Home > classy coop

classy coop

April 3rd, 2006 at 06:26 pm

I've told my carpenter person (formerly the homeless man, that is now living in the back 40 here) that I just might move into the new coop he is building.

I've never seen anything so fancy for chickens! My last one was a very creative, artistic venture that had multiple us a unique event for sure. The chickens didn't mind, but visitors would always ask "what is that?". Wasn't an obvious abode for chickens!

This new addition to the yard is an amazing deal, including an automatic watering system from the gutter to a rain barrel and then to the watering can. Roosts that hinge up for easy cleaning underneath, a concrete floor with a screen on the low side, so I can hose off the floor and out the screen the water goes. Eggs can be collected from outside the coop (no more chickens escaping), there is a top on the run even to foil the hawks and we've got a trench so the fencing continues under ground. HA, the critters will have to work really hard to invade this coop.

I'm getting this fancy coop built the year of the bird flu. Ironic. My usual sources for chicks are getting wet feet re; shipping birds. Not sure yet if I'm going ahead with this project when it gets done, or if I'll wait. Seems a shame to wait, I do enjoy my chickens!!

DAILY MONEY UPDATE: No spending day, and I should get the first of the checks for April this evening, so some $$ IN.
No clients here for dinner, so I can concentrate on just cleaning out the fridge, plenty in there for several meals.
Still gathering paperwork for the tax lady.
Starting to plug in numbers for the net worth project at the same time, it sort of overlaps with the tax figures.

3 Responses to “classy coop”

  1. jeffrey Says:

    Photos - I want to see photos Smile

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Jeffrey: This might be the chance for me to try out the picture taking bit. I just barely managed to get a picture posted on Craigs list last month.....had to finally get help on this or it was never going to get off my TO DO list.

  3. jeffrey Says:

    If you have any trouble, leave a message here or email me and I'll walk you through - looking foward to seeing it Smile

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