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condensed conversation

April 15th, 2006 at 06:48 pm

I've waited to find the perfect time for a conversation here at my house, but there hasn't been anything close to perfect. So, I crammed it all together into a sentence or two this morning and it was pretty abrupt.

I've shared my home with this other adult now for years. Shared the home, not the finances. She has not always been in a position to help out, nor did I need the assistance, so of course, the path that was easiest just happened. She lived here, for nothing, contributing her food stamps.

I told her a month ago, she needed to come to the table with a plan as to how WE were going to keep this house open & what she was going to do to make that happen. She never brought it up. So, this AM, I told her I couldn't do it myself, & was contemplating a couple scenarios. None of which included the 2 of us staying here. Abrupt yes. Truthful, yes. Can't say she was even shocked. She is not used to handling finances, so her first reaction was to start selling her auction stuff on ebay. (not exactly the answer I was hoping for)

I'm leaving for the week end, will let her think on the subject for a couple days and we will visit the finances again come Tuesday.

Looking forward to a few days without my autistic kiddo........he has been up since 4 something.. all I saw was a 4 on my clock.......wasn't too alert at that time of day (night) And, needing a break from the other person here......she has been ill, along with clinically depressed (all the time), and the only other adult here is the formerly homeless guy, who comes in to shower occasionally!!! I need to get out! Anytime you think you live in a crazy environment, think again...........come spend an hour or two here & no matter where you're living, it will seem heavenly!! Smile

2 Responses to “condensed conversation”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Aww Contrary1! Sorry things are so crazy. I hope you do take her to task, its just not fair to you! No wonder you want to get away! Keep your chin up, you have done so many great things! You will get over this hump!

  2. carol Says:

    My sympathies to you. There are certainly times my boys leave me feeling like they are driving me straight up a wall(or out of the house).
    I hope she learns how to handle finances quickly. That's virtually a survival skill these days. Yes definately get out of there and clear your head. I hope things will start to fall into place when you get back.

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