Home > running out of calendar

running out of calendar

February 26th, 2006 at 08:50 pm

February is just too short to get all my goals met! I've got just 2 days to finish up this list:

I DID sell the wood stove!
I've got someone coming to see the fridge today (first appt. out of lots of emails)
No seeds ordered yet for the garden
Lights down outside, but no bulbs to fit
Haven't decided where to open the IRA yet either, still trying to figure out IRA's. Can't fund it yet unless I take money out of the remodel fund or wait for March paychecks.

So, the next 2 days will have me flying here to play catch up. I like being accountable here however......otherwise I just keep re doing my TO DO lists with many of the same items on them. Doesn't help much, except to make me feel like I'm getting behind!

Spending the day doing some bulk cooking, as I found items when transferring things from the old freezer to the new one that will be more helpful here in ready to go meals. Smells great in here, really confusing the kids, as this isn't whats for dinner. Smile

I'm making a feeble attempt to cook something that is a bit different, I was going to try a new recipe each month as I'm so bored with cooking. Just breaded chicken cutlets tonight, not a recipe, but different than putting the chicken in the crockpot!

If I was really wealthy, I'd have someone else do the cooking! It just seems so time consuming for a product that is so fleeting. I'd rather sew or knit.

While things are cooking, I'm getting in a few more prep hours on my antique booth items. Have one box finished and loaded into the van already today. Progress on the $20.00 Challenge too.

2 Responses to “running out of calendar”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I put bonesless chicken in the crockpot with soup. It just tastes like boiled chicken and I gave it to my dogs. any ideas to make it have a taste?

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I never put anything on my meat when I do a crock pot meal. Just let the meat make it's own juice. Then, after everything is cooked, I can take out some & season it or use a sauce on it for that meal. The rest is not jazzed up yet, so I can put it away for another meal....and do something different with it.

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