Home > Challenge Standing

Challenge Standing

February 5th, 2006 at 08:00 am

I'm still in the group that hasn't made any money yet with my $20.00. In fact, I've spent some of it. $7.98 I think it is. Shipping on my Free business cards. Not quite free that way, but cheaper than I can get locally.

The cards are here, today is the first day I will be able to distribute any of them. Heading to our local swap meet event, a combination of street fair, farmers market & thrift store sort of deal.............inside (pacific northwest necessity). Hoping to drum up some interest in the sewing/knitting business.

Also got the call from a local antique mall, my name came up and there is a space available March 1st. I sign the contract this week. Rent is $75 a month. Items for this booth will be free to me, my tenant buys storage units at auction and there are always things she can't use or sell. They tend to be the cutsey sort of collectables that will be perfect for this mall. I'm looking forward to starting this again........ I was making money with it when I did it a few years ago.

So.........the bottom line is down, but looking up!

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