Home > what a waste

what a waste

April 7th, 2006 at 12:54 am

I noticed my neighbors cow going down this AM (early) and watched her struggle, trying to give birth. These are neighbors that have the gate between the properties chained & padlocked, as well as a gate with alarm and keypad at the front. I've only waved at them, they have made no effort to introduce themselves since Oct.

I had to watch this cow today without knowing what to do..........(and really not knowing much about cows) But, this cow got herself lengthwise in a drainage ditch of sorts and couldn't move. So, my take on it is.......she couldn't help with labor, and it took forever.

I noticed the female neighbor (now know her name is Carolyn) out with the cow around 3PM, helping birth the calf. I asked if she wanted was fairly obvious she could use some, even if inexperienced. She said No, she had some boys that were coming. Along came a couple boys and they tried to pull her (the cow) out of the ditch. They didn't get her out, but did get her more upright.

The calf thinks my neighbor is her mom, the cow hasn't paid any attention to the calf and the whole thing looked bad to me.

The vet is now at my neighbors, it's almost 6PM. The cow hasn't moved. I can't imagine the cost for a farm visit.......and if they had been monitoring the cow in the first place, or if I had a way I could have reached them...........Blast & darn, I will feel so bad if this cow dies. The calf should make it since there is another cow with a calf born on Sunday.....A foster calf of sorts??

Frustrating day here. I feel like a nosey neighbor, but like I said......what a waste if this cow dies just because she needed help and there was none.

Since I stayed home has been a no spend day, one positive.

3 Responses to “what a waste”

  1. Joni Says:

    New neighbors? Why don't you take a plate of cookies over and introduce yourself? I do that when new people move in. Sometimes there is just so much to do when you move in to a new home that a neighbor bringing cookies is a very welcome sight. Just a thought.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I'm the new neighbor on the street..... The deal is, there is no way in to the cow peoples place. They don't come out either that I notice. Homeschool their dtr... He works in a small business on their property. Alarms, gates, signs posted. No way I could get cookies in there.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Unfortunately, there are times when, much to our dismay, there isn't much we can do, especially when our help is not wanted....I am sure, knowing your kind, giving spirit- If you could have, you would have. Keep offering, and maybe eventually the neighbors will open up...sounds unlikely tho- they sound pretty recluse.

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