My seeds from the holiday acorn squash are starting to peek through the surface this morning. I've got them started indoors, as they would float away outside. (way too wet here still, and cold, and this gardener is NOT going out in this weather)
I've never planted enough acorn squash for our household, no matter how many plants I put in. Maybe I'll be closer to that point this year? I don't know how many plants I'll have, but if I get more than 6, I'll be ahead of the game. Our local nurseries don't have much selection, or I'm too early, or too late....whatever the reason, I can't seem to get more than one pack of starts for any veggie and often times I have done without certain veggies. No greenhouse here.....but this year, I've got a great big window I'm taking advantage of, and have a little nursery of my own going.
This is definately a no cost experiment, if it works I might have enough squash to put in the shed for winter. Nice! Free food. My favorite kind!
DAILY TRACKING: Will be using gas for an errand day. No cash out of pocket however. Picking up a box of rose food from a freecycler in the area (inherited a rose garden with this new property, horribly ignored, but perking up) and then sitting at the high school pool to watch my kiddo swim.
I'm using my new business cards to leave a thank you message every time I pick up a freecycle item.....and I'll have a project with me at the pool; hoping to generate at least some conversation. Word of mouth is my best advertising; knitting in public is a great draw!
gardening experiment; Progress
April 14th, 2006 at 04:28 pm