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advertising vs. willpower

February 18th, 2006 at 07:48 pm

I've been watching more TV this past week, than usual.....with the Olympics on, I've either been watching or listening to almost all the broadcasts both on Canadian and US stations. I don't know if it's because I don't find the games as interesting this year or what; but I'm more caught up in the advertising than the competitions.
Maybe it's because having a daily dose of the posts here has made me notice all the referances to money/finances/lifestyle??? I'm not usually a heavy TV watcher & when I do, I'm knitting too..........but this week has been eye opening. I'm so grateful I've got whatever it takes......willpower.......goals........a really cheap gene........ that the ads don't suck me in. But, wow.......what promises they come up with. According to the ads, life just isn't good without CC's, new vehicles & goodness knows what else. The ads come right out and say things about life is about choices, use VISA to choose life.
I'm grateful I feel no pressure to join in with the herds of people buying into this mindset...........but also feel angry & wish I could think of some way to counteract all this.

Better stop....too much deep thought will make my head hurt. Banked a couple checks today, now will move them over to the ING acct. Going to make a phone call re; money owed me. Got the loan info re; the other loan owed am ready for that conversation tonight. Can't work on the other 2 until Tues due to the holiday. It really does change my attitude when I'm being proactive re; my finances. I think I've passed proactive however....I would have to say I'm headed straight into aggressively attending to my finances.
Another no spend day. Just used a tad of gas on the way to the bank.

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