Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
March 21st, 2006 at 03:06 pm
Over the years, I've had my own little ministry, helping homeless men get back on their feet. I didn't start out trying to do this, but a phone call here, someone introduces me to someone.......conversations shed light on things; and next thing I know, there is someone either sleeping on my couch (only did that once) or there is an old trailer, camper or RV parked on the property. (have done this lots)
This morning, we've got a new "resident" .....the trailer came in after dark as I'm sure it isn't licensed or insured, sorta has that "look". It won't do anything for my property values, but I absolutely love doing this.
I'm again struck by how quickly lives can go sour and how small details become insurmountable. I watched the Oprah show yesterday, all about this same thing....poverty & homelessness in the US. Hopefully, "john" as I'll call him, will be able to catch up while staying here. I have so much that really doesn't cost a thing to share, and I get such a kick out of seeing someone head out on their own again. Not sure what all this gentleman can use/or needs, but we'll find that out as we go here. The thing that seems to be the biggest help is just the ability to use an address. That's an easy one. Next is the phone, although he has one........but minutes seem to be a problem. Food's always easy to share, we have plenty (and AH-HA.....he can help get the veggie garden planted!) I've also been peoples' banks, not in the loan business, but writing and mailing checks off for them, when they give me the cash. I forget how handy a checking account is and how difficult it might be to get a stamp, envelope and the money all in the same place. Little things, really simple things become huge hurdles and then just don't get done.....
Grateful here for all I have........and appreciating the ability I have to share it today!
Close to a no spend day, just using gas to get to my antique booth to add more treasures. I have no kids here til Friday, so this week will be the closest thing to a vacation I'm going to get for awhile. Enjoying the freedom of doing what I want, when I want and how I want.
Posted in
March 18th, 2006 at 05:26 am
I'm so angry after the inspection meeting here this AM. I am being written up for not adhering to policies I have never seen. When asked for the policy, the inspector couldn't give it to me, couldn't tell me where to get it.... One regulation is not even from the agency I work for, it's an L & I situation she said. Labor & Industries...now, why would I know I needed to comply with their rules....and which ones, pray tell?? Gads, this is going to make me a crazy person pretty darned quick. I have to wait now, for Wed & the exit interview.........which sounds dreadful.
Nothing about this morning was about the care given to this client of mine.... I will never understand busy work requirements in a social service field.
Anyway............my finances are uppermost on my mind. I had all I could do to restrain myself during the inspection. I wanted to get my keys & just leave. Call my bank, transfer money to some other country & never look back. (seriously, did think about it!!!)
I will be spending much of this week looking into other options re; a real job. Ack..........haven't had one of those for decades. Probably not even employable any longer. Creativity has been my middle name.......I'm changing it to my first name as of NOW. Thinking outside the box, going to brainstorm until I come up with an alternative. I will not do this inspection bit again.....plus, I can't envision how awful life will be after my little guy is out of school in June. Since he will be 21, he will be here 24/7 and I will be a certified crazy woman by July. Can't keep this up.
I have my list of all the bills that can be cut after my client is moved out. That will cut the amount of money I need to clear by hundreds. I am capable of living a bare bones lifestyle, prefer that actually....I'll come up with the new figures this coming week.
Driven to find a new path, it's amazing how much energy anger creates.
Posted in
March 17th, 2006 at 04:57 am
I finally received my first paid survey! A whopping $2.00 too. Good thing I can see the big picture here & am not counting on my survey income to support the household! (I did mention, just yesterday, that I was thinking of other ways to pay the bills here, come June!! Maybe surveys' are the answer??)
Listed 8 more books on half.com. Have approx 12 on now, have sold 1. Not a get rich quick deal either, better not count on this for June either??
Did get the first cash handed over re; the new rental payment plan I worked out here at the house. Pretty nice to see it so soon after we talked. This person has been staying here rent free for decades. Used to help instead of paying rent, but since Oct, no help AND no rent. Feels so much better to me with her paying her way, this could be something to offset the expenses now......and in June.
Rent for pasture late: Due on the 12th, tenant is out of town now til Monday....so payment will be a week late at least. This one is going to continue, these folks are HAPPY with the property & where their horses are, so I can feel OK about counting on their $$ each month, even if it isn't on time.
A no $pend day. Only my 3rd for the month. I did sign up for a Sharebuilder account, but the money won't come out of my bank until next week. I scheduled it to be withdrawn after all my checks come in for the month.
Posted in
March 12th, 2006 at 11:43 pm
As if I needed a visual to really "get" the snowball theory to pay down debt........ The kids & I were outside at the burn pile & leaning on my pitchfork, I could visualize the credit cards as the big piles of stuff that needed to be burned. We were all working on our own at first, then throwing caution to the wind, I asked for the boys to work on one pile with me. We finished that in short order. Moved on to the next, etc. We're almost through 3 huge piles of branches that weren't showing any progress with all of us working on different piles at the same time. The kids weren't the least impressed, but it was a pretty neat visual for me. (I have been doing this method on the cc's but this was just fun to ponder while out baby sitting the fire)
Posted in
March 12th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
I've been spending more than saving this month, here it is the 12th and I'm only on Day #2. Yikes. Have to buckle down on the second half of the month!
I listened to the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover CD's yesterday & got myself so jazzed up, I can hardly wait to cross his steps off. What a motivation! I need to reserve it from the library on a regular basis, just to keep the excitement up.
The highest CC has now been paid off, and actually closed. I thought to leave it open, but realized it had an annual fee, so closed it is. I paid the total monthly charges on my cc I use for online purchases yesterday.......that felt good to have it in order too. I also sent in for a trial offer, $10.00 credited to my account for 30 days of some anti theft program.......Promptly logged that into my To Be Cancelled list!
Yesterdays mail included 3 more samples.....even with sharing these with my sons' care box, we are benefiting from the free items. My dishwasher is running with free soap, the washer is on, again- free soap, I've got 3 free magazines to read today and I've used the free treatment to "prevent damage that causes aging". All for free! I'll be clean, wrinkle free & well read by this evening!
Heading outside to get some free exercise, otherwise known as yard work here. Free is definately my favorite 4 letter word......followed closely by-
Posted in
March 9th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
I'm certainly re thinking my negative reaction to all these items. Today I received my gift cards to Target for completing the reviews at InsiderPages. Very nice, quick and uncomplicated enough even for me!
I've continued to sign up for others, as well as checking the free offers daily.
I did sign up for the survey sites, but haven't been contacted yet.....and I can't win that Coke contest either! I don't even drink Coke & this is bothering me........go figure!
I called BOA to request the credit on my CC be sent to me. I actually had to laugh at the guy, he had such a surprised response, said something like "send it to you??" His tone was priceless........ Obviously, not something that comes up frequently for him. Anyway, the checks in the mail.
Also got a rent check today, so adding the bank to my errand list for tomorrow. (anyone else run out of deposit slips way before using up all the checks in a book??........I love that!!)
Posted in
March 9th, 2006 at 06:29 pm
I've got the van packed full and I'm going to head to the antique booth. With luck, there will be big gaping holes where stuff has sold...... Wishful thinking for the first week I'll bet.
Taking cash from yesterdays funds I was re paid & putting it in the bank. Checked accounts on line this AM, need to stay on top of that. With everything on line, this old dog needs to remember things aren't going to be in actual piles on my desk.
I got a statement from the cc acct. I had paid off last month. Now, there is a credit of $29.50 on it! Does anyone else think this isn't an accident? If I wasn't pig headed and want that money......I'd probably start using the card again for something approx that amount. I'll call today & see about getting that refunded. I'm not going to use the account again (interest way too high, set up by sister for the old business........nasty situation), but as I've learned here, it isn't always best to close the account.
Just the gas used for spending today.......all meals here, per usual habits. Steak, roasted potatoes, green salad & steamed brocolli this evening.
I'm grateful for my organizational skills, as I gather necessary items for the state inspection next Friday. Most everything has been easy to locate, my stacks of things for review are growing here. I should be able to drown these inspectors in paper!! I am grateful this is only an annual deal...I can't wait til it is over. Stuff like this makes me a tad crazy, I'm not happy unless I get a clear inspection. Getting called on something makes me cranky! I've got the eval. form, so there is no good reason I will have anything out of line......unless the state sticks something new in. (they did that last year, requiring barriers for CPR....I've got one now!!)
Posted in
March 7th, 2006 at 02:08 pm
Here it is the 7th already and I'm racking up my first No Spend Day. I usually have a couple in a row, regularly......but not this month. Staying home today, entertaining a string of contractors re; the bids for the remodel. Still only 1 bid in hand.
Added another item to my own TO DO list here; learn how to post pictures onto the web. I've done it a couple times, but so infrequently, it still baffles me. I've got things to sell, all would benefit from a photo.
Got the stack of new books posted on Half. Also shipped my first sold book yesterday. Had to buy a mailer, but found a case of free ones for future sales.
Can't wait til March & April are over.......I seem to have a grouping of large, negative type things on the calendar; annual licensing inspection of the home & all my paperwork, income tax meeting in March, and property taxes due in april. ICK to all of them.
Looking forward to having all these behind me and being able to work on the outside of this house as well as get the garden going.
Painting small pieces of furniture, shelves, etc for the antique booth, my tool to increase the $$$ in the $20.00 Challenge. Hoping to have a van full before the end of the week to make another trip to fill up the booth.
Collected $300. from my tenant. I had forgotten she owed me. We have our car insurance together & I paid the full premium (to get the cheaper price). The payment was a surprise to me, one that I now have cash and two, she remembered she owes for her insurance. I will do this differently for next year.
I also called, faxed and emailed the 3 different people with the company that is leasing a house from me. They have not been on time with the rent since they moved in there in Oct. Rent is due this week, let's see if my reminders help get it paid on time. I bcc'd the email to the exec. dir. She has been the only person who seems to communicate honestly with me. I hate being a landlord....need to find another way to handle this property long term. This way makes me crazy.
The bill I charged to my credit card yesterday............apparently didn't happen. The nasty company that is owed, faxed me today, asking that I sign their form & return it with my check. I checked the account, it is one of my new ones with zero interest.......and since I have been paying huge extra payments on it, there is no reason the charge shouldn't have gone through. Even when I thought I could make this just GO AWAY, I can't. I will call in the AM. I want this solved, so I can start to forget the entire experience. YUK.
So, there was good & bad today........hate it when it feels like the bad is winning!
Posted in
March 6th, 2006 at 10:00 pm
I have just assumed some more debt on my cc. Can't think of another way to handle this situation. But, I'm screaming mad; at my sister, at my stupidity, name it, I'm just mad.
I had a business that I stepped out of, leaving it for my sister. She has not been paying her bills. One of them has gone to collection, and she didn't change the name. So, they have been phoning me non stop for a few weeks now. I wrote to them, asking for all communication to be in writing, they didn't honor that. I'm just ticked. It got so I didn't answer the phone, just let the calls go to voice mail.
Anyway, I just put the balance of the bill on my cc, $1300.87 further in the red.
One bit that makes it feel less negative, is the total of the bills I'm paying that are truly hers are coming out of the money that would be hers after our mom dies. Maudlin, but fact. Mom is just as ticked at dtr #2 for this & has changed the will, ammended the trust and has begun to make decisions about properties she was going to have my sister & I divide.
Feeling better having just unloaded here, told mom too, so the total owed by dtr #2 has been adjusted........again.
Also just had finance talk #3 here with tenant. Reminded her of loan, discussed paying me back. Positive outcome. Listing some huge things for her on Craigs list that would more than cover my amount.
Ranting over. Back to normal day here, and looking forward to being able to answer my phone!
Posted in
March 5th, 2006 at 05:52 pm
Yes, I have had to cross one item off my Feb goals list........I can't do it. The outdoor light fixtures won't take a new energy efficient light bulb. Tried several kinds, they are just too big at the base. I will look for new fixtures; but not soon. This would be a good item to use the Lowes gift card for, when it comes! This has also reminded me to think of these bulbs when picking out fixtures for the upcoming remodel. Again........planning.......the key to saving money I think.
My freecycle fabric I got yesterday is fantastic. Worth at least $20.00 per yard & I've got 2 bolts of it!! Enough to do some sort of decorating project here at the house. Plus another bolt that isn't really fantastic at all; but I don't have a current stash of what I call my ugly fabric. I've got 100+ yards of this, so I can afford to whip something up in this, to see if it works, make changes and then move on to good fabric. Definately worth the trip to pick up~ Freecycle beats a store, any day!
Mail Call: I've noticed a big difference in the mail here lately. We get a free something or other almost every day, as well as an offer of some sort too. Before S/A, I would have tossed them, unread. I've pulled the 2 out and have them on the desk, one for free address labels from the Welcome Wagon Co, since we've moved......and the other for a $10.00 credit to my CC for a trial memb in Privacy Source Service. I wonder how much money I've tossed in the trash??
Plan to list another stack of books on Half.com today. I think they're good, now, let's see if someone else thinks so.
I made a "starter" for Amish friendship bread this week end. I used to have one going all the time so I could whip up a couple loaves of quick bread for desserts/ snacks/ breakfasts as well as gifts. Got out of the habit, but in another couple days, this will be ready to go. An easy way to make cheap goodies, much better than buying muffins, snacks, etc.
Off to my day, looking forward to tomorrow, which is my Friday!!
Posted in
March 1st, 2006 at 09:05 pm
Hauled a van full of treasures to the antique mall & set my wares up today! I forget how big the spaces are & how much it takes to make it look full. When I've got the things here, cleaning, pricing and packing them, they seem to fill the house! My poor little booth; I spread things out and it is still sparse. I'll work at getting another van load ready at least weekly, hopefully 2X a week for this first month. This mall is smaller than the one I was in a few years ago & further off the highway; so I've not set my hopes too high. I would love to make rent & not be paying for this experience.
I've been here at the new place long enough now, I am going to figure out the monthly expenses so I have a frame of reference. I can see the costs here are definately less than the other home, so I will have extra each month to save & invest. It felt like it, but I'm now getting it in black & white.
I received 2 of the free samples I've begun to send for. One is perishable, so will add to the snack bin, the other will work great in my care box I'm assembling for my son. Since I'm no longer giving money to this young man, the freebies are going to be it. Hopefully, by summer I'll have an interesting collection of things that really will be helpful to someone starting out from scratch with nothing. My mom is now participating in this project with me; she isn't doing the money thing either.........we've both learned our lesson the hard way.
The horses were all out again this AM.....the fencing had been unhooked, obviously by a 2 legged "animal" again. Frustrating since I can't think of anything else to do so this doesn't keep happening. I'm cured, my chihuahua is about all the animal I can handle right now!
Bought stamps and mailed a package to a starving student friend of mine, plus paid the first months rent on the mall space, so it was a spending kind of day. Plus the gas it took to get around today.....
It's Wed, so my house is sparkling clean. While I was gone this AM, my cleaner guy was here & worked his magic with my very dirty house. (getting ready for the antique booth is messy business) I have hired him to clean my moms house too, starting next week. I'm not able to help her as much as I'd like, so this will be good. It truly was a Christmas present, but her move in took longer than expected. Now she can have a sparkling clean house too! It's one of my favorite things these days!
Just got an email from Insider pages, my reviews had all been approved, so 2 $5.00 gift cards are in the mail they said. Too easy! Too fun!! If there are no exp dates, I can add these to my care box for my son! Thanks to all of you that post the freebie section, I would never have known about this offer otherwise.
Posted in
February 28th, 2006 at 05:28 pm
I have been working hard to come up with some things I've finished towards my Feb goals.........I don't know what I did the first 3 weeks of the month! Sit around I guess. 
Feb Goals:
Order seeds for this years garden on line Did it (just yesterday)
Set up the IRA: Not done
I finally got the 3 outdoor light fixtures off, so I can replace the bulbs, again, just yesterday! I'm about 2 days away from completing the outdoor lighting goal, to have it all energy efficient.
I've contacted 2 of the 4 people that owe me money. Hard for me to do & yes, did it just yesterday
Begin advertising my sewing/knitting business; Did this, however, not swamped with new clients yet.
I did sell the wood stove but I'm still the proud owner of an extra fridge, currently in the living room.
I did complete the 3 online bank accounts for the Daily Challenge, seemed like this took forever, but it's all finished.
I have paid off one CC, and the other 2 are now 0% interest.
I know none of these things are going to make an overnight difference in my finances...........But, the switch in my attitude has been nothing short of amazing. I believe the biggest tool is the daily blogging and the reading I do here about other peoples struggles and achievements with their funds. I feel so accountable to both.......writing and reading on a daily basis, much more so than if I was just journaling on my own.
So, in the name of progress.........I will try to round up some of the details that I've still got here & call them my March Goals:
-Meet with contractors & decide what to do with the apparent dead duck furnace here
-Start seeds indoors for the garden project
-Pay for laborers to meet me at the other house to dig up plants. The labor costs will be less than purchasing new plants for this place & the renters aren't going to know a perinneal from a weed!
-Open up my booth at the antique mall (starts tomorrow), commit to actively working this angle to make money for the $20.00 challenge.
I found a free pizza coupon in my daytimer, expires today, so it's pizza for dinner tonight. Another thing I need to do, is file these coupons so I don't waste them! Will be buying fabric this trip to town, to finish up a childs rocker for the antique booth. All the bills are up to date, although I've mentioned how close I cut things this month. I realized it was not just because I paid extra on the CC's but that I paid cash for the new wood stove, the kitchen floor and the 2 new doors. I filed my receipts from this last month and it became clear the money didn't just disappear! I made some solid improvements to this new to me place!
On to March.........anxious to read everyone's steps towards being in control of our finances.
Posted in
February 26th, 2006 at 08:50 pm
February is just too short to get all my goals met! I've got just 2 days to finish up this list:
I DID sell the wood stove!
I've got someone coming to see the fridge today (first appt. out of lots of emails)
No seeds ordered yet for the garden
Lights down outside, but no bulbs to fit
Haven't decided where to open the IRA yet either, still trying to figure out IRA's. Can't fund it yet unless I take money out of the remodel fund or wait for March paychecks.
So, the next 2 days will have me flying here to play catch up. I like being accountable here however......otherwise I just keep re doing my TO DO lists with many of the same items on them. Doesn't help much, except to make me feel like I'm getting behind!
Spending the day doing some bulk cooking, as I found items when transferring things from the old freezer to the new one that will be more helpful here in ready to go meals. Smells great in here, really confusing the kids, as this isn't whats for dinner. 
I'm making a feeble attempt to cook something that is a bit different, I was going to try a new recipe each month as I'm so bored with cooking. Just breaded chicken cutlets tonight, not a recipe, but different than putting the chicken in the crockpot!
If I was really wealthy, I'd have someone else do the cooking! It just seems so time consuming for a product that is so fleeting. I'd rather sew or knit.
While things are cooking, I'm getting in a few more prep hours on my antique booth items. Have one box finished and loaded into the van already today. Progress on the $20.00 Challenge too.
Posted in
February 26th, 2006 at 02:45 am
I even called ahead to find out if the train was on time, Amtrak said 19 min early of all unheard of things. We threw ourselves into high gear & went to warm up the van...........only to find the 4 horses in the street. Escape artists they are! (I'm real sure now; no horses for me) A kind neighbor offered to entice the horses inside the yard with a kettle of dog food.....as I left to get my autistic kiddo on the train to see his mom.
Whoosh into the station only to find out the train is over 2 hours late. No idea how the wires got crossed the agent said, but no train either......Now, waiting isn't my kiddos best skill...but we did it. However, it cost me. Breakfast at Denneys' and then some grocery shopping, including a 40 lb sack of carrots for the horses. (cheap entertainment for us, feeding the horses)
Finally got the kid on the train, then headed home to enjoy my almost 24 hours off.
I did sell the old wood stove this evening, $500 cash! Nice. Also got the invoice for the monthly paycheck & called that in right away.
Had someone here to change the outdoor lights to the new bulbs, however.....the new bulbs don't fit. Drat. Back to the store this week.... I won't get this done for Feb like I had planned. But, when I look at the day here......nothing much went as planned anyway. 
I did spend several hours pricing and packing items for the antique booth (part of my $20.00 challenge); feeling a little more organized.
Posted in
February 24th, 2006 at 08:05 pm
I started (finally) working towards getting things cleaned up and ready to take into the antique booth on the first of March. Got the shelving and items I'll be using for display pieces out and started cleaning and painting. Need another item before the 1st, the hooks to fit in the slat board. My last booth was peg board, so I need new hardware here.... I won't have much to fill the space with the first day, but I'm doing this on my own this time, so it might be a good idea to just take the van full the first day & plan to return the following week with more (given I can unearth the rest of my things and get them ready by then.)
Felt good to get moving on this project.
The freezer didn't come yesterday, it is supposedly on the way now. Good thing I hadn't taken everything out for the transfer!!
Got a good deal on a full load of wood yesterday, nowhere near filling up the wood shed however. I'll keep my eyes open for wood this spring & summer so I'm prepared for winter. I can't wait to see the power bill since we're only using the wood stove for heat.
My buyer for the old stove didn't show, although she called & begged me to hold it for her. I've got 2 other emails too....hoping this moves by the week end. I'm getting tired of having it in front of the house.
Also have an old freezer in front of the house (I know, it is sounding as bad as it looks), but I'm waiting for our local power co. to re institute a rebate program for old appliances. There is supposed to be money to fund it by next week. Instead of paying to get rid of it, they will pay me for it. So, being the cheap side of frugal, I'm waiting.
I've cut my financial corners as close as I want to this month. With opening the new savings accounts, purchasing the appliances & such......and paying any extra funds onto the CC (I've got both cards now at 0%), I've got my bank balance as low as I'm willing to go before payday. Squeaking by until I get a check in the bank tomorrow morning. I've found my comfort zone....and then passed it. Won't cut it quite this close next month.
Traced the property tax bills, they had sent them to the old address. I know one bill, the other 2 I'm guestimating.....thinking the total is approx $5000 needed by April 31. I just need to pay it and not think about it, I don't think I'm getting my moneys' worth!
The freezer just arrived, who knew unloading a freezer was aerobic exercise? Never knew I could move that fast. Making a cup of tea now & sitting down to warm up.....
Posted in
February 22nd, 2006 at 09:54 pm
I stepped........carefully..........into new territory. I applied for my first free gift card! All this trial offer, freebie, gift card stuff has me a little confused (happens pretty easily, I'll admit) How do people keep track of all this?? I'm tentative about doing much, as I'm sure I'll forget to call & cancel these things during the 30 day trial period. I have designated one CC just for these types of things on line, the one I pay off each month...so maybe that will help, but I can still see 30 days zipping by and then I have a brand new something or other that I have no business buying! ACK!
Took the day to do an errand run....got gas first & for the first time ever~ I made a note of the mileage, amount and such, with the hopes of figuring out the mileage my van gets. I've had no idea & I don't drive much, but this is one area I've paid absolutely no attention to.
I did buy $3.00 more to get my $20.00 Challenge going. Needed a hole punch and ribbon to finish off my price tags for the Antique Booth. Getting busy on this project, my things can go in March 1st! Others are making headway on their challenge & I'm going backwards!!
Also bought a refurbished freezer, to be delivered tomorrow. I've been using a loaner from them & I'm anxious to get the new-to-me one. Bigger & an upright. Also bought a cord of firewood, our wood shed isn't full yet & I've got a teenager available on Sat to stack wood......can't pass up that offer.
I still have money left from selling our wood at the other house (I wasn't going to move the firewood). Just watching for good deals & picking up a cord here & there til I use up the wood money.
And, to top off my afternoon, I treated myself to lunch out & a flat of annuals for my front porch. I usually don't buy annuals, but I'm so tired of winter & there isn't much in this new yard, this way I've got a few plants at the front door! And, when I got home, the housecleaner had finished, my home is clean and I didn't have to do it!
Posted in
February 14th, 2006 at 06:18 pm
Sitting here in my makeshift office........enjoying the view of our new snow. Doesn't happen often here but it is just the most beautiful thing! I'm so grateful I don't need to go anywhere to work.......nothing on the schedule until tomorrow & this is supposed to be all gone by then.
I've got the wood stove cranked up.......things are toasty in here & there is just a nice cozy sound that comes from a wood stove too!
I found paper in my stash & made my price tags for the antique booth (one part of my $20.00 challenge) I need to be working towards move in day March 1st....this stuff won't jump up and price itself!
I'm still enjoying reading past posts here in the journals, as well as the forum. What a plethora of info....I used to think I was on top of my finances, but I'm discovering new things every day.
I did get one of my outdoor light fixtures changed to chalk up something done towards my Feb focus. Still have 4 to go.
And.........finally.........another no spend day. Thinking of keeping track of these next month! It sure will help curb the money spent that is hard to track here at my place.
Posted in
February 11th, 2006 at 01:25 am
I spent money today; some just for me, as a treat. I had appointments all morning, picking up items from freecycle (in hopes they will be workable for the new antique booth)........& I bought myself lunch out! Not a regular happening here at all. I also drove approx 100 miles! Unheard of! It was so beautiful here, & I got to visit a couple local towns I haven't ever spent time in, just buzzed through on the way to somewhere. So, in the process, I decided I wanted to make sure to put myself on the list for a fun day like this a little more often.
Finished off the spending by purchasing a bag of juicer type carrots, all for the horses that are boarding here. (the horses that aren't mine but I get to enjoy anyway!) Walked out to the pastures later & treated the 4 tenants to a snack. Getting my horsey fix!
Signed the rental agreement for the antique booth space, I can take things in starting March 1st. (part of my $20.00 challenge) Looking forward to this. I'm thinking it might fall into the catagory of "no money fun". If I use today as an example........between the gas & lunch out, the items I got will just about cover the cost of the day. But, I'm OK with this. I will be getting out of the house, talking to adults & doing something fun....can't beat that!
I also got approved today for another 0% CC. I called my #1 CC & confirmed I have a zero balance on it now & it is closed. (only because it was set up with an annual fee & NO WAY am I paying that again!)
I had to pay last years sales tax for the closed business.........yuk. I'm hoping each time I pay something business related, that it will be the last thing. I can't wait to box up all those records & put them out of sight!
Posted in
February 10th, 2006 at 03:22 am
Pooped. That's what I am tonight. I didn't sleep much last night & today I left home early (reminding myself all the way.........how grateful I don't have to drive anywhere to work), to go help my mom with her house. She is re doing most of the original home, getting ready to move back in this coming week. I painted closets for her as well as unclogged a shower drain, yukky. Moved many heavy objects, getting ready for the contractors to come back in & install the moldings.
In the process of working side by side with mom............we talked about lots of things, but finances were high on the list. She was very interested about this "blog" business as she called it. I learned so much from her and told her so today. Funny thing.........when we were discussing retirement readiness, etc.......a guy walked up to the door & he was from a local investment firm. We had to laugh! I don't know if he believed me when I told him we had been discussing finances & investments all day long! I'm sure he is more used to women saying they had no interest, or they would give his card to their husband.
We had a great talk about the difference between enthusiastically saving.......and just being cheap. My mom has a twin & I can see such differences between the two of them. My mom (& dad when he was living) were VERY frugal. But, they were also generous & thoughtful. My aunt & her family have ended up alone, no friends to speak of......and she complains about having to spend anything.
Being frugal allows my mom to be able to do things like totally re do her home, travel, whatever she wants.........
It's been a great lesson in contrasts with the two twins in my family. I tell my mom often, I'm sure glad she is the one that is my mom!!
It was a no spend day.......other than the gas used to get to moms' house. She also gave me several items to sell in the antique booth & a cabinet to use as one of the display shelves. Procurring things for free & then selling them! One of my favorite activities. Free is my favorite 4 letter word!
Heading to bed, hot pack already on my sore muscles!
Posted in
February 5th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I'm still in the group that hasn't made any money yet with my $20.00. In fact, I've spent some of it. $7.98 I think it is. Shipping on my Free business cards. Not quite free that way, but cheaper than I can get locally.
The cards are here, today is the first day I will be able to distribute any of them. Heading to our local swap meet event, a combination of street fair, farmers market & thrift store sort of deal.............inside (pacific northwest necessity). Hoping to drum up some interest in the sewing/knitting business.
Also got the call from a local antique mall, my name came up and there is a space available March 1st. I sign the contract this week. Rent is $75 a month. Items for this booth will be free to me, my tenant buys storage units at auction and there are always things she can't use or sell. They tend to be the cutsey sort of collectables that will be perfect for this mall. I'm looking forward to starting this again........ I was making money with it when I did it a few years ago.
So.........the bottom line is down, but looking up!
Posted in
February 3rd, 2006 at 03:39 pm
Wow, what a good job was done yesterday putting in the new front door. After the mouldings were removed, there were slivers of daylight all round the old door......Big slivers! With the new door, we now have sealed the openings with insulation foam, as well as added weather stripping to the casing. I love the new door, & hope to see some savings from the project. I'm doing so many things to the house..........I know I won't know which one affects the bottom line, but collectively, it should keep the bills down to rock bottom.
I took the online energy audit someone posted the link to.......and discovered there were things I didn't know about this place. So, added to my TO DO list are things like insulation; attic, wall & crawl space.......how much?? I will be able to see whats in all 3 when the remodel starts on my bedroom.
Errand day today, so there will be some spending.....But, it also starts the round of paychecks coming in. One client tonight, one tomorrow and then the regular checks next week. First week of each month & the bank balances all look healthier.
I filled in some work sheets from another site, How Much Money Do I Owe & How Much Money Do I Own. Interesting exercise. In the process, I uncovered some things I don't normally have upfront in my head....even remembered a loan I should be getting paid back for one of these days. I've still got more figures to fill in, but it is good to see written down. It puts my cc debt in some sort of twisted context. When I see how much I've got, the Owe page is hardly a bleep. Thank Goodness. But, it is so stupid to have the cc debt in the first place. (need to remember most of it is due to CY closing & the icky stuff it created; moral.........don't open a business with a family member)
Off to my day........Fridays are my Mondays here, will be working with a full house as of 4 this afternoon.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2006 at 10:12 pm
Definately dancing here today. Had to post again, as I think I've now got the CC all lined up.
* I transferred the high interest card to a 0% one, it's not due til March, so I haven't paid on it yet.
* I am now paying all my excess on card #1, the highest interest card I have, which is at 10% now. Not sure it is worth messing with it, I should have it paid off in 2 more months
* I paid one card off today, but will keep it open as it is the one that gets used online for things like Netflix, etc. I will vow to pay it off monthly, no matter what!!!
So............with a large fanfare here....
The balance going into this challenge was: $10,809.95 and today it is............ $8,366.30
I'm feeling very accomplished!! With the same rate of payment, I should have the balance gone by this time 2007.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2006 at 04:09 pm
It was funny yesterday, I almost felt disappointed I couldn't get a cheaper quote! Reminded myself I was ahead of the game, have been with the most inexpensive co. now for a few years. I have researched my policy & should be getting a call back from my agent today. Think there are a couple points from todays challenge that might knock down my premium....a couple dollars is a couple dollars.
I find the oddest reactions from people like the insurance companies.......I tell them I'm participating in a Financial Challenge & todays assignment is__________. They don't even have a response! Apparently every other customer just pays what they say, no questions! When I told Geiko they were approx $100 higher than my current co, the agent asked me if I was going to purchase his policy with a credit card? What was the number? I reminded him his cost more, he told me that was OK, I would see the difference in the type of service I received when/if I was in an accident.
This challenge has been opening my eyes to other peoples views of money & finances along with helping me to fine tune my own. I don't know which I'm more interested in!
Spent time this AM filling in a miriad of forms online for free samples. Planning ahead for Christmas stockings & kids grab bag sorts of events during the year here. Shouldn't have to buy a thing.
Have been bartering with a local landscaping co, they have been dumping their trimmings on my property & now they are clearing out my garden beds! I've got a tomatoe bed ready for plants this spring! There are other beds in the works too...... I've never been this ahead of the garden game!
Getting the new front door installed this AM, anxious to have closed off another of the big energy drains there.
Posted in
February 1st, 2006 at 07:36 pm
I'm zeroing in on outdoor lighting this month, to see if I can cut costs. Who am I kidding?? I will cut costs!!
I have 2 energy efficient floods ready to go in the fixture I can figure out....the rest will need further study to get them apart. I'm temporarily stumped.
While at the hardware store yesterday to purchase the insulation for the switchplates, etc......... The funny part was the guy that was helping me said his electric bill was sky high this past month. I thought that was so odd, since mine was the lowest it has ever been & here I was trying to close up energy leaks anyway. I was trying to find a solution to closing off the floor heat vents, since our heat pump is dead & we're using the new wood stove for heat. He didn't have anything to sell me for this, but suggested crumpled up newspaper??? I thought it might work, but then thought it would be a pain to pull back out when/if a new furnace gets installed. Ideas?
I wouldn't have given these vents a thought, but I removed a couple last week in preparation for the new kitchen floor & the cold air was just flowing in. (we're a rambler with crawl space underneath) Now, I do think it would make a difference if I could cap these off somehow.
I am deep into the research on auto insurance. Have 2 quotes, both higher than current policy. Have a call in to my agent to raise the deductable & ask some questions. I have been paying for something called "other than collision" and have no idea what that is. Also found an omission of an anti theft device on one vehicle that should give us more of a discount.
One thing I do here on auto insurance is to combine mine with my tenants. She has lived with me for over a decade & had a perfect driving record, so it wasn't a risk. We get a discount for multiple vehicles this way......and she pays the premiums for her 2 vehicles & I just pay for mine. Makes mine cheaper than if I did it on my own.
Got my email from Emigrant today, they are coming in first out of the 3 online bank accounts I set up.
Listed a book on Amazon.......read other blogs about doing this, used to, but got out of the habit. Easy money!
Goals for Feb:
1) purchase seeds for this growing season on line
2) advertise sewing business every week end
3) sell the old fridge & wood stove
4) set up an IRA
Posted in
January 30th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I've ordered the business cards, online...........just paid postage and handling of $7.88.
Have the first paying customer coming this Thurs. Actually teaching a left handed crochet class. Have been brushing up on my technique this week, as I'm right handed!
Doing flyers this week to send to an event this coming Sat & Sun. Hoping to come up with a couple customers from that. Cost of flyers will be just the ink, as my computer paper is still free (freecycle)
Heading to the garage now to unpack the sewing supplies & uncover the 2nd machine. I will have to get it in for service prior to taking on anything more complicated than hemming. Another expense!
Posted in
January 29th, 2006 at 04:40 am
The new stove is working!!! I'm still learning how to keep it burning in it's "zone"........but the thermostat says 64 at the other end of the house tonight! And, I've not resorted to a fan either, other than the one that is on the stove. I think this will help!
No money spent.........remembered to use air dry on the dishwasher even!
Got a $50.00 refund for the old phone account, it is finally closed out. Will add it to regular checking & use on the #1 cc.
Have a nasty piece of leftover business from the closure of CY. I think I'm going to have to pay $1400. for a cc processing machine that had a lease in my name. A detail I missed while we were dividing things up, obviously. It hasn't been paid, although the bills haven't been coming here...........now, T claims it has been my responsibility. I hope I live long enough that all this becomes a memory I have to work to dredge up.
E asked for money to go to a couple college classes ...........again. I told him no. He wrote again today, asking for money for one class. I feel so torn. Logic tells me NO....but, I feel like such a heel for doing that. Will sleep on it.
Unfortunately, with these kinds of things........sleep is rather elusive. Thank goodness for white wine! 
Listed the fridge.....hoping for a buyer soon, so it will cover half the costs for the new one. All these upgrades here are spendy, but I knew I would need to do them when I bought the house. At least they are all planned expenditures! Feels a little better.
Did locate a carpenter today that has put up many chicken coops, so it looks like we'll have chicks this spring & eggs by winter. Can't wait...
All meals at home today, meat for tomorrows dinner thawing already.
Posted in
January 27th, 2006 at 08:57 pm
Yes, I danced with the credit card companies today. I received the new card yesterday, the new one with the LOW interest rate & balance transfer deal. So, I moved the #1 card balance with the HIGH rate..........and most of the #2 card with the medium rate to the new card, which will be called the #2 card from now on.
This leaves me with 2 cards, both with the new lower interest rates.
I am paying off the balance that we couldn't get moved to the new card today.
Feels good to complete this project, it did take some time but didn't cost anything and I am making money with the switch.
I made detailed notes of all the changes & will enter the new account into my bill payer info on line. Changes like this tend to come back & bite me if I don't really keep track of them. With the recent move & refinancing and other real estate dealings, there were plenty of accounts that got more than a little messed up.
I will use the new system of paying minimum on all but card #1 & put as much as I can on it each month until it is paid off. I still think I'm on track to get them all gone in 2006.
All meals at home today..........leftovers & freezer offerings.
Still waiting on the first payment for the pasture lease. Will need to purchase the extra insurance as soon as her paperwork comes in. The monthly payment will cover the insurance over time..........but I will have the initial premium to pay up front.
I am getting the benefit of having horses here, without the expenses! I think this may be enough for me!
I'm getting the new wood stove today.....and I've got the older one advertised on Craigs list. Two people are interested in it.......hoping one of them comes through. I don't have to sell it right away, and I do have room to put it in the shed, so I think I'll just hold out for my original price of $950. That would pay for half of the new stove!! It lists for $1300 online, so it is still a bargain & I think I have it priced right.
Got another great offer to advertise my sewing/alterations to a group of local people. I will commit to getting the business cards done this week, so they are ready to give to my latest connection.
Have received a couple online inquiries about the new business........but no appointments as yet. Patience!
Have questions about the latest challenge.........the IRA/Roth bit. Not sure what I'm doing in this area. Think I will call my person with Schwab next week & see if they have answers for me.
Self employed........can I even do one of these?? If so, why haven't I done it before??
Since I contract with the state, I am going to check to see if I can access the states credit union, or if they have the IRA option for us independant contractors. Worth a shot.
Checked with our local power company for the energy audit someone mentioned here. Ours is $90.00. Used to be free. I'm not sure I could re coup the money, so don't think I'm going to pay for the service. I did read their online tips & only found one I wasn't doing..... I don't have the foam gaskets on outside wall switches & outlets. Will do that soon.
Also noticed cool air coming up from the floor vents. Since we don't have a furnace hooked up.........I should find something to cut & block all these off. I am thinking this would make a huge difference to the temp inside. Will do.
Enough rambling.......need to get up & work to stay warm. I can't light a fire, since the stove needs to be removed today! Chilly in here!
Just ordered the business cards & finished 2 of the on line bank accounts with auto deposits in each. One more to go!
Posted in
January 27th, 2006 at 12:47 am
I am old enough that this shouldn't surprise me..........but, here it was again. That amazing part of the universe, that seems to move IF I move first. I start putting attention in on my finances; all parts of them. Income, expenses & investments. And..........what happens?? Good things! Gads, you would think I would be counting my pennies every day when I know that universal rule! Pay attention!!!
I have been working diligently on the CC bills here. Paid $1000 down on the big one from the business from last year. Got the new card in the mail today with the 0% rate for transfers for 12 months. Will call tomorrow & transfer the 2 balances to this card......
Got a letter from the bank today stating my online payment to my insurance co, for a policy on a rental had been credited to my account, as the company hadn't cashed the check. Called & doubled checked.........the policy has been paid in full for a year. So......I'm $487.00 ahead of myself here!
Got $20.00 from a friend that owed it to me........
Also, the housecleaner found some cash I had stashed under a dresser scarf in my bedroom! Nice surprise. I put money in odd places sometimes. I've got a couple people I will write checks for, (they aren't in a position to own checking accounts) & they will give me cash. If I don't want to carry that much money around with me, I just stick it somewhere in my room. Totally forgot about this stash!............again....a very nice surprise.
I did have to take my kiddo out for something for lunch today. Our kitchen floor was getting re done & there was no way to get near the food, it was just an inconvenient day here. But, it was lunch out instead of dinner like the original plan looked like, so not as bad money wise.
Each change I make here at the new house is definately helping with it's value. Trying hard not to do anything that I won't be able to recoup when I sell.......if I sell. We'll see if I end up liking it after this first round of changes/additions.
Another interesting bit of info today.......I noticed the truck was here to fill the propane tank... Went out to see how far down the fuel was; he said it wasn't down enough to even top off the tank. Yeah!!! I've got a propane fireplace, which the driver told me was the most inefficient thing made. I had thought it might be, so have only used it for decorative purposes when there has been someone here. (apparently, I don't have someone here very often!!) 
I've decided to just NOT use it.....and to figure out how to turn off the silly pilot light. I got more directions from the driver today, but we don't have the switch he referred to.......so, still wasting energy with the pilot light!!
Chilly in here tonight, not lighting the wood stove, as I want to take the ashes out in the morning, before the stove gets removed and replaced with a bigger one. So, we're bundling up! Time for a cup of tea & early to bed!!
All in all............a good money day. I'll try to continue this heightened awareness of my finances; every little penny of them!
Posted in
January 25th, 2006 at 11:53 pm
Wow, what a fancy new look to the journals...........now, blogs. I've stepped into new territory.
Spent money all day long today. Big money too. Bought a new refrigerator, just to save me $100. Too funny. But, when replacing the kitchen floor tomorrow, the floor crew would charge $100 to put the old fridge back on the new floor..........and, since I hate it worse than the 28 days of rain we've just experience here...........I decided to get the new one ordered & have it delivered & installed instead.
Went to a thrift store to get dress up clothes for C. They had an odd offer.....buy their calendar (with coupons in the back) for $1.50..........and this months coupon was for $10.00 off. I ended up paying $29.00 for a huge sack of things for C. (they are really for me.......if he's busy & happy..........so am I!!)
Returned an item from Christmas, it didn't work, actually had the receipt, remembered to take it in and got a cash refund. Historically, I've left these kinds of things in the van for up to a year, then just dumped them. Felt good to take this one back.
Set moms hair, she insists on paying me for this each time. I think she sees me being more conscious of my spending & money in general...........and has decided I'm short on cash!! I assure her each time I'm just fine......but again.........an extra $20.00 on the counter in the bathroom when I went in there after she had left! (adding it to my stash now!!) 
Have a 2nd student signed up for knitting classes next week. It always surprises me when people are willing.........more than willing, to pay me for something like this. Makes me grateful my parents took the time and energy to teach me all these kinds of things while I was growing up.
Posted in
January 24th, 2006 at 08:46 pm
Actually walked for an hour this AM. Gorgeous sunshine too, which we haven't seen here for at least a month. Feel great. When done, I checked out the booth rental at the Antique Mall..............and it's half of what I was paying last year.
I put my name on a list for an available booth when one comes up. It's more of an investment than the $20.00, but I'm going to consider it in the same catagory. Something I'm not doing now...........and something to earn more money.
I loved the antique booth for the last couple years...........great fun, met some great people, got out of the house & learned lots too. Plus made money! Can't beat that. Wonder why I didn't think of it right away?
With the surplus items that come in here from the storage unit auctions, the items will be free to me for the booth. I already have my tax number, so I'm just waiting for the call at this point.
As I was out, the van turned over 100,000 miles. Caused me to think about the van/mileage/service bit. I'm usually not thinking of the vehicle, I drive so seldom. Just want it to go & stop. But, I ran it through my SavingAdvice filter...........and wonder if I'm doing all I can to get the best mileage out of it? I don't have excess stuff in it, but wonder about taking out the back seat & leaving it in the garage? I don't have that many kids anymore & actually use the back to haul things occasionally............so it would be no inconvenience. Will have to check into basic maint. for the van..........no idea of what I'm supposed to be doing & how often. Any advice out there??
A positive day. Feel like I'm moving forward in many aspects!
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