. Since I couldn't find any money in the last 2 Daily Challenges..........this was my next best idea----
#1: The largest, I know I'll get paid back on this one, but I will meet with the woman & review the deal we had made, just so I can cross this off my list.
#2: Money promised me from a real estate deal that I haven't got all of it yet. He paid me half and said the other half was coming. Need to drop him a note & let him know I'm still waiting for the other half.
#3: Emergency money loaned to one of my previous foster kids, not really expecting to get this back, it isn't much, but the principle here is bugging me more than the other 2. Not even sure where this kid is, but I will contact his grandfather & leave my new address & phone with him, just so he can't say he was going to pay me but didn't know where I was.
I'm again conscious of how much I have left to do re; finances etc. It was an area of my life I really did think I had all together. HA. Miles to go before I reach anthing close to all together!
Posted in
no $pending day
February 13th, 2006 at 08:28 pm
Yes, another no spend day, unless I count the utilities I'm using here at home.
All the meals are from leftovers over the week end. BBQ beef for lunch & Chinese food tonight with the leftover chicken. Encore meals, as I've learned from the group here. I've got plenty of the BBQ beef, made from leftover roast.........to put some meals in the freezer too. With my new freezer section in the kitchen, all my ready to go meals are in there, so no more digging around in the big freezer for these dabs of things.
Still waiting for the Feb checks to finish coming in. I think I can count on all of them by the 15th of each month....but it will probably be another couple months til I know for sure.
Half done with the first baby blanket & will have enough yarn to make a matching hat for each set. I'm absolutely no good at estimating the yarn I need for projects. Sewing I can do...........but yarn for some reason, escapes me. I'll have to come up with a pattern or two that uses up the leftovers.
I've decided to add hand knit/crochet items to my booth at the antique mall, they approved, as long as the things are hand made; new is OK. This should help fix my problem of too much time on my hands too!!
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no $pending day