Home > tax time & new filing system

tax time & new filing system

March 24th, 2006 at 11:55 pm

Back from a couple days off and the new goal is to compile all the paperwork needed by my tax preparer person. YUK
The only good part of this, is I will definately have a nice neat file system completed too, when I have recovered the necessary paperwork.
(note to self..........don't let helpful friends & family pack file cabinets in the future.)
I have dedicated the next couple weeks to this project, setting up a table near each of the 4 drawer file cabinets. I'm using post it notes like crazy. Piles of folders, covering all surfaces. Hoping to come up with a useable system at the same time I'm locating things like purchase price of a house from 1989, all improvements to the same house until the present and other little details. I knew 05's taxes were going to make me dig for documentation, but I had forgotten all the stuff that goes with a rental.

The new posts are in for the clothesline......I can hardly wait til it is functional. Bye-bye dryer!!! Looking forward to some LOW electric bills as we get to our spring/summer season here.

Another life decision crossed my path this week. While spending time with my mom, she was really pushing the plan for me to move into her place and us pool our resources. This would allow me to actually retire, with no job. Not sure if I'm ready for that step, but it is a nice safety net in case I want to try the other plan of sort of retiring!

Lots of great free mail type stuff when I got home. Just applying for a couple a day keeps a steady stream of very useable, necessary items coming in. Wonder why I didn't do this before??

A no spend day, other than the gas to get home this AM, & technically, the full tank of gas was from mom!

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